Hi /b
Last night when i was with friends drinking i got blackout drunk.
I did some stpd shit i dont remember.
How to live with it ? srs i feel ashamed and less of a man.
Pic not related
Hi /b
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im confused. how are you ashamed of shit you dont remember doing?
Shit man i hate that feeling, worst feeling in the world is waking up knowing you did something stupid but can't remember what it was.
Were the people around you the type that get blackout drunk once in a while? If they are, they'll understand, and everything will be fine in a week or so.
Meanwhile get three Gatorades, chug one and a half of them, and sip on the others while you recover.
Its strange, it really is. Commonly found among alcoholics and meth users. It's like you know that you did something stupid but can't remember what it was.
4am beer hangover shits. Can't sleep because I sobered up
Sauce on the pic
People might be lying about what you did. My former friends always made up stupid stories about what I did when they found out I had no memory of the night. I spend a few hundred on nanny cams of places I partied at... turn out, I mainly just passed out.
the feeling goes away. just wait a few days
I fucking hate it when "friends" do this. Even worse is even those same "friends" give your one night stand your phone number and address