I am a girl, Free Nudes on request, sometimes mastubation videos, love dick picks and cum shots

I am a girl, Free Nudes on request, sometimes mastubation videos, love dick picks and cum shots

Number: 8709550280

So, who's the number for actually, and why are you salty at them?

Timestamp tits

and if you really are a girl, tits×tamp or gtfo.

Tits, timestamp, sharpie in pooper.

In trolling this chick that i hate, im the one who posted the thread, I got her number so I could post this and make her phone blow up with nude request

stupid ass whore might ass well sell your soul to the devil fucking bitch

Planned on it, I'm just trollin mate

Ok I'm not really a girl is my sister's number my father died two months ago and she did not even go to the funeral she's strung out on drugs and steals from my mom daily I don't want her to get hurt I just wanted to mess with her head

For some reason, after looking at pepe I've read this post with a sad, tired voice in my head, as if OP has no choice or just doesn't know what to do with her life.
That's strange.

So a sister... Got nudes or win?

No fuck those people I am real op i really am a girl send me dick pics and nude requests I will deliver I always deliver

That's not it mate, I'm the moderator, ok, it's fine black chick I hate and I'm trolling her, she is adopted though

and you plan on fixing the situation by sending her dick pics? Be a fucking adult.

I will tell you the truth, I really send Free Nudes on request and all the rest too.
I am just a MtF (Massive transsexual Faggot) and I'll soon get a Pocket Pussy instead of my Feminine Dick.

>"i am a girl"

No faggot I'm real op that really is my sister's phone number if I had pics of her I would prove it

I consider myself a girl so it's still true, ask me for nudes

Tits and timestamp or gtfo

Ok OP then it's ok, we were a little confused there, but now that you clarified the situation I'd be more than happy to send you my dick

That's not op it is my fuked up sister's number I have no pics was just trying to get back at her for being a fuck up