Ylyl thread retarded class edition
Ylyl thread retarded class edition
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I always wished there were more then three or four of these pics
anyone have that video of those retards throwing a ball?
op here
you mean this?
Easily the shittest one
Wow, prison was not good for Jared, huh.
@ 0:18
its that guy from icarly
at 0:10
bump for retarded shit
>my fucking sides
Where is this from? I fucking hate spastics, kill them all at birth.
Hey its one thing to kek at this but dont say some huttful shit like kill them from birth.
static electricity's a bitch
Fuck off back to le reddit you filthy summer casual.
gr8 b8 m8. no h8 i r8 8/8
Not bait. Its just personal to me. Sorry to kill your fun.
>personal to me
Oh diddums, do you have a vegetable as a friend or a family member? Do you try to convince yourself that they are anything other than a brain dead sack of organs and a burden to the rest of the world? Tard wrangler perhaps?
>immediately lost to House
Do you have a little waste of resources at home. A little downy baby that you work real hard to support? They need to be removed from society. It is kinder to smash their head against the wall shortly after birth.
kek. kek. I bet this beta is father of a downy.
my sides oh god
yep he should do it a favor and go smother it
beaker is my all time favorite in this one
>being this new
>white knighting
Fuck. Nobody gives a fuck about your feelings.
retards should just be chunked into a wood chipper
the tard in your life will never be happy
but not killing it you condemn it to a life of misery
Fuuuuuuuckkkkk I almost prolapsed my rectum
Most retards live in a state of bliss because they can't comprehend what turns people into edgy little faggots like you.
blind sally gets me every time
they don't live in a state of bliss they can't comprehend it they are animals the only purpose they could ever serve is to be hunted as sport or put in cages for people to laugh at
Of course nobody cares in this cesspool. But you know what I enjoy and find ironic? Watching retards like you and everyone else here make fun of their own kind. Retards laughing at retards. Fucking sheepfag.
This is retarded. Most are smiling without being told to because their brains are malfunctioning so their happy over shit we find mundane, like giggling at retards cuz muh funny captions.
Dis sheit aint funn yall
>Most are smiling without being told to because their brains are malfunctioning
kinda proved me point mong
Trust me user, I have all my mental faculties. I just despise tards and SJWs like yourself.
go blog about it on tumbler cuckold
>I have all my mental faculties
Please give me a detailed description of each one and their functions, please.
You're a faggot.
nigger you can't count your balls and get the same number twice fuck off
you got me friendo
Pretty much this. Time for a story faggots.
>GF works in tard lounge
>one tard was on a day out with its mother
>had a car crash
>middle of nowhere
>Tard freaks out, not because it was in a car crash but because it can't find its stuffed animal
>mother was trapped in vehicle
>asked tard to pass her phone
>Tard wandered off
>wouldn't even pass a phone to its mother
>She was found by luck and tard was found wandering to woods eating rocks or something
You see, they don't exist as a person as we know it. It wouldn't even expend a moment of its selfish life to help it's mother. It doesn't get what a mother is or its relationship to her. It's just a fucking potato.
So that was just a vague outline masquerading as precision and you're a complete retard.
Lost at "eating rocks or something"
>when the downs guy is the least retarded in the group.
I know that your mom tells you that you are smart, but she has to tell you that
One in the right corner is best looking there
You want me to list the functions of my mind? Fuck me, you're dumb.
lol they think the're people
My mom constantly says I'll never amount to anything more than shitposting on Sup Forums and that I need to get a job.
Yes please do. I need to verify if you actually know what you're talking about but most likely you drew a blank and filled it in with an insult instead.
the internet hates you sir
Learn when you've lost an argument.
brain nigga?
>My mom constantly says I'll never amount to anything more than shitposting on Sup Forums and that I need to get a job.
So you are just running on pure unwarranted self-importance.
Nigga you dumb as fuck
>can opener
>total recall
topo fucking keko
There was no argument, just an inquiry.
Now there's an argument as to whether or not this was initially an argument, but it wasn't, so you lost, and are retarded.
/sheathes katana
Never claimed to be smart so I don't know what materials you're constructing this strawman out of.
Projections, most likely.
im actually glad to see they're having genuine fun despite their potato state, I don't think I had fun like that for a fucking while now, mfw
hahahahaha omg it is like autism became a person then it's parents gave it a computer so it would at least stay in its room
I am on a phone.
Neither part of the edgleords nor sjw, just wanted to address, that your argument makes no sense at all:
>kill all tards because we have empathy and they don't
I lost without looking, bruh.
Thank you for complimenting the size of my weiner. It is pretty impressive despite the autism.
Did you know that autists are hypothesized to be the original alpha males?
It's true, while the betas were back home worried about beta things like impressing Hunga, autistic cavemen had no time for such pursuits, and instead occupied themselves with repeatable patterns and systemizable information, like weather patterns and hunting ground topography.
Naturally, this made them rather solitary, and because they were still in survival mode, had rather sturdy physiques despite their social deficiencies, which never really attracted mates, but autists have little comprehension of rape etiquette anyway.
what has science done!!
>autistic cavemen
they just died in the winter
Abandoning thread
I had a horrible god damn day. I lost custody of my fucking son and I have nothing else to live for. Was hoping to laugh at some good pictures for once.
I asked nicely for no spamming with fucking sumo pear, and that accounts for all spam.
To all who spammed, just sit there and read this.
You, yes you, are a fucking tumor. You will forever be a fucking virgin. You will never succeed. You are worthless garbage, and should kill yourself.
Abandoning thread, because you have fucking ruined Sup Forums
Fucking losing my shit
>I lost custody of my fucking wife's son
Fixed it for you
These guys throw better then most of you.
Oh wow someone not acting like an edgy faggot i guess they must be from reddit huh
thanks mr weatherman, praise the Sun
Reading this proves the judge right. You should never have children. Your son will hate you and it's better for him that way. Go kill yourself before you ruin another child's life.
Also false. It takes a remarkable amount of focus and patience to create fire, so it's very likely it was first utilized by the autistic cavemen who had nothing else better to do.
Everyone else just leeched off their intellectual success like non-autists tend to do and pretend that they're superior in some way.