Has anyone here also fucked his sister? Also general incest thread. (pic related)

Has anyone here also fucked his sister? Also general incest thread. (pic related)

Except that's not your sister


">Be me around 14
>Sister enters my room at midnight
>She gets in my bed softly
>Grabs my cock firmly
>Removes my boxers
>Starts sucking the shit outta my dick
>I cum buckets
>She swallows
>She leaves
>Never done anything else since"



>not knowing one of the most famous and hottest incest stories of /adv/

I want this to be fake. If my mom did this I would be mortified when I was older


Pretty sure its fake, still hot

Not everyone is as into the incest shit as you dude

My sister is spending the night soon (I live alone) and she sends signals of interest often. Should I go for it?

How old?


She's 20. I'm 23


o-oh my user


Where the hell is this messaging board?

I'd like to know as well, but that image has been kicking around from like 2007?
Soo chances of some one knowing are slim.

At shitthatneverhappened.com

>be me @ 27
>hav female roomate 21 that walks around naked a lot
>hav opportunity to get some poon while she's passed out
>mfw when my 13 yr old sister is also watching tv between my room and roomies.
>walk out of bedroom nude forgetting sis was here
>she looks at my diamond
>she instantly starts touching herself and stops watching tv
>I start stroking for her as she moves closer to me, mouth on the floor

Ehhh. Nah not interested on this one. The introduction to your sister and her masturbating to your dick being 1 line apart kind of ruined it

Sure, why not

Lol pretty much. Just weird a bunch of moms being like yeah me too! Great thread girls! Love making my son milk his panties. Lol its too comical