
funny map edition

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last night i mainstream mediaed your brexit

What is the probability of A or B if the events are independent (mutually exclusive)?
What is the probability of A or B if the events are dependent?
What is the probability of A and B?
What is the probability of A given B?
What is the probability of B given A?
What is the probability of neither A nor B occurring? (Independent , Dependent)


I would knock you spark out

give us some tips on openings to use on the ol' tinder

this is the most basic shite mate

read chap1 of any probability book

sugar is as addictive as cocaine

But it doesn't turn people into cunts

how much does a decent gf go for these days?

I've only got 5 grand saved up and I haven't brought christmas presents yet

mummy just came into my room to console me about the crash

It turns em into fat cunts

pozz my neghole

>not cunts

What uni was this mate? Usually they have more people applying than they have spaces.

>sugar is as addictive as cocaine

fat cunts


neg my pozzhole

fat cunt

anything specific like a latex gf?

>copied from old thread
Notts, although I applied the same year that the Lib Dems fucked themselves with the massive tuition fee hike, so it could be that that put lots of people off applying.

get urges to run to the shops and buy some sugary sometimes

mouth sometimes also waters when thinking about sugary sweets or walking past them in the supermarket

*examines your hole*


that's not a neg hole lad...

how can we explain the legal toleration for alcohol, the most destructive of all intoxicants, and the almost frenzied efforts to repress nearly all other drugs? Could it not be that we are willing to pay the terrible toll that alcohol extracts because it is allowing us to continue the repressive dominator style that keeps us all infantile and irresponsible participants in a dominator world characterized by the marketing of ungratified sexual fantasy?

Who here /5sugarsintea/?

eating ice-cream and it hurts my teef

>british honduras
>it's not even close to honduras
>not british colombia
i'm triggered


Good combo tbqh

show yol teef


I got the willy-wang-poo song stuck in my head lads

feel like crying
not going to though just going to get really drunk and stoned at the same ti,e so my brain stops working properly

Ordered a chinese an hour ago and its still not here


won the "best drunk incident" work christmas party award lads

i've been at the company 2 months and have a reputation for being an alco

>only 1 (one) day of wage servitude left for the week

this time tomorrow I will be 2 bers deep into friday night

>anti sugar
>anti cocaine

you lot, the no fun allowed crowd, are the real cunts

Here's a tip. If you ever get a song stuck in your head, try singing the lyrics of that song to the tune of a different song.

Is it alri to lie about work experience/activities you did back in sixth form/secondary?

Do they check

chinese that delivers??

china is a few thousand miles away lad

What was "the incident"?

Find it absolutely MENTAL that America dropped not only one, but TWO nuclear bombs on Japan. Isnt that just fucking nuts? And now they're pretty good mates all things considered

Bonkers lads, crazy world we live in

anti sugar
pro cocaine


flip between supporting and propagating my gimmicks and being really really sad haha

Cannabis is anathema to the dominator culture because it deconditions or decouples users from accepted values. Because of its subliminally psychedelic effect, cannabis, when pursued as a lifestyle, places a person in intuitive contact with less goal-oriented and less competitive behavior patterns. For these reasons marijuana is unwelcome in the modern office environment, while a drug such as coffee, which reinforces the values of industrial culture, is both welcomed and encouraged.

Cannabis use is correctly sensed as heretical and deeply disloyal to the values of male dominance and stratified hierarchy. Legalization of marijuana is thus a complex issue, since it involves legitimating a social factor that might ameliorate or even modify ego-dominant values.

millie b is a slag

message her

"would you let me dive down your marianna trench?"

or something to that effect

It's fine just don't lie to get into a job that requires you to already know how everything works.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting

bet your fannys fucking minging

prefer not to say

Should I go to Iran next year

DESPISE the left. not racist just hate muzzies and foreners

Yeah sorry mate your card's been declined, you got cash?

such an insightful rhetorician


sometimes I post 'roaring' when in fact I'm barely breaking a smile

he's losing the rag

>tfw stretching your back out after a long self-suck session

feels good

hmmm looks just like one of my PJW photoshops
bit weird


Going on your gap yah Rupert?


you can really see how jewish he is in those shades

What is it with these "alt-right" types that they're all invariably homos?

should i start doing muay thai lads


Trust me geez no one is arsed enough to check about the work you did in 6th form

sort out your manky scouse brow

just did 14 push-ups lads

reckon i could batter ye all

I never really laugh when im alone, is that normal?

No I'd be there for like 9 days

Screeched at this post (exhaled swiftly through my nose)

Is this you?

need a shag

this is basically what I've just said except in picture form

i often burst out into a fit of laughter at /brit/ shit posts

fascinating ...

*signals the doormen to remove this bogtrotter*

I can't remember the last time I genuinely laughed, I force myself to laugh to fit into social situations but that's about it.



literally the most normal thing

laughing is a social action mainly, not related to being entertained by something

that said I have been reduced to laughing tatters at moments by the 'chon

haha i know haha

really enjoyed this

you reckon i could get into manchester econ (AAB requirements) with BBB

got a space at leicester but dunno if i wanna go because apparently it's pointless to go to a uni that isn't high in the rankings

also manchester would be fun as fuck


what's the meaning of this webm

i will laugh out loud at Sup Forums sometimes
it's mostly a heavy breath of approval though

>go to school
>get shot by school's hired armed guards



Often break into a booming laugh when I'm alone and it's often (at least visibly) unprompted, so people just think I'm mental but in reality, I just thought of something funny.

Stop posting if you're under 23, you're just shitting the place up

your girl's poom-poom smells like the a13 beckton exit

often laugh to myself when alone in public when thinking of something funny that happened on the 'chon


t. turned 23 last week

he was waving a knife at everyone so fuck him, hope he's dead

fuck off grandad

sophie we know who you are

my favourite asmr maker desu