ITT: We post our top 3 champions and other people guess our rank

ITT: We post our top 3 champions and other people guess our rank.

>Pic related
It's my top 3 champs.

kys instead

Bronze 3

Close. Silver V. I actually managed to avoid being placed in Bronze at all.


Guess mine

You know how it is.

Unranked, or Bronze V

Wood Division

Gold II

Silver III

fuckin bullshit

>Silver V
Silver is one hell of a drug


guess :D

Mad cuz Teemo gets more pussy than you.

Singed,urgot and tahm kench

bronze V or wood

You need to Pick someone besides Irelia that's an addiction
>Gold lll

on that Plat grind

it's the fucking worst, dude.
I play a lot with higher ranked people (like..Silver II and Silver I) and I generally do a pretty good job.
But fuck, my teammates are the fucking worst sometimes. I know it's cliche, but I play support, so I'm basically at the mercy of my ADC.
I had a fucking Riven bot with me.
fuck dude it makes me so angry.

>I'm going in level three, bard
>goes in at level 2 when im grabbing a shrine
>immediately flames me and says im a fucking faggot that doesn't apply pressure in lane

And these are my first ranked experiences ever.

i just played udyr and ap ezreal to get to gold. the carry is fucking real



woah nice one dude. i finished g2 last season and just climbing back up because i only just got my internet back.
g5 atm
also nah one tricking is the best way to climb and i never get sick of irel


plat 4 maybe?

>Gold II


I only like playing support tho. Carry roles aren't really my thing, aside from the occasional AP mid game.

but fuck, supporting at this low elo makes me want to kill myself and uninstall league

>inb4 supports can carry too

supports can't really hard carry the same way a fed ADC or ap carry can, I don't care what you say. Unless it's like a "support" Annie...

Not even close lol

Atm dia 1 0 lp, was masters 2 weeks ish ago but tilted and dropped, feelsbadman

supports cant do shit. you're fucking stuck unless u duo with a good adc.

Not ranked but top 3 in order is draven darius and zed

probably pantheon, tempest, axe

is tilting really a thing? lol i tell myself im an idiot if i fuck up. but thats about it

too lazy to screenshot but from high to low, Thresh, Xerath, Fiddle

Pudge, Diablo, Reaper

lmao you 2 must suck dick at supporting. if you know what youre doing its pretty easy to hand feed your adc, no matter how autistic they are

go play a season of online poker with play chips without ever going bankbust

not true at all. just play an aggro support and roam and have good objective control and warding

doom, troll warlord, riki


Bronze ll

ofc tilting is a thing, if you watch replays and know what you're doing you can see the difference between tilted decisions and logical ones lol, just emotions take over

flavor of the month player spotted

but it really relies on if ur adc is wanting to go in, i could play Alistar all day, but if my adc wont go in then it's meh

supporting is easy way to rank up. if you're good, you feed your ADC, and then move to shut down their jungle or get your mid fed. it's an easy role to win 2 or 3 lanes on the map.

youre just bad. passive adcs who just farm up, and chill out while you go apply yourself elsewhere are goat. they farm up, you help get objectives for your team..... and everybody wins


top fuckin kek matey

i dont support. i only do it if i have too. jungle/mid main here. Mid Varus is my new favorite carry

Guess mine

Already you have low mastery rating can say was shocked


forgot proof

rip old ap varus

tyler1 is that you?

tyler1 wanna be

>unranked or bronze V

fucking dont miss those days

there pudge games and non pudge games

the fear, the loathing

there were*

Guess mine boys

Gtfo nerd

never met a lol main that wasnt a cringey autistic one