Fuck. I accidentally ate chocolate today that had alcohol in it

Fuck. I accidentally ate chocolate today that had alcohol in it..


Im muslim

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking Straight Edge faggot, no one gives a shit. I forgot how much I hated cock fucks like you when I was a teen. You know what happened to the straight edge kids my age? They grew the fuck up. At least be Christian or some shit that way your retardation will be more easily accepted.

It was an accident as you said. Are accidents sins?


Of course accidents are sins. If the Quran is anything like the bible, then even thinking about it is a sin. That's the level of stupid we're dealing with.

shiiieet bro your living on the edge better watch out !

Thanks, user. This is almost as funny as the guy that got raped by a ghost yesterday.

Look at this shit. We're screwed. The blacks are winning.

fuck *your're

shit fuck cuck you're

Sucks to be him then I guess. Have fun burning for all eternity, opie

fuck no you're the man not a cuck fuck


wow dude I hate religion god damn It get out of your cult!!!!!!!!

You've never tried to bring that point up to a devout, have you? It does not end well.

Muslim here. You're retard

I beg to differ. Point 1, this pic doesn't piss me off.

Exibit 2

Exhibit A

Muslims are retarded

Shit, wrong one

So i heard you like xzibit

no one who is straight edge does that shit.

How is your cousin/wife?

did angel riding a pegasus decend from the haven to enact Alah's vengence upon you yet? Is flying horse white or black?

Or maybe a God's mighty thunder has struck you on the head ... or Muhamed himself visited you in sleep to tell you personaly that he's gonna take your 40 virgins away from you after death? ... or? .... or? ...

Nothing happened yes? So who gives a fuck how much alchohol you drink. Only your liver will decide if it was a sin.....

Just eat some pork to level things out.

Laxatives and prayers? Put the Quran in a pillowcase and have your dad beat you with it.