Ask a Master Yi main anything

Ask a Master Yi main anything.

Some info:
>Been playing Yi since I started in playing LoL in patch 4.5
>I have 150k mastery points on him
>On average, I go 20/4/6
>Yes I know he I easy


Rammus main here. sup bitch?

> still plays this shit game

Wp dude

Rammus is a pain in my ass if he gets fed.

On a scale of 1-10, how big of a faggot are you?

Your thoughts on ap yi? RIP AP YI

lul 150k i got like 300k on jayce and i dont even play him LUL

I'm not at all a faggot, but I know you wish I was.

Obviously you've played him before if you have that much mastery on him so stop being a faggot.

I assure you, i always do. My friends get pissed when they see master yi jungle (bronze) i always counter jungle him relentlessly after thornmail.

Wukong main here

cowsep is better git gud

same here bro. i have 200k mastery points with him and a 72% ranked win ratio with him

I have the theory that Jax is black
Because Yi's ass gets fucked up really hard by him

Yi easy to play, hard to master and very easily shut down in high elo. Support main here, a little cc and that shit is ded.

tip fedora
i will always fucking beat a yi, no matter what
i am a shaco main ask me anything
i have about 500k because other accounts have small increments

a good yi can fuck up a jax easily. use W when he uses his E, then q dodge his stun.


d5 player here what up

fuck dude.. how??

how on which part? i just really like yi.

ok so what are your summoner spells ?
and what ELO are you
> i main Veigar> wish i didn't

I only played AP Yi one time and I didn't like it. I prefer 100% crit. chance with Bloodthirster.

A lot of the time I can whoop Rammus's ass, but if he gets fed, then I am fucked and that is gg for me.

Nice to see another Yi main.

I can fuck up Jax most times, unless, like Rammus, he is fed. It's a matter of outplays though when it comes to Jax vs. Yi.

I actually never really get fucked by a Shaco, but then again I have never played against a good Shaco.

Welcome. I am only B5 but I don't play ranked much because I don't have anyone to team with and every time I solo-queue I get a bunch of feeders or trolls.

I main Mastery Yi Jungle, so I always run Smite D and Flash F. If I play him any other lane, I run Teleport or Ignite D and Flash F.

I have a shit ELO because it took me awhile to actually learn to play the game and learn how the game worked and what not.
Overall I am 30/85 on ranked, and 5/10 on ranked with Yi. In normies, I don't know my W/L but I know it's about even.

Yi 2 phantom 2 bloods 1 ie boots wtf stop killing people s1-3 ap yi puff deathfire 1 instakill reset puff more kills

playing yi since 4.5 so cute , call me whe you play since the beta fagot and make 3 pentas on 1 match with 30/0/1 solo 5 drakes and baron

i used to do what with twitch all the time back in the day
I pop out ult other team dies
Dodge jax was another fun thing and all sunfire garen