Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums


Simon and the bleach brothers

Downsyndrome dykes


Joey Pizzapasta and the Bleachy Boyz

Herp and the Derpals

Lords of Sperg


Spic Fieri and the Uggos

The 'Specials' Ft a Mexican

Fieri brothers

Bloody blonde bush and the fuckeweasels

Beevis and Butthead get a gay lover

Seven Pounds of Dick Pus


Just look at these people! Honestly, why are they even allowed outside among normal people without acne? What if he gets a facial tic and squirts skin juice on someone?

The Not So Super Saiyans

Johnny test and team

Summer Boyz

Can you imagine living life looking like the dude on the right. Shit man that's gotta be like playing on hard mode.


*//* ANAL BLAZERS *\\*

Name my band too

Penis shmenis.

Sum 14

Frodo and the Faggots

i cant figure out the dude in the middle. is he like 4' tall and 12 yrs old? or just a weird angle

The Justs

Burnt crispy

i dunno something 90's related. im drunk and cant think of anything

Brailleface & Co.

We totally exist, really


Fuckkkk.. I wish I was drunk right now. I wanna drink so badly but I'm a broke motherfucker. What are you having you glorious cunt loving fuck face?


good ol' fashion straight shot of whiskey. im an alchy so taste doesnt bother me anymore. its 9 am where im at right now.

Cheers fucker

The Poo Schwaz

Dragon Ball Z

2 cu tips and a dingleberry

Fuck me, I'll suck 3 fat cocks at the same time to have a shot of whisky. 9am or 9pm, time isn't a concern when alcohol is involved. Enjoy the whiskey you bastard.

keks, i like this one. i wish a band with this name actually existed

Heroes of Kvatch

i got like 7 empty 5ths of vodka and whiskey on my desk. not including the one im currently working on. in some ways its not something to be envious or proud of.
still makes me happy tho

For fucks sake what's wrong with you guys?

That's the name of the band.


The ugly fuckwits

The Black Niggers

"Sup Forums called us faggots"

Trever and the Appendages