Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Soraka?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Soraka?

she's bad and ure bad now stfu

eat my banana

this is from reddit ,

make me

>Plays support
>doesn't play Taric


Fuck soraka

Because Bard is better

maybe i will


She's literal cancer

I main Sona for Supp and ezreal for adc, Soraka is too boring for my play style. Hit and run burst.

Cause im not a cuck support

you can only be a cuck support

Soraka is for fags. Thresh wins.


Her horn in that pic look like th base of a dick...

Nice quads tho

Thresh is discount Blitzcrank

Ahri sp wins all day

Thresh, Trundle, Blits, Fiddles supp OP

More like the other way around, Blitz is Thresh for poorfags.

What does main mean in LoL? You only play one hero in that piece of shit game?

Blitzcrank can only do one job, thresh can do many more and much better

The champion you use to boost elo

No, it means it's your fav hero, you can't play the same guy every game, they may ban it some times

I really like Tracer, I think she's great fun to play

Thresh is one of the best if not THE best designed champion in league.

Blitz came first.

I know, but one Blitz hook can change an entire game. Something Thresh can't do.

haven't played in almost a year now. these were my mains though

Tracer is like Ryze, the mascot of the game that no one plays
Heil Reaper and Bastion. Heil Teemo and Ezreal.

Because support is for betas and girls

I'm not doubting that, but other than utility he's not good for much. I've dished out more damage with AP Blitz than any Thresh could ever dream of doing.