Daily Mostly Enjoyable Berserk Thread

Daily Mostly Enjoyable Berserk Thread.

Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.


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It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil dead style but in a completely serious manner. Over the next ~5 volumes you have every bit of bad in his world corrupted and risen to full blown demonic rape-fests; corrupt priests burning everyone at the stake, packs of roving goblins kidnapping women, raping and impregnating them to make more monsters, an evil god-emporer who tries to take over the world etc. It then turns into a traditional swords/sorcery fantasy where Guts assembles a team of rag-tag heroes to destroy the five God Hands of hell, one of whom was his best friend and rival during the Golden Age.












Hey 911, what's going on?





Hell yeah Best Thread on Sup Forums!


Thank user!
I try.

Watched new Anne Happy and in the middle of watching new Netoge. Waiting for Doom to arrive in the post tomorrow so I can play it, hopefully it'll be fun. Not much else right now, might play some more Stellaris if I feel like it, you?

Onto Volume 10 Chapter 3

Good stuff.
How much better should Doom be compared to the beta?

Not a whole lot, tried for a fire cap, died at wave 61. Ran out of brews, had too many super restores. Trying again tomorrow with a new setup.







Beta was only multiplayer and I only really care about the single player but it should be better, lot of stuff was not available in the beta.

>Not a whole lot, tried for a fire cap, died at wave 61. Ran out of brews, had too many super restores. Trying again tomorrow with a new setup.
Seems like all you need to do is bring less restores.

isidro was a mistake

scheirke was also a mistake but she's got a lolibutt and spirit hugs so it's slightly more forgivable

You and me both, user.

Gotcha, that's good then.

Yeah, still don't have the luring down right, so I took more damage than I anticipated, going from 7 to 10 brews, and 18 to 15 restores.

Pretty much.
Isidro is alright, and Isma is pretty great, but they don't really feel like they belong in Berserk.



tbh magic killed berserk harder than any of the delays ever did

I think they went hand in hand, I don't dislike the magic as much, but I think it's used a little too much. Mainly that and the addition of Guts's JRPG party.


Isidro and Scheirke really should have been the Bat and Lin to Guts' Kenshiro. 100% useless and in the way.


I agree to an extent. The only thing I hate about it now is it seems to be the finisher for all major apostles since Guts power alone does not seem to be enough anymore.

Haven't seen HnK yet, unfortunately, so can't comment on the reference.
Would've been nice if Isidro wasn't such a spas. The scenes where he's learning how to fight from Guts are pretty good in my opinion.

>yfw guts defeats griffith with the power of friendship in true shounen fashion



As watered down berserk has become compared to its old self, I do not think it is in any way shounen.




End of Volume 10 Chapter 4 and end of dump for tonight

Oh my, still going on, good to see

Maybe the ten year old boy fall out of favour with the fire-elementals that grace his magic dagger and they won't grant him superpowers anymore.

That sentence is just not Berserk, you know? That's some Harry Potter shit.

>guts forgives griffith

Every day until forever

Probably because they'd draw it out and make it half a chapter, instead of a 2-3 panel thing. Something like that would have almost no effect on the plot.
It'd be a shame if that happened in Berserk.

I think the last time I was here was when Genks linked me, last year

Man, I haven't seen Genkou in many months. Should PM him. Have you talked to him recently?

About one month ago was the last time I talked to him

So he's not dead after all.
Good news.

>I would rage.

Aye, I was surprised when I saw him too

Anyway, it's nice to see these threads are still going, they have been here since I started lurking often

what the fuck

Couldn't imagine a life without the threads.
Always nice to see people come back over the course of years.

It's Berserk

I think one of the reasons i like these threads so much is although this is an user image board you can tell this is the same guy thats been doing this for years. I dont remember the first time I saw these threads but I know its been almost 3 years.

Well then, I have to go to bed

See you and good tidings!

Yeah, it can be a little hard to remember everyone over time, but it's nice to be known a little. It's been great introducing a bunch of people to Berserk.
Here's to 3 more years.

Sleep tight!
Thanks for stopping by.

its still cancer anyways

no u

no you

no u

no u

no (You)

no you