Girls don't have penises. If you have a penis you can never be a girl...

Girls don't have penises. If you have a penis you can never be a girl. Even if you cut it off or invert it you are still a boy forever.


well observed, captain obvious. well observed

Tru dat nig

Dubs say girls can have feminine penises

If you invert it, is it still a penis though? I'm just saying, is that really what defines it for you?

If people weren't so uptight about sex we wouldn't have this problem. We've created this situation where people are so afraid to express themselves sexually unapologetically that they feel the need to pretend they are actually the opposite sex despite obvious biological evidence to the contrary.

Some people want to fuck other people. Some people want to get fucked by other people. Some people want both. Doesn't matter if you're a man, or a woman, or gay, or straight. Fuck what you want, how you want. But you dont get any special rights or treatment. We're all human and we're all living on the same shitty space rock together. Penis is penis, vagina is vagina. They're both great. Let's get it on.

I know you worked hard on this post, but you are wrong. Transgenderism is a symptom of mental illness, not some byproduct of a repressed society.


As if I have a problem with that

Why would I wanna be a girl? Boys are so much cuter

this for days

I agree and children are a big part too

I mean, couldn't the byproduct of a repressed society be mental illness? Like, if from birth, we told every boy that touching himself was a sin, and you would be eternally punished for it, then that sort of shit would fuck with your brain alot.

Inb4 its 2016 bro. The U.S. is p.c

Look at our current generation of senators

First off i dont work hard on anything, and secondly you're right, it is a mental illness, but are you saying that its impossible for someone to go crazy through external stimuli?

fiiiiiine, ill admit im male.

as long as you fuck me like a girl, dont mind me using a girls name, crossdressing, and generally passing and living like a girl does, then ill drop the delusion part :)

Well you don't fucking say

As long as you are not under the delusion that you are anything but a man who just happens to be gay then that's fine.

Shut up Scott

ofc! im male :)

gender is just whats between your legs and nothing else!

which is why it's fine for me to dress like a girl, have a girls name, date guys, use the girls bathroom and look like a girl.

because none of that has anything to do with gender! im just a guy :)

This shit better be bait faggot

You admit you are a male. You use the male bathroom because you are a male. You are not special and you get zero special privileges, because that's what it means to be equal to everyone else, or are you saying you deserve special treatment?


not bait, 100% honesty :)

He is not interested in equality. He wants special treatment because he would rather be special than equal. It's never about equality. If he admits he is a guy then his sexual preference has nothing to do with which bathroom he shits in.

no special treatment :) ill probably just use the girls room because that way i dont get looks or people staring, but i hear what you are saying.

Yeah sure. Fuck off please

You'd be surprised how feminine dudes can get. You wouldn't even know it unless you looked at their pussy

why does penis matter?

if you are XY, you are a guy
if you are XX, you are a girl
if you are XXY, you are a mutant, not unlike someone with dwarfism

you can cut off your penis, you can install tits, but you can't change your DNA

>look at this moron

sex =/= gender. we have two different words for a reason

what did they say that was wrong?


Someone hasn't heard of genetic manipulation.

>we have two different words for a reason

webster's defines gender as such:
a : sex
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

literally synonyms

It's not a special privelege. They're a man, that lives as a girl.

The reason why men and women have different bathroom isn't because one has a penis, and the other a vagina. It's because of the shit-ton of roles each has. user's not playing the role his junk's associated with.

Guys don't use the girls bathroom, it doesn't matter if they wear non traditional guy clothes. It's your choice to dress like that. Why do you think you deserve special treatment? Don't you want to be an equal?

i know all about genetic manipulation. it occurs when i manipulate my penis into shooting a load onto your face

you cannot genetically manipulate yourself after you are born, your parents can TRY to manipulate your development, but that can cause all kinds of pregnancy, birth, and health complications for both mother and child. only insane people do it

So this is basically just turning into a discussion about trannies using public bathrooms, something literally everyone and their mom is talking about right now.

God, I hate you faggots. Post gore or something like you always do.

It doesn't matter that they live as a girl. They are a man. They piss in the man's bathroom. Everything else is irrelevant.

This exactly!

Its why me dressing like a girl, sometimes wearing makeup, speaking in a feminine voice, dating guys who are attracted to girls, having a girls name and generally living my life in the way a girl does.

Has no bearing whatsoever on how male i am!, im still 100% a guy, its just chromosomes and biology :)

His definition of being a guy, was having a dick.
He's fine with having a dick if everyone lets him do things women do. Basically, he said he doesn't care about labels or something?

That whole "you're just trying to be special" sound like whining tbh.

My issue is that he wants to be equal to everyone else, but at the same time also have special rights that other people don't have. They are not compatible ideas. Surely you can see what I am getting at.

What defines you are your chromosomes

I know you think this sounded cool user, but it didn't.
It was kinda cringey.
Please, think it through a bit more next time.

No special treatment!

i'll just do what is easiest to everyone, guys get confused and stare if i use that room. if i looked like a guy i'd use the guys room, but i dont so its easier this way.

>go to college
>people make a big deal because it's a co-ed dorm with shared bathrooms on the floor
>freshman faggot boys think this is "awesome" and they're going to see a bunch of titties
>all we find out is women have disgusting bathroom habits

A) why would anyone WANT to use a women's bathroom, it reeks of menstrual fluids and toilet paper everywhere
B) if college kids, in their sexual prime, can use a co-ed bathroom, why can't 40+ year old adults?

If they live as a girl, they piss where girls do. Kinda how living as a girl works.

Women and Men have different lives, right? This is a person that wants to live the life Women live. It's not rocket science man.

>He's fine with having a dick if everyone lets him do things women do.

That's not how being fine with something works. It's not conditioned on if society is OK with something. Again, why does he deserve special treatment when he even admits he is a guy?

At least you're not delusional.

I do get what you're saying, but consider that "living as a woman" isn't a special right. Anyone can do it I reckon.

that's almost a useful graphic. replace the header on the left with "gender is..." and the one on the right with "sex may be..." and you idiots may actually learn something :)

>Kinda how living as a girl works.

If they have a penis, they piss where penises (penii?) do. Kinda how living as XX works.

XX and XY have different organs, right? This is a person that was born with a penis and has mental issues. It's not rocket science, but it is biology



Whoaoaaa now slow down user

Your bait is awful. Go away

Thanks! :)

>giving in to people's mental illnesses because it's easier than treating them

may as well being buying drugs for the addict, or alcohol for the alcoholic. next you're going to say it's not someone's fault for committing crimes because he was black

If you truly want no special treatment then you have no problem using the proper room. Don't try and say you are somehow doing a noble thing or doing other guys a favor by using the girls room, why don't you think about what they want? They don't want you in there.

If you truly want equalty then you won't have a problem using the men's room. Do you want to be seen as an equal or not?

He wants to do things that women do, and there's no reason presented for him not to. If you want to focus on the fact that he has a penis, then you're free to do so. It doesn't change his freedom to do what he wants to do.

Most of the arguments have presented nothing other than. MEN SHOULD GO THE MEN's BATHROOM. It's like everyone here became ultra keen on following regulation even when there's no visible reason to do so.

>doesn't even know about feminine penises yet

I have no problem using the other room, i only dont because people get confused by it.

I have no problem with using either room, really when im using the bathroom, as i said earlier its just easier this way. i just want to quickly go in and out then go about my day and not disturb others :)

First of all, XX is female dude.
Second, how do they have mental issues? If they thought they had been born with a vagina, when they clearly had a dick I could see what you mean but they aren't. They're saying they prefer to live as women usually do.

Is there a reason they shouldn't?

I was going to say that both alcohol and and drugs tend to have negative consequences in your life-span and quality of life. Dressing up as a girl doesn't.

Don't you think you're exaggerating

So he needs special treatment. He is a man but he feels more special and needs to be treated like a child that will whine and cry if he doesn't get his way.

Part of being an adult is learning how to suck it up and weigh what the group wants against your wants. Why does his precieved right trump the privacy and comfort rights of everyone else? What if the women in the bathroom are not comfortable with him in there and feel threatened? What about their rights?

I dont whine and cry if i dont get my own way! :)

im happy to use either room, i just use the one which makes people most comfortable.

guys stare, get confused, walk out and check the door and just generally react in a odd way if i use that room, girls probably because i look and live like a girl.

if they did though id use the other one :)

If you think other people get confused is not relevant at all. If there is even one woman who is uncomfortable with you being in there, how do you feel that your made up rights somehow trump her actual right to be able to take a crap in peace? Your whole argument is based in this idea that you are somehow doing everyone a favor, well guess what, those decisions are not up to you. You seem so concerned about what you precieve as these men being confused, but you don't give a shit about what the women may think. Also, the men aren't confused, they are not idiots, you are just selfish.

I just think of people as equal, it makes most guys uncomfortable if i use that room, and so far hasnt made any girl react that way.

so i figure guys and girls have an equal right to not feel uncomfortable going to the loo, so i do the right thing :)

See, thing is they have no reason to feel discomfort. People don't have the right "not to be offended". What's with the sudden Political correctness man?

If they can find a legit reason why it shouldn't be done, then sure they have every reason to be against it.

You think it's special treatment to have preferences? And to act out those preferences in a way that doesn't harm or directly involve anyone else?

You guys are kinda obsessed with the bathroom thing, i dont want any special treatment as long as i can live like a girl im happy :)

In reference to anything to do with laws, nobody is getting special treatment. Any person can enter any bathroom.

Your argument is not based on logic. You are just assuming the feelings of others. You have to be able to realize as an adult that that is not a valid argument. A guy supposedly walking out to check a door is not a reason why you can't crap in the right room. Why don't you just admit you don't care about equality or other people's feelings or comfort, you only care about what you want. It's really obvious.

I've seen men arrested for using the women's bathroom before because they had to shit and the men's was closed for plumbing repairs. I doubt the opposite would ever happen.

estrogen is antithetical to logic user, but i am trying! :)

I've got to go to work but just so you know I am aware of the mild trolling. I did like the smiley face at the end of each post though, it's subtle.

I think I'm going to go to cousins on the way to work.

i wasnt lying about any of it, do live as a girl, and all my reasoning was true.

I do find the gender is 100% biology argument abit silly though, because it so obviously isnt in the way we live our lives.

and i do realise that living like a girl doesnt make me biologically female, im male :)

>i got my first erection at 18 and not a day sooner
What the fuck are you on about?