Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Vi?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Vi?

I do main Vi because she reminds me of my dead sister.

lucian, its because vi is a terrible ADC

jinx, cuz i dont have 6300 IP

your dead sister was a terrible ADC?


Vi is a jungler you retard.


>falling for the meme


I main Hecarim because hes fast and can destroy tons of people with ease in my hands. I love playing Vi, shes my favorite girl.

Nobody because I don't play LoL anymore

Riot added too many fucking characters, and they weren't exactly great at balancing them to begin with

I used to main Mundo, Gangplank, Ashe, and Sivir

Vi looks like a retarded tumblr dyke
Shaco main here

im not even that guy, but holy shit man is that obvious

>euw d3 reppin in

league doesn't work on my computer anymore. tried everything suggested in forums. kind of grateful in a sense considering i've wasted so many hours of my life. but anyways, i would always play a super un conventional support.

Heimerdinger and Anivia. The ADC would usually be like WTF, and id be all like, just watch. things usually turned out alright.

P.S. fuck blitzcrank. cannot stand that fucker

>with ease in my hands



Ashe is awesome.

Singed main just for cancer

OMG Sup Forums is bronze as fuck, VI is OUT of the current meta, you damn bronze V how can main shaco?

current meta you should main Ekko, Malzahar, Graves (top or jung) Twitch Azir

Forgot to tell
> pro tip: i'm Platinum II