Hey Sup Forums, how do I ask my 13 year old neighbour to be my girlfriend...

Hey Sup Forums, how do I ask my 13 year old neighbour to be my girlfriend? We've been hanging out almost every weekend and I'm really falling for her, the only problem is im 25 but I still want to be with her

> also whoever rolls 69 gets a pic of her

lol u 12?

Enjoy getting raped in jail.

NoicE B8 M8

You don't.

Drug her, fuck her, and go on with your life.

Shsjowbdbxkamav iamdbxhaknsbfk


oh shit


Way too old

Degenerate bastard

Cum on her doorknob before she comes back from school

Bingo. Now pics OP

tfw god

That was fucking fast

you don't. you make friends your own age

Show us OP. Just don't put all of us on a watchlist


I like girls aged 5-11.
Youtube is full of them doing gymnastics and stuff.


Link to these vids?

god damn

If I did that I'd get banned. I told you want to search anyway.

srsly .... how can you even think that when you KNOW shes that young.. and your that old!?? maybe seek Counseling or even better just walk up to the prison and say you wanna stay over night the rest of your life Pedo freak! ...


yo pokemon photo booth app

Double win

Where did all these normalfags come from?

You wouldn't get banned cuz it's perfectly legal.


shut up fag


Correction; I wouldn't get v& because it's perfectly legal. I'd get b& 100% if I posted a gymnastics video here.

Reddit has a bunch of pedos in it too though. It even used to have /r/preteen




Why are you asking a girl tied up in your basement permission for anything?


Queen hate China

Does it still have this?


It's been gone for like 5 or 6 years now.

Just break in house when she sleeps and molest her
Or drug and rape her, I'm not familiar of how you FBI guys work

Buy her a puppy and tell her she can't have it for five years. At least you won't suffer alone.

Any other place?

Holy shit this

Hahahahahahaha my fucking sides!

Youtube. Webcam videos, gymnastics videos, panties playlists, etc.
Use your brain and the search box.

holy shit, never heard of that


Guide me. Any preteen chans? Legal

>Guide me.

>Any preteen chans? Legal
No, they're grey area.

Dude. Chill yo.

Hey op, I never really understood this whole pedo thing. I get that under aged girls can be attractive, and there's nothing wrong with finding them attractive. However actually going through with a relationship, or attempting one anyway is what I don't get. Since there is a big age gap you both would obviously have different prioraties and interests. how do you expect it to work out?

Dude, Snacks please stop making threads about your underaged neighbor. You are a huge faggot.

mazterchan . org / candy


When I was at the age of 16 I had GF she was 13, I thought that was messed up...

bullshit thread, promises pic at 69 and then doesnt deliver, fuck this guy.

They update very slow tho

Please die

Fucking god mode

Op isn't Donald Trump.


One Icecream bart mint 10/2,34


This so hard.

Prepubescent girls should never really be found attractive though. Cute, maybe but not sexually arousing. To each his own though... Just don't hurt little kids in real life.. Even if it's consensual everyone will beat it into their heads that they were abused and should feel traumatized an you'll just brb, jail

Critical error



Go out and talk to a woman your own age loser.

There is no girl. OP just wanted attention and didnt think anyone would get 69. Now that someone has he isnt going to talk or anything and just sit back and bask in the attention he is getting. Im out of this thread.

fuck off

A girl of age 13 might very well look older if fully developed. It may be a stretch. But to say that she can't be attractive... that's just a lie. And at that age she is not "a little girl" any more. In many countries 13 is fine for marriage. I believe that is the case in some states in the US also?

And by consensual I mean they know what sex is and are actively looking to have it. For instance when I was 12-13 I wanted to fuck almost every female teacher I had. One in particular. If she would have had sex with me I would not have been traumatized and I would have had one of my biggest fantasies ever fullfilled. Get it? Innocent kids cannot consent to that kind of behavior. I however sat in her class everyday thinking about bending her over her desk...

Nice copy post. Saw this over a year ago

SeeAlso can't argue with you there. 13 year olds can be sexually mature and emotionally stable enough to make their own decisions about such things. As I was at 13. I just personally don't find girls that young attractive like that. 16-17 possibly but definitely not 13. This topic is like taboo in real life so I'm glad we can have real discussions on here about it.

I've had way too much underaged high school pussy. I'm actually in fear that one day one of them turns feminist and calls the cops on me.

Every state has a different age of consent. Has nothing to so with marriage. Just statutory rape charges.

Real feminists wouldn't do that lol. Especially since they consented.

It's crazy insecure butthurt girls who cry rape on guys when they get dumped or you know, he does anything to piss her off.

Think if it has teaching her how to be a better gf, by being your gf

I have. I traded them in like cars and pulled out the lot with a newer younger one EVERY FUCKING YEAR LOL
