Why does Reddit hate him?

Why does Reddit hate him?

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Because he is a wise sage blessed with wisdom and truth. A truth reddit users must hide from the world.

Because he's a spastic autistic mong

Why does OP make the thread?


because he states his opinion, to which people arent supposed to be offended, but reddit does get offended, because its reddit

because he doesn't know almost anything about the shit he's talking about

Because he's sucking Keemstar's dick


They do?

I think he's funny. At least until his last 3 videos. They were shit.

A wise sage that cried to a mod to delete a thread just because people were rightfully criticizing him, exposing him as a thin-skinned cunt?


because he exposed Matthew santoro

Dude take your fat ass outside

Check out his subreddit. He's getting called out on his hypocrisy and his willingness to BALEET every criticism because of how sensitive he is.


like over half of his videos are comedy and the rest are opinions. He isn't fucking discovery. He doesn't need to know what he is talking about? Or are you that kinda cunt that makes all your friends cite their opinions in conversations?

Why would a wise sage ask a mod to delete the whole reddit calling him out on his hypocrisy and thin-skinned tendencies?

That doesn't undo the valid criticism that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

It's like looking at a noob playing a video game and saying it sucks because he sucks at it. Same thing.

A wise sage in bed with a garden gnome?

>binary calculator in minecraft
fucking reddit

lol what a cunt

he even deleted all of his posts on reddit too

What a fucking hypocrite. Wasn't this the same guy complaining about YouTubers deleting comments because they have something to hide?

Maybe I should give an example to this, like for example this video: youtube.com/watch?v=u5pnDkrCsDQ
>they all look the same
>proceeds to make an entire video on people being unable to to identify the area people in a specific race are
>Everybody else takes it even though that statement refers to people being unable to tell two people of the same race apart, not that they couldn't tell where they were from, which is unreasonable on many fronts

He's a bit of a hypocrite. Calling out others for shit that he also does.

They used to love him though. There might be more story as to why reddit hates him now, or maybe the hivemind really is that fickle

Wise sage my ass.

The guy's a knob and a hypocrite.

probably just the hivemind
It doesn't undo the valid criticism about him though
>criticizes PewDiePie for hating on YouTube drama and making some the very next day
>Makes a video where he does the exact same thing and IN THE SAME VIDEO starts drama on Matthew Santoro

It didn't help that in his latest video, he never apologized about what he did to Markiplier, he asked to censor dissent, he called the Redditors unreasonable fans, and he called the reddit mod who exposed him a bitch and a whore.

What did he do to your precious markiplier, make fun of his feminist colored hair?

Not just the hivemind. When pressed in regards to his hypocrisy, he blames the people criticizing him even though in his own video he said "noone" should be immune to criticism. It also helps that he's deleting all the comments calling him out about this.

If a noob played a video game and criticized it but he was funny. It would be fine. Especially if he didn't pretend to be the best gamer ever. Which is basically what grade a does. He never claims to be an expert and refers to himself as a cunt and such.

Which is rich coming from someone who's afraid of having himself doxxed and his face exposed.

I don't even watch Markiplier.

He's fucking deleting comments now?
At that point its impossible to deny criticism about him.

>If a noob played a video game and criticized it but he was funny.

You must be a fan of AVGN, then.

>liking a noob blaming a game for his noobiness.

>its a comedy video
>you're taking it super seriously and personally insulting

this is why you have no friends.

he also wants his whole subreddit deleted

>It's just a prank, bro

Classic case of a guy who can dish it out but can't take it lol.

Hi, Keemstar.

I'm not at all personally insulted by it, it just makes him look like an idiot.
Why would somebody else showing a clear lack of understanding offend me? Because if anything it PREVENTS me from being offended by it.
You continuously defending him blindly without even attempting to justify any of the criticism I brought against him shows that you are the exact type of person who would subscribe to him and like his videos.

I watched and liked some of his videos. The whole swearing for the sake of swearing thing isn't really my thing. Seems juvenile and he has been kinda checked out for awhile now but essentially yeah. He is not a good gamer, blames the game, but produces comedy from it. Why not?

Typical grade a underaged fanboy.

>I watched and liked some of his videos.

Thank you for proving me right. Case in point.

What a tool. No wonder he has an encyclopedia dramatica page about him.

He has an unwarranted sense of importance.

samefag underage b& who can't take criticism of the youtuber that he loves so much

So he's GradeA UnderA? See:

But he's posted PM's himself and never showed a fraction of the remorse the mod is showing. So much flip-flopping.

yeah, I do subscribe to him. I'm not defending him blindly. You are just criticizing poorly. If you said he was unfunny or something. That would be fair, but you are essentially criticizing a comedian for not accurately representing topics in jokes,
Like you are going to watch a standup comedian and he complains about peanut bags on airplanes and blames the airport. Rather then saying the joke is dumb and overdone. You would criticize that the comedian doesnt realize that the bag of peanuts is purchased through a distributor and not created by the airport itself. Then you would go on for 20 minutes about how silly it would be for an airplane to manufacture their own peanuts. Then yell "This guy doesn't know what he is talking about" and storm out.

Grade A doesn't pretend to be a paragon of virtue or to be an expert on race relations or anything else. He is a comedian. Rather then criticizing him for his joke, you are criticizing his lack of knowledge on the topics like its a fucking ted talk.

eugh, dude. I wonder if he was always such a cunt or if the fame got to his head.

GradeAUnderA's alliance.

Chances are he's always been a cunt.


He's a cunt, hell he even admits it in his vids.

He uses "I'm a cunt" the same way prank youtubers use "It's just a prank bro".

>encyclopedia dramatica
Holy shit!! People actually still go there?

sorry faggot

what a baby

Admitting to be a cunt is a joke that people laughs off at parties. That's like his protection against criticisms towards how much of a douce he is: "I called myself a cunt, so just shut up"


Ad hominem attacks are just weak in general. On Mark's vid all he did was ad hominem attacks.

Cancer breeds cancer. GradeA is the kind of cancer that belongs there.

I'm not even a fan of Markiplier, but his whole argument stemmed from him making fun of his hair that he dyed for charity.

It was funny to see him backpedal after learning that tho.

>I'm not defending him blindly.

You are if you're excusing the same actions he criticizes other youtubers of doing.

I have no idea who those youtubers are but they look like faggots so I don't care. Troll the shit out of them. They are faggot youtubers.

>I have no idea who those youtubers are but they look like faggots so I don't care.

So he's a faggot calling other faggots faggots. GJ.

>I'm not defending him blindly
Says the one who doesn't bother to refute any of the claims I made
>You would criticize that the comedian doesnt realize that the bag of peanuts is purchased through a distributor and not created by the airport itself
This is an example of you taking an actual, valid point I made to the extreme. I was criticizing him because his joke would only work based on the assumption that people were unable to tell the difference between people from two countries, which was incorrect. Not only that, he acts like he's trying to be noble and make a statement and when he gets something wrong people excuse it for being just a "comedian".
Going over your peanut analogy, the comedian in that situation's joke is not at all tied to where the peanuts are produced, he is just placing the blame on something. Plus, as I mentioned before, GradeAUnderA attempts to make a statement about people calling things racist towards the end of the video, something that clearly isn't funny, nor is it a joke. In this way he is producing an argument based on unfounded logic, which is what rubs me the wrong way.

So essentially what you're saying is that he's a comedian who doesn't know what he's talking about and you're encouraging him to perpetuate his ignorance.

He was always a cunt, that was his thing. Just didn't think he was a hypocrite on top of that.


The funny thing about him is that he's a thin-skinned cunt, which is the best kind of lolcow.


I mean, that mark guy looked like a cuck, hence hes a faggot. Some skinny black kid talking about weight lifting a veganism? Some bitch who just camwhores and says shit for attention, some dude who reads off lists like every other youtuber, and pewdiepie the biggest faggot of them all. Yeah, everyone he criticizes is a faggot. So I don't care. Why the fuck would you defend those guys?
Oh no! His criticism of markiplier wasn't fair!
Who cares, the fucking guy is an autistic manchild.
Whats next, you are going to defend essie slaughter as a sensitive loving soul who deserves respect and to be listened to and we all unjustly called her a slut?
Grow up.

He should be the one trolled the shit out of because he's a lot more sensitive than the people he's "trolling" for views and subs.

Yeah... That sentence doesn't make any sense.

ED went down the drain the moment the captain shuffled off this mortal coil, the only thing that remains are 13 year olds with an ax to grind.

And he's a thin-skinned cunt who's afraid of showing his paki face and goes off on anyone with legitimate criticism even though himself criticizes youtubers for deleting comments.

Do you have a point?

>Cancer breeds cancer
>Yeah... That sentence doesn't make any sense.

Are you ESL?

No, are you?

So what you're saying is that you're okay that GradeA UnderA is a hypocrite faggot and autistic manchild? Because that's all people are saying. They couldn't give less of a flying fuck about Markiplier.

Why would you want to see his face? That's fucking weird.

>Whats next, you are going to defend essie slaughter as a sensitive loving soul who deserves respect and to be listened to and we all unjustly called her a slut?

Except no one gives a shit about Markiplier here, only that GradeA is a bigger cuck than he is yet he's one to speak.

Where did I say I want to see his face?

My point is, why would he hide it and then proceed to make fun of other people's faces?


>cancer breeds cancer
>hurr durr what does it mean?!

No, seriously. Are you having your first few English lessons?

some guy was defending markiplier.
I'm saying grade a is funny. That is it. Everyone else is looking for reddit conspiracies and shit. Who gives a fuck? Is this what you do now that gamergate is finished? Just try to find conspiracies in everyones fucking behavior so you can go on a crusade?
Roman Polanski butt fucked a 13 year old. I'm still going to watch Vanity Fair.

>ED went down the drain the moment the captain shuffled off this mortal coil, the only thing that remains are 13 year olds with an ax to grind.

That sentence doesn't make sense. Are you high?

and your a faggot, but if you can make me laugh. I'm not going to hold your inability to stop sucking cocks against you. Even if you make fun of other people for being faggy.

>some guy was defending markiplier.
No, I read the replies. Some guy was pointing out GradeA was worse than someone he was criticizing because he's being a hypocrite.

Reading comprehension. Learn it.

>GradeA and IHE logic
>Hate YouTube Drama
>Makes videos about drama, thereby contributing to said drama
Bra-fucking-vo cunts

>and your a faggot, but if you can make me laugh.

So you're defending GradeA for being a faggot because you're a faggot yourself who finds his faggotry hilarious?

Typical 13-year-old gradeA underAged fanboy detected.

>Roman Polanski butt fucked a 13 year old. I'm still going to watch Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair is pretentious garbage and GradeA UnderA videos are quite mediocre when you realize he's a knob who does everything he criticizes others of doing.


What Reddit Did It Reddit Would Undo It.

Who cares if he is a hypocrite?
Seriously, are you going to search for some yoituber, comedian, entertainer, etc. that is NOT a hypocrite before you laugh.

Well, well, well, mr. Lenny Bruce. You complain about the government but didn't you also dress up as a catholic charity to steal from honest people?
I'm sorry mr. Bruce! You are no longer funny! Your excuse of being a cunt is not allowed!

what the fuck???????

anyways I just like his simple art style and delivery, I think it's quite funny

I don't really care about this drama bs

I do, not much new there though
IRC is still alive though, surprisingly

>Who cares if he is a hypocrite?
Why the fuck would we listen to a hypocrite call out others on hypocrisy?

It's like watching Matthew Santoro do a top ten worst plagiarists or your mom telling you how bad it is to be a promiscuous whore.

>internet celebs

smdh tbh fam

No, I'm a fucking adult who doesn't go calling a fatwa on people because they don't live up your precious moral standards.

nice one

>No, I'm a fucking adult

You, like Grade, should act like adults then.

because its funny.
Are you seriously this fucking stuck up?
Get the fuck off Sup Forums.
We must hurt your precious moral compass

GradeA UnderAged fans, everyone.