Hey, Sup Forumsritfag here with a question

Hey, Sup Forumsritfag here with a question.

Why is American candy so fucking awful?

The local tesco has a small section devoted to American food, and every so often I'll treat myself to a sweet from there, but literally 100% of the time I've been disappointed and today was the last straw, I thought I saved the best till last after being bitterly disappointed with toosie roll, which is just a unflavoured, unsweetened bar of chewy awfulness, so I thought I'd get A butter finger which was totally forgettable, then I thought, well they can't fuck up a Twinkie surely, it's just cake and cream? Well they fucking out done themselves again, because the cake was dry and totally unsweetened and the cream, well the cream might aswell have not been there because it tastes of nothing, expect maybe a faint bit of cigarette ash.

So is it just British sweets are superior, or are the Americans as shit as making candy as they are at making beer?

Tldr : American candy is shit.

Stop eating shit you fat wannabe NHS abuser of the week.

Come to NZ, we have Whittakers.

reece's pieces are the fucking don of american candy, poundshop does 'em

Another Britbong here.

Hershey= Oily taste like nothing shit

Tootsie rolls= Mildly bitter and tasteless toffee

Twinkie = Disgusting sponge filled with horrible fake cream.

While a lot of stuff is shitty don't forget that America does have good food.

Do you fuckers Fap over those shitty Tim-Tams like your more sucksessful Australian brothers?

y'all act like Americans eat crazy retarded fatty and sugary foods, but really that's not true. We (Americans) have the most boring tastes on the planet. We like cheese pizza, shitty chocolate, and candies that are just sugar with some artificial flavor. I don't know why you care, go enjoy your nice "biscuits" or whatever the fuck. But yes, American tastes are boring and bland. We eat what is cheap and plentiful. So the fuck what? Do you have a point?

It has gone downhill in recent years. America used to have God Tier everything. But now Corporate 'Murica has cheapened all production so drastically, and found all sorts of bizarre chemical shortcuts, and now everything sucks.

--OldAmerifag who remembers the good stuff

We eat the same shit. The OP is just a fat loser, he's got nothing else in his life apart from food so he's being passive aggressive about not liking it.

Yeah they're doing the same here. KRAFT the American company just bought Cadburys. As soon as they took over they changed all the recipes for cheaper ingredients. I can't stand cadburys now.

But... Twinkies aren't candy. Just came here to say that. Btw, and candy that is mass produced is shit, but American family owned candy shops are still good

They make this nasty creme eggs right?

Yeah. Not sure why that's a thing.

They're kind of a love/hate thing. Everyone has an opinion. Personally I hate them.

As Americans we need instant gratification, and diabetes. We do have legit candy shops though throughout the country

Also they have some completely crazy varieties of poptarts, and they all somehow taste the same.

I just don't like creamy stuff. It's like sugary jizz. Pass

Peanut slab ftw

They're nothing special really but there's nothing wrong with them either. They're too fuckin strong and make your mouth taste like shit after you have more than a couple at once.

Creme eggs are god tier

Yeah op, we got shit candy. Sorry

> also likes cum

>Twinkie = Disgusting sponge filled with horrible fake cream
How dare you, you fucking scraggly tooth mother fucker, take that back or we will let the Germans take your worthless islands the next time they get uppity

It's been proven that people generally only like whatever candy they ate as children. Americans like bitter Hershey chocolate and britbongs like sugery cadburys. Etc..

Pointless argument.

Yank here ... we don't eat that shite. It's there for trailer park wanderers who love eating newspaper laced with fake sweet chemicals made from leftover corn squeezings, and even the corn is fake.

When we want sweets, we make our own or go to a mom and pop candy shop. Welcome to the takeover of the world by the banksters. They'll sell you recycled garbage, toss some chemicals on it and give it proper branding and adverts so you MUST eat it, for it's what plants crave.

But seriously, nobody eats that shite.

ok i understand amifat food is taseless its your opinion but
>spotted dick
>our food is better then yours hurr durr
shut the fuck up faggot

Tim tams are fucking shit, way to much salt. Shit chocolate as well


It's true though. I'm a Wisconsinite, but hostess in general is shit. Back twenty years ago it was different

ya don't see a britbong candy section at the local 7-11 do ya? Nope ya don't. Another American victory.

True, boycot cadburys. It's over. Fuck KRAFT.

What are those things that look like ducks? They're also proper shit

>nope ya dont


try better sweets, asshole. they're out there, you just have shitty taste.

nordic candies are superior compared to any others

but i wish my country had those "niggerdicks" in stores which you have in britain
those are like churros but with chocolate on top of them and cream inside them.

It's sad, I used to love them as a kid. Although they had so much sugar that your teeth would hurt after eating one

It's made for addiction, not flavor. People get hooked on it because of the initial sugar high releasing dopamine. It tastes mediocre but feels great, like a drug, only it kills so much slower. Trust me britfag, just give up and eat a flapjack instead of a chocodile.

No, Hostess was ALWAYS shit. Little Debbie's was OK, but Hostess invented the crap that archaeologists will dig up in four more millennia and it will still be chewable and the same color.

Twinkies ... 'nuff said.

In America they do though. It's sad, I manage a gas station and our profit is 65% tobacco, and the rest being candy. Gas kinda pays for itself

You do... There's a bribong section in my local store. What backwards hell hole do you live in? Detroit?

>what plants crave


>be me
>Irish fag
> goto tesco and found a box of lucky charms. They are actually very hart to get in Ireland.
> most cereal €2-5 , lucky charms €9.15
What the fuck

>nordic candies are superior
nice try icefag

>Tootsie rolls
>tasteless toffee

u f0ckin w0t m8? It tastes nothing like toffee. Not that I like them, tootsie rolls are shit.

>tootsie roll
>butter finger

3 items? come on. tootsie rolls do really suck, butterfingers are alright im small doses, but amazing in vanilla ice cream. as another user said twinkies used to be better

Tell me American candy sucks only after you've eaten a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

I'll give that to you because I always did hate hostess. But when they went off the market, everyone throws a big stink, then they come back, even worse than before. All because the fat, retarded white trash was borderline rioting.

These are awesome
Salty chocolate peanut

yea i dont understand how a britbong will try 1-5
things americunts have/eat and call it shit
like the fuck

Lick me anus faggot, i spit on your candys

Its all the chemicals in them. Have you tried the Lucky Charms?
I'am old enough to remember when Lucky Charms were made and sold in the UK by Nestle and were pretty good.

The American one's taste awful though.

Try to find some of THIS!

Made in San Francisco by a company that the banksters still haven't taken over.

Heaven on earth!

Ausfag here.
Have to agree with all these, americunt candies are putrid.

Is it a 7/11? And what's that say about your area? That it caters to foreigners and sub human shit? Probably a lib collage town. Go back to class fag

nordic candies are superior its a fact
the massproduced industrial shitcandy is better compared to other countries equivalents
and so is the better quality candy.
also other countries dont have salty licorice

Because tooth decay isn't already bad enough in the UK..

Let them eat ... "cake" even if it isn't. :)

Yeah they're tasty, if not far too surgery. You see them all over the place now. You didn't see them a few years ago. Every shop has them now.

These are my favourite candy. I think they're nazi made.

Those are probably the only American confectioneries I genuinely enjoy.

These are ok until they are old

Fucking disgusting.. Peanut Butter and Chocolate.

Americans cant make their own blood sugar so they need intake a tonne of it to survive

The cake is a lie?
Apeture is hostess

Australians are all sub human, your opinions don't count

Get them stuffed with caramel. Good shit imo.

This isn't American candy, it's dirt cheep gas station good. If you're looking at the cheapest of American candy food you'd be looking at snickers, twix, payday, crunch bar, kitkat, ect. As well as brand after brand of sour gummy candy, and then of course the fact that the United States is well of 10x the space in land alone let not to mention population. Rock candy is a big thing here as well as taffy and a verity of mom and pop or local chocolate and candy makers.

Non human filth

Bretty good, the chili chocolate is dank

>Uk moking USA about food and taste

Makes me smile, because I'm french and I've never been more ashamed of anything that is eatable than when I went to Uk.

Another Ausfag here. I completely agree with this assessment. Though Australia's aren't much better either. Cadbury is almost as bad as Hershey's. Literally just ate some before making this post and at this point the only way I can tell I ate chocolate and not candle wax is because I remember candle wax tastes better.

Brings new meaning to yellowcake, eh?


It's like heaven.

That might be ok, but the almost gritty sugar injection they have gives me ulcers

You choose the most disgusting cheapest snack to try. I'm surprised you could eat it with your horrible British teeth. Do your cavities hurt and you're biscuits are so bland that you're not used to the sugar? I don't understand. All you Brits eat is eggs and beans. No flavor to any of your food. How could this bland fest disappoint a country who's food has literally no culture, and all of which can be at best, described as bland.
Thank god you've got good kababs now right?

My favorite! You won't find THAT at a gas station.

>nothing will ever taste better than this

No one can even name a British candy, that's how fucking great they are

Eat some gobstoppers,then choke on one and die


Cadbury is a subsidy of herseys which means herseys owns them. However, they are not the same chocolate and Cadbury is substantially tastier. It has more cocoa butter and milk fat which results in a crazy creamy texture and smooth flavor.

what I find at my local grocery = a country's offer
i don't like it
therefore my country has better

trolling for a variation on 'being anti-american makes me cool'

I don't doubt that one bit. It's got a Nasty consistency that makes me wanna gag.

These were by far the most discussing choices he could have made

I agree. I can smash them one after another. Good job the big bags are only available at Easter otherwise i'd be a right rotten teethed fat cunt.

Cadbury is shit tier
Hershey is shit tier
Shit = shit
Eat some proper chocolate

Try harder m8.
Anybody can name a british lollie, doesnt mean we cram the names into movies like americlaps

Cadbury has gone shit in the last few years though. More and more sugar in the chocolate and less Coco to save money and then they went and changed the Cream Egg recipe.

Any one like Lindor Truffles? One of my favorites tbh.

If Americans sold candied turds would you defend them.

Being anti American is common sense

>eating candy
You disgusting fucks.

How that mate. it's not Candy though as candy is hard. These are soft(ish)

I fully admit that American tastes are boring as shit. Still, we do have access to many candies and sweets, many of the same that they eat in the UK. Not like the UK is known for its cooking and adventurous tastes though, lol

And yet you don't, proving my point.
Lurk more

What point that your American Candys have names

How are those butter drowned molluscs and hippity hop legs going for you?

>What point that your American Candys have names
English mother fucker, do you even
My point is that you're a faggot

Awww poor baby muricunt all angry now. Here's a pacifier made of lard

Like how kids always rush to be the first comment, and 99% it's retarded.

they smell like vomit though