American is kind to you on Sup Forums

>American is kind to you on Sup Forums

Fuck americocks

Longest undefended border in the world, just a big line of cut trees, for you.

WALL for you.


A fence perhaps?

i try to be nice to canadians and mexicans
i like both of them very much

I love Canadians, easily the nicest people I have ever talked to.

>I love Canadians
You have brought great shame upon your country and your fellow countrymen

But Mexico, every time I say something positive about you on here I get called a chicano

You're not making things easy

suck my dick ameriidiots


I hope you build a Northern wall.. Then we won't need to pay for any border security


Why are americans so rude?


Take in enough refugees and we'll consider it.

You won't want to wall out the future Northern superpower.

Because two nukes weren't enough.


>uses a whole fucking bunch of planes
>kills about 2,400 people
>every pilot of said planes died too

>uses two planes
>kills nearly 200,000 people and uncounted more in the future due to radiation effects
>both pilots lived afterwards

Bringing years of freedom in the process

because pearl harbor isnt enough.


get better at war idk

I like Americans

oh look it's a wagon wheel
shit anywhere interesting today?



i developed autism just by reading this

Murica pls
Both of you are companions in terms of shitting in wrong places

you got autism by reading a list of facts?

i shit in an indoor toilet, thanks
enjoy your outhouse, leaf

>indoor toilet
Walmart Aisles don't count as """"Indoor toilets""""

a maple tap doesn't count as a pussy either but that doesn't stop leafs from fucking trees and getting splinters all over their dicks. are you guys retarded?

>Fucking maple taps
>Shitting in the mart
One is not so uncommon and the other is almost unheard of

I shall let you figure out which is which :)

do you know who shits in the middle of wal-mart?
people who don't post on Sup Forums because they don't have the mental capacity to operate any sort of internet-capable device, let alone type and form coherent sentences. your banter is completely off. there's a million things to blast murica with but this is just the dumbest one imaginable. i'm sure it happens, but you're talking about literal crackheads and homeless. the dregs of society. every country has these. they've taken a shit in some random tim horton's in your country more than once, i assure you, so please try again.

>says mart-sharters are rare and inappropriate to use as banter

>uses retarded maple tap fucking as banter

you sure you have taken your daily medications m8?

Hey Canada, how's the weather? I bet it is cold!

Enjoy your day!

Nah its only negative 6 Celsius here- not too cold desu


i'm saying it's not even a thing unique to america.

K den

Do you find the term "leaf" derogatory?
Is there a way that I can use it as a form of endearment?
If so, you are my leaf, leaf.

Woah, easy with the damage control!

I want to be American.