Ok Sup Forums, imagine you run a snuff movies business and she is the star...

Ok Sup Forums, imagine you run a snuff movies business and she is the star. She knows that she will be killed in the movie and is ok with that. How will she fucked and how will she be killed?

Other urls found in this thread:


too soon

>break into parents house
>glue hands to head
>hang her with piano wire
>remove piano wire
>let parents or friends find her
>find decapitated head and hands on head
>people will think she pulled her head

What the hell? I can't believe you would post something like this, OP. Have some respect, even on Sup Forums.

Too late

Fuck off OP, have some decency.

Can someone explain who that is?

What the fuck

Too soon let us grieve

Too Soon omg!

Fucking hell OP

Let it rip

explaain pleeasw

Srsly too soon...

ASSHOLE! And I was having a good day, too. Shot to shit now. Thanks dickhead.

The story as I understand it is that her brother went and took pictures of her like that not realizing she had overdosed on drugs and supposedly died.
Its quite popular on Sup Forums because it includes some of their favourite things: incest, half naked girl being unwillingly photographed, and a dead person.
Whenever someone posts it someone responds "Too soon"

reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/371avh/what_is_this_picture_i_keep_seeing_posed_on_Sup Forums/

Jesus fuck op, it's been less than a week.

relatively new fag here.
whats the story behind this? i've seen it around and know it crosses the line with Sup Forums
but why?
i get shovel dog but whats this about?

Thanks for the explanation user.

I have never really payed attention to this picture before, but this chick looks like a sex doll.

Google "Perfection Girl "

thanks lol always wanted to know

wait did he just think she was passed out though. her eyes were open... how did he not realize

Dead people's skin turns white, and they shit themselves. She's not dead. But she's posing as dead.