Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Shyvana?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Shyvana?

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I only played LoL a few times and I thought that Shyvana was a pretty good hero.

She is really strong!!

Because check em

lol this nub can't even dub

But I can, check em'

nice singles

because nautilus is more chill

because shyvana requires some farm/feed to be useuful.
So i main jungle tanks like zac heca sion and their ganks are way better.

lol this nub can't dub either

Thresh because you can't shyvana support

None Cuz perma banned guyz

forgot pic

I main no one, ARAM ftw

from reality


Why main Shyv when you can play as a fucking falcon?

not with that attitude

I bet you play yasuo aswell

i also enjoy having a variety of playstyles

Because I don't play shitty games.

while it's a good thing, doing that is not recommended because you will climb the ladder way slower.

original comment 9/11

Salty dawg, although Im plat 3 now.

i rarely play ranked much, it's more of a "i play my mains here" kind of thing

Kalista is much better, if well used, with a decent support

Honestly 3,000/6,000,000


Who the fuck shoops Plat V?

I beg to differ, here's an updated. As you can see, don't play much Bard anymore. Can't play it at a plat level.

>Cant play on plat level
>constantly see bard in masters/challenger

ure just shit

he didn't mean that it's not viable, he meant that he's not good enough bard.


I main fiora, i had level 5 mastery at level 11 took me like 17 wins lol

>i main Fiora


Not even close to fotm

Used to main shy top, then did jungle when devourer was still in the game.
I think she's pretty strong champion. Kind of relies on her opponent mispositioning to get kills on her, since she has no cc pre 6, and even at 6 it isn't that great.
I don't like her top a whole lot anymore because if you want to trade with someone you pretty much have to push which can get you ganked pretty easily if your opponent freezes on you.
Other than those weaknesses she's strong, cam shred tanks and wreck low mobility squishes.

Currently maining shen, 72% Winrate top lane in Plat 3 currently.

How you play Shen aggressively or reactively?
I played him after his rework and he didn't click with me.

Level 1 is super important, you get to lane early and place your Q in the closest bush to their turret, they try and cs you Q 3 auto them and they have to pop pots and lose pressure. By the time they are at hp to do anything, you've hit level 2 and position to Q auto trade into taunt.
This only really works in melee matchups since he gets shit on by ranged more so now than before.
Your big weakness is that you can't shove hard until you get sunfire and titanic hydra. So basically you have to play safe enough where you don't get out traded so that when you hit 6, you can make the play with your tp still available to respond to their shove after your ulti. I run cdr blues and get cdr boots pretty fast, this way since you were forced to tp back to lane after ulting, you'll eventually have the cdr to be able to ult once, tp back, then ult again when your lane makes a desperation play with their tp. But you gotta communicate to your team when your tp is down and theirs is up, but if you made a good play with first ulti, your lane is ahead now and can just play safe until you have ulti again.

Why do you keep doing this


I guess I didn't answer your question completely but it depends on the teams really, if my bot lane has a lot of cc I'll try and make an aggressive play to get them ahead. If their jungler got an early fb I'll switch to reactive play to make sure their jungle doesn't get more kills. It's not very black and white on how to use your ultimate. During loading screen is when you should be assessing how you plan to play out early and mid game.

If I go even, will I have split push pressure? If no, then I get zzrot 2nd item and delay titanic so that I don't lose my tower when I have to ult. If yes then I get titanic hydra 2nd item.

Idk basic questions usually have pretty basic answers but it takes time to think about these things on the fly. Try and premeditate as much as possible though.

Irelia, Draven unt Katarina


fiddlesticks is the best champion

C H E C K ' E M



Yasuo cuz i like having to do overly complex stuff for a medium reward



Idk I don't think he's that hard anymore, took like 5 or 6 games to get really comfortable on him.
I play him top with grasp of undying. It's kind of rough early since you don't have dmg but you can pretty easily just farm and freeze lane with wind wall and build cs lead til you have a couple of items.

because im not a basement dwelling faggot and dont play Retardation of Poland

you sucks dicks all the same

Its not about playing safe in lane.

Its about the one outplay you make when 0-9

And why the fuck aren't you maining our holy Paladin of Righteousness and Justice Lord Commander Garen Crownguard?

>not playing best champion Jayce
it is i Moosy aka BJNA at your service from master tier

Because Jayce is a wet blanket.

And then proceeding to lose cause your lane and enemy jungler are fed and wrecking your team. Sick strat

Winning isnt my goal, making that one sick play for the montage is


>Implying all mobas arent just the same trash game reskinned

blizzards warcraft custom map scenario*

After the Phreak forced teemo players to play ap like his scum azz I stopped playing but Gnar brought me back

>Sup Forums

Lucian because he's literally the best adc in this shit meta. Also learning ezreal because he's also really good. I used to main vayne too but fuck that shit.

damn dude how much league do you play?