We are here to round up undesirables, show us your papers!

(even doubles: Jew, odd doubles: gypsy, 00: communist, triples: party member, quads: Jewish party member)

Shalom, I aint no jew I swear

Not to worry commandant, only good hardworking German singles here

move along


Oi vey not me

in the cattle car herr Rosenberg!

Dreckiger Untermensch, ab ins Gas!

Fuck off m8 I have 9/11 to do

The 6 million never happened so there will be no dubs


Sieg Heil Kamerad, auf zum Endsieg. Möge unser glorreicher Führer ewig leben.

here are my papers herr obersturmfuhrer


Was ist das papier Jeuden? Schnell!

Hey honey, I'm Vladimir goldstien, and I ain't a new, slav, or fag. Toodleoos love!

Not sure if Jew or fellow ns comrade

How's the war going soldier ?

in the cattle car




I am Adolf Eichmann. Make Way.

you too filthy gypsy!


no jews here

卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 Heil Hitler卐卐卐卐卐卐
propaganda dont raise us guys
we are strong and we are brave
hitler did nothing wrong

this fucking game, op russian shits p2w..

heil commandant!

Everything is in order, sir. I'm a loyal servant of the Fuhrer.

48: Cancerous faggot

dancing party member here, just omw to the Reichstag

dub 75

Großer Gott! Where are all the gypsies coming from?

Oy vey, not me

How can I help cleanse our glorious nation of this subhuman corruption?

Gibb da succ


You'll never take my shekels!


last known bastard son of hitler reporting in,

what do i win?!

Ich bin ein nazi nicht ein juden

卐 Sieg Heil mein Führer! 卐

I suddendly discovered why you´re thinking of this. It is because US-America didn´t loose a single soldier in the first world war. If you ask how I riddled this out, simply, they didn´t play any role in it. As for the second. They haven´t had any good action. they got their arse kicked in the ardennes. Even Ivan performed better after some difficulties in the beginning. They raced 1200 km in the same time US-Americans and their "allied" slaves needed to get half the distance. And this - as a matter of fact - although Hitler lesses the western front because he feared the communists even more.

So with US America not having any role, no jew cant be killed. Because fucking math equalities.

Heil hitler

Salam my friend i am from german yes?


Das ist nicht einer boobie!

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt!

“Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

Workingmen of all countries unite!”

heil Hitler kamerad!

Bitte nicht

Heil Hitler!!! 卐

I might be black and wearing a kippah, but I swear I ain't know nigger Jew!

“Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells.”

No dubs here mein Führer

Ich bin kein unwertes Leben

Halts Maul und geh duschen du dreckiger Zigeuner.

Scrub a dub dub im clean for dubs.

But modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few.”

Loyal member of the third reich mein fuhrer

Just omw to the Reichstag

git fucked

>Op is a faggot.

i can explain that

“Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society: all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriation.

It has been objected, that upon the abolition of private property all work will cease, and universal laziness will overtake us.

According to this, bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness; for those of its members who work, acquire nothing, and those who acquire anything, do not work.”

More like a loyal gipsy, here feel free to step into my shower

gypsies aren't loyal to even their families, in the cattle car!

eat a cock hitlerfucker

heil Hitler!

Ein dreifaches Sieg Heil!

undesirable to who?

Im a communist allready fite me

to the gulag with me !

I'm not a Jew, I swear!

Zeig heil

nicht Jude

Denk ich an Deutschland bei der Nacht, bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht

Auf zu den glorreichen Alten Tagen, Sieg Heil

Here my papers, undersoldats

Kek. Cheap attempt to write German.
Correct: Wo sind eure Papiere, Juden? Schnell!
Better (but a different andmore complex meaning): Legen sie ihre Papiere vor, aber zackig! Sie sind des Judentums bezichtigt und befinden sind in Gewahrsam.

Kein Problem Herr Offizier, hier meine Papiere.

Wen haben wir denn hier? Einen klugscheißenden Zigeuner? Der Zug wartet schon.

Yeah right you dirty gypsy!

natürlicht mein herr, ich bin nicht Juden

don't you know who I am?

tror nok lige vi skal ha nakket nogle #jøder

No I don't, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are not a jew.

It would be more correct to say "Ausweis, bitte." Since 'Ausweis' is the proper term for documents permitting a person to be on Reich property.


For police controlls, a "Führerschein" or "Reisepass" is (normally) enough, so "Papiere" fits quite well.

Ich rolle

my dicks uncut

Lies! Show us your dick, JEW

in the cattle car

Shalom my friend I ain't no stinkin Jew aight lemme thru bahhh

im not a fucking kike.

I am loyal to the Reich now and forever. ENDSIEG!

burn the jews

undesirable sickening jew

check my arianism

If I post a dank meme but still get doubles, will I be as prosecuted as harshly? I have a wife and kids for Stalin's sake!

you'll get to share showers, communist scum!