Post places with racist place names in you country



Aren't they going to change it soon?



yeah news come out today

Poço dos pretos
It translates to niggerz levy its a place in Lisbon that was used by black ppl back in da day to washing purposes.

We had a place called Castrillo Matajudíos (Little Camp Jewkiller) but the villagers got full SJW and changed its name last year to Mota de Judíos (Jews' Camp).

However, the town Valle de Matamoros (Moorkiller Valley) still resists and refuses to change its name.

I imagine villages with "killer" in the name are plentiful in Spain.

We have coon island

And a reasonably common brand of cheese is Coon Cheese in every supermarket

from a map i've seen, I'm pretty sure that on the Mexico-Texas border, the Texas side has a town called "brownsville" and right across from it in Mexico is their own "Matamoros"

Matamoros is still used as last name here. i had a classmate who had it
theres also a place in Valencia called Venta del Moro (Sale of the moor) but other than that i dont think there are any remnants of anything remotely offensive. just some silly ones like Malcocinado (badlycooked) or Villapene (penisville)

Négreville literally Niggercity

The old name was better.

Not to mention Benissa, Benisanó, Benisili...:-D :-DDD

keep em coming. we lost niggerhead, nigger hill and nigger creek today, now they are now officially tawhai hill, kanuka hill and pukio stream. Chink ridge and Chick creek are still safe

But nigger=negro=black what's the big deal? When you watch tv now they say "the N word" like a bunch o faggots, but then use "black" without any problem.
t. someone from nigger river

Tawhai and Kanuka are trees indigenous to the area and Pukio is a weed that grows in swampy streams

not the same word


Nigger hills and Nigger stream were named after a particularly good all black heading dog called Nigger. its a real shame that this iconic sheep dog is loosing its naming rights to features which carry his name, I assume nigger head was called that because the bush resembles an niggers head.

Matajudios = Jew killer.

Les nègres trouveront quand même le moyen de faire intervenir le cran.

>nigger river
Interestingly enough, this is where Hitler lived.

Wtf I hate Australia now.

Pondok Cina

literally Chink('s) hut