Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Fizz?

Who do you main in League of Legends and why isn't it Fizz?

does anyone even play this game anymore?

Yes, don't pretend you don't know it's the most played PC game.

because we're all already dead on the inside

better quit before underb& kiddies

> mid or feed


Yasuo baby

Annie because loli is life

i do main fizz tho

the amount of team late game carry you need to carry that fat worthless ass across late game

> walking stun with an awkward reworked ult

I'm still a viktor main through the horrible nerfs. Fuck that fish.

victors alright just needs support or extreme levels of upper skill gradiant

yes retard autistics from league u could say the same about any hero
but relativistically moreso its noticeable for viktor
because its an older school dota hero

Fucken duster

I'm bronze bruh it works there.


no ur not ur ui just says that and u follow it like a blind bitch

>playing lol
killurself underage faggot


1v1 me faggot

No one because it's a pointless game

sold my acc 3 years ago i didnt like being a fuckboy

mad cause no one plays their shit games, stay irrelevant faggots.

>implying league of legends