How does it feel to be short Sup Forums?

How does it feel to be short Sup Forums?

> Join the 6 foot master race
> Oh wait, you can't

It sucks man, I wish I was 6 foot.

Lol 6'6 here and loving it

6'0 over here. Made the cut

No you didn't
Short faggot

5'2" here

>implying I'm not gonna punch you in the dick from my throne on manlet hill

Because of people like you, tumblr will come up with "sizism" or something like that

Doesn't matter we're all going to die. Enjoy being tall. Have fun giving your family a higher coffin or cremation cost.

6'2 master race

manlet detected

its all well and good to be 6'+. but if you weigh like 35lbs it dont mean shit.

6'4" 245lb reporting in.

I know I'm short. So I have no choice to be happy with what I have.

but you're not happy faggot

6'3 here,feels great man

How do you know? By my standards I'm as happy as I can be. It's subjective.

I never understood why people make such a big deal about height. Im 195cm and everyone has always been afraid or attracted to me based on height. Its not something anyone can change so why is it big deal?

If you were tall you would be happy


what is that like pesos?

well first off youre short. and youre posting on Sup Forums so your life cant be too great. add in you probably have a shitty job and very little friends.

yeah you have like a 15% chance to be somewhat happy. just end it now.



God tier YouTubers bread

what the fuck?

>posting on Sup Forums so your life cant be too great