Any of you faggots have bed bugs...

any of you faggots have bed bugs? I'm moving out of my studio in chicago in 2 weeks and i found one of these dead fuckers in bed. Its a huge building, some section 8 residents, so i wouldnt be surprised if someone fucking tracked them in.

my unit is tidy and clean so im freaking out about this. I noticed a couple small dark spots on my mattress, that smeared grey when i applied a wet napkin to it. what the fuck do i do? i emailed management.

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Just throw out the mattress and sheets when you move.

Beds are fucking expensive. i graduate law school tomorrow so im poor as fuck.

what about my couch? and my clothes?

Wipe kerosene all over the bed frame. Put mattress out into the sun for a whole day then wash it.

Use rubbing alcohol (90% isopropyl) spray it on everything - carpet, where carpet meets walls, mattress (actually throw mattress away NOW), put pillows in garbage bags, spray alcohol into bags, seal shut, sit in sun as much as possible for several weeks (better to throw them away and get new ones but don't bring them into your apartment).
Wash all of your clothes, sheets, everything you can in hot water several times, dry on the hottest setting on your dryer.
Basically, you are going to have to sterilize your life to get rid of them but it can be done. Good luck!

Your landlord has to bomb the whole house. Sorry OP, but bedbugs don't fuck around, and if you move out without killing ALL OF THEM, you'll be the nigger tracking them in to your next house. Don't be a nigger, OP.

How the fuck do you wash a mattress?

good question

how do i avoid tracking it into my next place? I'm staying at my dads for 2 months while i study for the bar, then moving back to chicago with my gf. I travel light. My tx, xbox, my suits, and kitchen shit. I'll probably throw away the coffee table and couch.

It is against Chicago ordinance to throw away the mattress without proper marking and baggage. Besides, google advises not to throw away the bed, as it may be salvaged. Moving away from my current sleeping stiuation (i.e. sleeping on the couch) will just bring htem to the couch

Medic fag here.
When we encounter these fuckers in a house or on a patient that we run on we rub our boots with alcohol and then run our clothes through a drier at the highest heat for 30 minutes just to make sure they aren't in us.
Then we rub the surface area of the ambulance with cavi-wipes.
That shit is strong enough to give you cancer after long uses... So it kills err'thing.
Moral of the story.
Bed bugs do not fuck around.

op how much do you wana bet that niggers were behind this? or sand niggers

Dammit. So that translates in washing my clothes in the highest settings. But what about my other shit?

Will dry cleaning suffice for my ties and shit like that?

Wrap the mattress in plastic. You can find a furniture place that sells it. It's a thick plastic that zippers around the thing. Keep it in plastic for a couple of months at least. Anything in there will starve to death.

what if OP was a nigger?

op can't be black. he mentioned he was graduating law school. black people don't go to law school, much less graduate

Like a mattress cover? I figured i was gonna buy one today. However, some exterminator site recommended waiting for treatment before wrapping it

>studio in Chicago
OP is Steve Albini

Bedbugs die at fairly low temperatures, around 60C/140F I believe. They will not survive a ride in a dryer, and perhaps you can douse your bed in hot water or steam? Put it out in the sun? They're not as hard to get rid of as people make it out to bed.

I had bedbugs a few years ago, when I was living in a college slum house. They're gross and annoying, but at least they're harmless.

DO NOT buy those "bug bomb" gas things. They don't kill the bed bugs fast enough, so the bugs have time to run away from the gas and end up getting into your walls or under the carpet or wherever, and then they're even harder to get rid of.

Bed bugs can be killed from heat relatively easily, so make sure you run your sheets through the laundry regularly. A normal dryer will be hot enough to kill them.

Sometimes the bugs aren't actually based on your bed, but somewhere near your bed. The only way to really know for sure is to inspect everything in your room. Since you're going to be moving soon anyway, my best suggestion would be to carefully inspect everything as you pack it up, and then put any clothes/sheets/linens into trash bags, and don't take them out of said trash bags until you can put them into a clothes dryer. Don't forget to study the back/underside of your furniture.

It can take at least a couple months to fully wipe out a bed bug infestation, so even if you don't see them again in the next 2 weeks before you move, that's still no guarantee that they aren't there.

Medicfag here again
All clothes exposed to high heat for a small period of time.
All you need is one female to survive long enough to feed and she'll start sprouting more little blood suckers. Then you're fucked.
You could possibly steam them down to death or press them to death at a dry cleaner, but you could tell them exactly why you want it exposed to high heat. If they are understanding they'll do you a solid and really take care of it.
Or tell you to fuck off in Korean.

thanks for the advice Satan. if only i could take my shit to hell for a bit.

I also read that they die at or about 50 C. Someone noted that the xbox, if left on for a few hours, can accomplish the internal heat to kill of bed bugs. Thats nice to know.

Pouring water won't work thoguh, right? Unless i was continually pouring water on it.


thanks for the advice user. I saw a bug a few weeks ago slip underneath where the floor met the wall. I dont have a boxspring so they must not be on the bed themselves. Thats still stressful though. I cannot be worrying about this shit while studying for the bar. Il llose my fucking mind.

Thanks again, medicfag. im hoping this will be an easy enough problem to fix. as noted earlier, i plan on moving in with my gf after the bar, so i'll need to can the couch anyways. I just dont wanna can the bed.

Starving them in plastic has done fine for friends that have been exposed to them. The safer more secure route would be to pay some douche Lord money.
But of course that costs money.

If your mattress is in good condition and has no rips/tears for the bed bugs to climb through, then it is extremely unlikely that they are INSIDE your mattress. Bed bugs aren't burrowing insects, they're just small and able into tight spaces.

If your mattress does have rips or you're just that worried about it, you can buy a plastic mattress bag that the bed bugs won't be able to get out of, so you can just wait until they die in there.

put your pillow and mattress in the freezer

bad advice op. a regular fridge doesn't get cold enoguh, fast enoguh. most people open their freezers up. Th bugs will act dead. wash your clothes like a god damn human. sorry if i dont make sense its 1 and im drunk

Put it in the swimming pool. But be warned, it will take a crane to get it out.

Unless the water is very hot I suppose, and that might damage your bed. Maybe put a tarp over it and a hairdryer or something? I'd let you bring it over but I got all these succubi at my crib and it's just a little bit crowded atm.

Also if you're still staying in the apartment for a while, you can put your beds legs in bowls of water and/or put something sticky around the legs. Also pull it at least a feet from the wall. They can't jump or fly and don't climb all that well, like compared to spiders or something, so you can prevent them from getting into your bed. You can also cover your bed in plastic and they won't be able to get through it.

Head on down to your local Home Depot and pick up some diotamaceous earth. It's a white powder that you can put down near your bed and linens that dehydrates the bed bugs until they die out. It make take a little while before you notice but it is super effective and incredibly cheap. Wash all your linens/cloths and make sure they are hung up and not resting on anything.

diotamaceous earth is actually quite cheap, big container for about 10 bucks. Cats and Fish can be harmed by it so keep them away, but its safe for humans. good luck bro.

Hotelfag here. Pretty much what medfag is saying is true. Luckily we don't have to deal with bedbugs often, but heat is the way to go. Throw all your shit in a dryer and that should kill them.

We have an exterminator on contract and they build a heat chamber. They assemble it in the room and place all of the furniture in the chamber then crank up the heat. There is a chemical you can use, but they tend to be resistant to chemicals. It usually costs a little over $1000 to treat a room for us. So unless your mattress is worth more than $1000, buying a new one may be the best option.

succubi? The water idea works. I have a cat, though. He'll drink the water just to spite me.

shame then. i have a cat. I heard its effective. I can spray that shit on my couch too

>A succubus is a demon in female form or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that appears in dreams and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual activity.

Bitches gettin on my nerves man

i find it more interesting that you used that word in the plural.


Well you know it's part of the job, what can you do? It's good to be the king.

dubs confirmed

not op but tell us about your life, king user

So I had an infestation in my house due to a nigger. It was just started and I happened to do a ton of drugs and drinking, I slept for like 18 hours and woke up with bites all over. Did a bunch of drugs again, slept for almost a day again, lots or bites, anyway I kept doing this and on the third day I only had 1 bite. I've checked my whole body many times and it's been a month now and I haven't been bitten once. Did I kill them with my drug addled blood and long sleep/feasts?

>i'm poor and my entire apartment building is infested with bugs. Help me Sup Forums

Well you should probably move into your car at this point, assuming you have one.

No sir i do not. fml

I dont drink or do drugs, but i might answer your question in the affirmative. I'm glad to see its a viable option.

Also, no visible bite marks on me.

It was all chill, untold souls to torture, cool people to hang with, rad shedaemons to bang and then yesterday all these fucking green assholes started coming and they're just wrecking shit around here. Monday's gonna be a real bitch you know, fml.

Well first of all you fucked up right off the bat by living in Chicago. Enjoy your big nigger city, hope your not white.

>posting this on /r/Sup Forums

thanks for the karma bro

Chicago is great. Home of the 7th Circuit court of appeals. and im white

I take it you grew up in Chicago? Have you ever left it?

Check out the balls on this motherfucker, just rippin anyone off for a like. You're alright kid, I'll see you later.

Satan, you seem like you'd be a chill person to talk to. You also seem wise. How old are you, if you mind my asking?

Left it as in traveled? Sure. Left it as in lived in other places? For a bit. Came back to chicago in 2008 and been here sine

You get to a certain age and the amount of cake required just to fit all the God damn candles is just absurd so I stopped counting. Live like every day is your last is my motto.

the last time i said that, my buddy penetrated me

rent a storage box for a couple weeks, store all your shit there, and move it over to your new place piece by piece and inspect everything with a flash light and wash all your clothes or other fabric before they enter your new home.

dont cut corners with these assholes, you will regret it

you handwash it and afterwards iron it to dry.

let it air out for about a week or else fungus.

OP mentioned he has a cat. does he put the cat in there too?

OP I work in pest control.
There are bedbug monitors you can buy online and some stores carry them.
The little fuckers are hard to get rid of, you will need to have your room treated for bedbugs by a pest control company. That's the only way unfortunately. They live in the walls and nest near food sources for their blood malting. If I were you I would wash and dry all of your clothes and linens. Use high heat settings. Your scummy neighbors probably did bring them in. They live in the fucking walls. Good luck OP, you're gonna need it

>>pic unrelated

Thanks man. You think i can beat this? You think the fact im moving out and carrying little shit will improve my odds of being pest free?