Gentlemen, i've seen the future...internet is superior in middle earth

gentlemen, i've seen the future...internet is superior in middle earth

Mine is

0.3 MB UL
27 Ping

Please kill me

Hello fellow strayan

this is obviously photoshopped

valid...but dunners won gigatown

I have to use a mobile tower because I can't get adsl, cable, or fiber

At least it's not photoshopped. \o/

Also, do another test up against a useful server.. such as... EU or US

everything mirrors in OZ anyway. not much sense in testing the other side of the planet

mine is aight


kill me pls

wow. what country?

u mite as well put a bullet in ur head

I wanted to sign up for a new service Comcast is offering in my area for 300 down but then I realized I don't download my entire Steam Library every month so I'll just save the extra $250 bones a bill and deal with this.

wtf? is this for real??
why the fuck is the US so shitty when it comes to internet?

You think you got it bad

Not only us

well, Portugal is third world tier anyway. I'm not surprised.
But the US is supposed to be a first world country...

Try hiding your IP next time faggot

Middle Earth fibre reporting in

Not the best speedtest I've had, but still quite decent.


releasing IP on Sup Forums is pretty bad
