Be me

>be me
>beta stoner pooter who can't respectfully decline
>chick always bombards me and is loud af but tokes good bud and drives me around
>chill with her for good two weeks then she starts being hella aggressive
>she gives me nugies and ungracefully puts me in headlocks and shit so as to get close to her blubbering tits
>seriously throws me around like a ragdoll tho (I am a shrimp compared to her)
>feel weird about it but don't say anything because not sure how to approach it
>chick keeps hounding me and sending me nudes
>shes coming over in t-minus 45 mins.
>first time we've ever been alone at my abode.
>claims she has some sass and wants to fuck.

What should I do if I want to abort the mission, Sup Forums? I'm feeling skeptical cuz I think this chick could very well shred my dick to bits. She's full of energy and is so uncoordinated and strong and chubby... Not to mention a little pyscho. I am worried she will be too much to tame especially when she's fucked up. Help me contemplate Sup Forumsrethren she's going to be on her way shortly

Pic related

Kill her with a ball-peen hammer and dump the body in a river at least 50 miles from your home. No one will miss her.

Post the nudes

Don't be a pussy. Smash that crazy pussy

Meh, fuck her first see how it is. If you don't like it drop you balls and let it be known.

Tell her she's a disgusting swine and you're not interested

Don't be a pussy OP

You've been dating her for two weeks, now it's time to put out if you want to keep getting bud and rides.

I know I sound like a pussy but this chick kinda gives me the creeps. Not in a good way either. She's definitely got a couple screws loose.

fuck her and worry about it after mate , just buckle up for the ride

You must be a fat, disgusting neckbeard yourself if you bothered to give a hideously fat hobgoblin like that any attention in the first place.

Nice trips.

Just tell her she creeps you out and stop messing with her, op.

Her body is disgusting.

No one on here can stop you from being a pussy. Either you be a pussy, she fucks you, or you stop being the pussy and don't fuck her.

Grab her by the hair while you're behind her and fuck her goddamn brains out. Slap her in the face hard enough to leave a red mark if she tries taking control. Spank her ass too. Take control of her and be a fucking man.

sex is sex man dont try to stop her from getting your dick.also think about what she could do to you if you say no.

Show her face then show yours so we can decide if she's out of your league or not

You deserve her for being such a massive faggot

If she's into me it makes her more attractive in my eyes. This thing I have.

You're never going to get the girl you want if you can't decline creepy blobs of flesh like her. Enjoy her flabby ass, you faggot. You deserve it.

Here's the chubber's face business.

Fuck her, dumbass.

Sounds like your gonna have some forcy fun time. Embrace the snu snu

She's clearly into you. If you're not very attractive you should use her, build your confidence and use this to improve your future behaviour around better women.

Not cute. 4/10

this user is most wise

Tell her you have a small dick

yep fuck her and keep fucking her , but if you decide not to fuck her or stop fucking her leave the fucking country and change your name dont see you family and dont talk to them + you never met any of us on B/ i dont want to wake up at 3 in the morning to this bitch looking for you while ripping my finger nails off

Here's a photo that does her a little bit of Justice. I know I'm not very suave or considerate, this chick just really makes me not know how to act. She is something else. She made my dick bleed through my pants the other day.

What the fuck did she do for that to happen?


Bitch what

I can tell by this post you aren't gonna do any better anytime soon. Let it happen, it will be good for you.

i'd fuck her

>She made my dick bleed through my pants the other day.
Story time.

The fat chick angle. Of course.

this, and then advice.

It's a fairly misleading angle, but she looks cute from that angle; not like some haggard old cave troll. Stick your dick in that snatch of hers and dominate her. Grow a spine.

We were just chilling in a parking lot smoking jibs and then she started softly scratching my cock with her fake nails. It felt kinda nice at first but then she increased the pace and applied hella force and then just nope. Definitely broke a couple layers of skin.


Trust me man don't put your dick in crazy unless your willing to take that risk. Pussy isn't always worth the risk. Why do you let her man handle you anyways? Stick up for yourself

I would not have sex with her then. God knows what she would do. But I doubt it will be anything pleasurable.

Eek she's en route to my location

Man the hell up OP and put your foot down. Tell her that she dont get the D unless she learns to respect it first. And if her crazy bitch personality bothers you that bad, just be so shitty in bed that she doesn't wanna fuck you anymore.

fuck her user, report back with a story tonight

do it for the lulz

Grab that animal by the neck if she tries doing something like that again. She likes giving it rough, I'd wager she wants to take it rough.

Your fucked bro prepare a box to bury your dick in once she gets done.

Look at dem trips

Take a piss, even if you don't feel like you have to. Even if you finish early, it'll help with staying erect for a longer period of time. Be fierce you little faggot. Make us proud.

Congradulatoins, your dating my ex GF. Great for getting out of a slump, but watch the fuck out, next thing she is going to be screaming is "Cum in my pussy", and then its, thanks for the kid and 18 years of cheques. Pull the Fuck out! Dump her ass, after sticking it in her ass, have your fun, then dump the chubby and run.

OP, 9 times out of 10 I'd tell you to fuck that bitch in her ass and post the pics. But honestly, I think you're going to suffer for it if you do. She now officially knows where you live, and obviously she's the type of girl that will come smash in your windows and most likely your teeth.

You can still hit that shit if you're starving, but you need to break it off ASAP. Don't return a text or call after tonight and stay away from any place she might be for at least a month.

These bitches get crazy and serious. You're doomed for a year of terror if you don't squash this shit now.

Are you certain? What's her first name, then?

Awww shit

This Sup Forumsro is right man
One you pass up on is one you never get back

Get high and fuck

beat her butt until it hurts

women are like a click beetle, bend them over and they will fucking POP into position

lick the anus then up and down until it wet then fuck fuck fuck


Livestream that shit OP, let Sup Forums see you slaying that landwhale, do it to be legendary


FUCK it, kill it, fuck it again.

But for real. You've been using her for rides and weed. The least you could do it fill'er up. Just go at it hard. Hell you might end up enjoying it.

Welp I thought I would feel better after viewing everyone's perspective but now I'm just more bewildered and shes going to be here any moment. I might try to record some of the happenings

please put a hidden camera and record it. then post it. don't be a faggot

Do it OP, will keep bumping for the deliveries

record it, post it and enjoy. You came to Sup Forums. wtf did you expect?

No hidden camera, just a bulky cellphone. I'll make it happen though.

Look man. It's all good. Just tell her how you really feel and maybe she'll understand and change how she acts.

Live stream it on twitch or tinychat

> ill make it happen though.

For "science" then pee in her and mark your territory.

Where the fuck is this dude that says he dated her?

wear a fucking jimmy.
if you cant, dont let her go on top.

What's that puss look like?

You better not fuck this up OP. Get your dick rkt by that slut. You need to slay a couple dragons before you get the princess.


Thank you for all the strength Sup Forums. It's time...


May Sup Forums guide your dick. Just whip it out as soon as she gets there

looks a lot like a similar dickchaser i knew in hs
post more pics for nostalgia's sake



>Brutal Legend

id honestly let her ravage my dick 2bh. youre lucky you have a girl giving you shit. she prob just wants to bc fwb just let her make the moves

Godspeed user, livestream or record and post, also, don't fucking dare and eat her out, just fuck and degrade her, she doesn't deserve respect


Well now that we have to wait how about some dank food pics

He is going to cum in her. Cause she wants it.

Fuck this user. Eat that pussy like a pissed off Ethiopian eating cake.

I hope it's rough like this.


Dude this bitch is still ugly.

oh my fuckin shit i am so fuckin tired of the cucks asking for advice on how to be even worse cucks. we don't know what it's like being as pathetic as you therefore we can't give you answers pleaaaaaasssseeee die.

Not OP, but similar situation...

>be me, 34
>Taiwanese woman starts talking to me on WeChat
>she's a landwhale and has a bit of a boyish face
>be friendly to her, because I'm generally a friendly guy
>don't show any romantic interest in her
>she wants to meet up
>what the hell, why not
>meet her for lunch, and then coffee afterwards (last Thursday)
>she's friendly and talkative
>now she wants to meet up again tomorrow (Sunday), with her friend as well
>talking about where to meet up
>she's like, "or we could just watch a movie at your place"
>I think she wants the cock
>don't want to fuck landwhale
>but don't want to be unfriendly

Here's another photo of her as I take a shit and wonder if she's running late or not coming.


You must fuck trolls to work your way up to 10s. The confidence boost is small at first but it builds.

I can pull hotties now but it wasn't always that way.

This bitch is young and has tits. Our Sup Forumsro needs to start somewhere.

Myspace angle is still ugly but makes them seem less fat.

She's going to show up with a huge strap on be ready for it.

total fat girl angle shot

Enough with those pictures of misleading angles.

Fuck the shit out of her, just for God's sake wear a condom, can't trust crazy to remember her pills.

Also, she says she works in a massage parlour. I'm not sure if that means a legitimate massage parlour, or one that offers happy endings, and I don't want to offend her by asking. If it's one that offers happy endings, she probably knows how to handle cock pretty well.

show her tits

Frank N Wheelchair