Hey Sup Forums, how long would it take to kill myself with a full bottle of ibuprofen, melatonin, and acetaminophen...

hey Sup Forums, how long would it take to kill myself with a full bottle of ibuprofen, melatonin, and acetaminophen? This is the worst shit I can find in the house, I don't have a gun, and I consider hanging and slitting my wrists/neck to be undignified

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don't do it

I see no reason not to. I'm a paedophile, potentially trans, sociopathic, manic depressive or just depressive or something, among other things. My girlfriend functionally just broke up with me to boot. I don't have much to live for honestly.

Do it.

Yeah, definetley do it.

Yeah I plan to, I just want to know if I'll actually die from all this shit. If I fuck it up I'll get on suicide watch and then I'll have to suffer for ages.

Post video please, hang not pills pills barely ever work. You'll just wake up feeling like shit probably.

Hanging is for criminals. I'm subhuman, not a criminal.

I would suggest you find another way.

Dying a slow and painful death by renal failure is not a dignified death like the one you crave.

Grow a set of balls and hang yourself.

You're immortal don't even bother

Your a faggot hang use cable from an extension reel. I'm a pedo too and I'm probably way more fuck up than you but I'm not a faggot I own it and so I do not want to die.

I guess the last question is whther or not a ceiling fan (it's made to swivel on an axis to account for the centrifugal force, if that's important) can support the weight of a twink 18 year old

Are you living in a suburb? I guess if I was ready to end it all I'd take a bunch of shit and jump off of something extremely high up, once it starts to kick in.

You are relying on way too much guess work here buddy.

Wanna kill people, OP? I'm planning to do the same, a different method of suicide but I really want to kill somebody if I'm just gonna die anyway

I live in a suburb, smaller family, no access to guns, not willing to use knives at all, hanging seems pretty terrifying but by the sounds of it it's probably the most effective. While I do live in suburbs, country is quite a while away and the "urban sprawl" barely exists, such is life in general appalachia

You can use something like a doorknob to tie a belt or a rope around.

Rememer, all it takes for you to die is for enough pressure to be on your corotoid to restrict the bloodflow enough and you will die.

I have no idea why I didn't think of this. I think I'll just go with the suffocation option now, honestly

Stop feeding your mind this stupid shit. You have complete control over who you are.

Dont want to be a pedo? Stop calling yourself one and stop fantasing about fucking kids.

Dont want to be trans? Great, "gender is le social construct". You are a man now.

And fyi, killing yourself with ibuprofen is liking to cause liver failure which causes death, the LD 50 dose is very high, which is an excruciating stomach ache and more likely than not you'll end up in hospital on machines in which you die a slow and painful death over 2 weeks while you turn yellow.

Find a VERY high place to dive off of. If it isn't instant, a pussy like you will probably let survival instinct kick in while you're trying to hang yourself and you'll abort the mission.



have u even tried getting your shit together? try to be better atleast. just think about it

Stream it, faggot.


as wonderful as having other degenerates get off to me killing myself I don't think I will

I have but at this point I'm pretty sure I'm a lost cause. First point I'll be able to get any sort of professional help is months away

The pills alone won't kill you OP.

>Grab large sharp knife
>Go to public square
>Make sure there is a lot of people
>Scream something in Arabic while pulling out the knife
>Stab yourself in the heart
>Twist knife around while screaming extremely loudly
>Pull knife out
>Through it at something (if you didn't already die)

go to the hardware store find some razor wire and heavy duty glue. go to a roof top, bridge or other high place. tie razor wire around neck and attach the other end to something. smother your hands in glue and place them on the sides of your head, wait for it to dry, then jump off. it;ll look like you ripped yoir own head off.

Weeks of that stuff every day.

as funny and original as some of these methods have been (this is sarcasm) I've gotten all I wanted from this thread. Pills are useless, suffocation is the way to go. Thanks for the pro tips. Here's to hoping I get the brass balls enough to do this shit. It'll be the best for me in the long run, anyways. Cya never, Sup Forumsros

found the newfag

Do it OP
It'll be fukken great.