Sup Forums we have to talk:

Sup Forums we have to talk:
I am disappoint!

I just got fired for writing an email to a local newspaper, where I explained that this fine gentleman did nothing wrong.

It was some weeks ago, just before his birthday and as he is not as popular as he used to be here in Germany, I thought it would be a nice move to ask the newspaper to do a special to honor his memory. By mistake I used my business mail account and the newspaper called up my employer.

Long story short: There was a lot of shouting and I don't remember details about what my boss said, but apparently this fine gentleman did some things wrong.

Also apparently it is illegal to say "Hitler did nothing wrong" in Germany and in addition to losing my job I am also facing a trial under "§ 130 Volksverhetzung".

Sorry Sup Forums, but I have the feeling, that I can not trust you anymore. How could you deceive me like that?

Isn't there something like freedom of speech in Germany?

Aus was für nem Grund hat man dich rausgeschmissen ?

Of course he did something wrong.
I heard he was real crap at art and couldn't go to a Jewish art school and then got mad at the Jews.

What a loser! Just like op.

Illegal to talk about Hitler with an opposing view to the status quoe , gee that doesn't sound like a dictatorship at all.


Steht doch da.

He was a a mentally ill drug addict who couldn't accept reality.

da steht nur, dass du was an ne zeitung geschrieben hast.... solltest idhcm al wegen Meinungsfreiheit informieren... dein Chef darf sowas ned

Show us the letter op.
You did nothing wrong my friend. Fight for your rights.

There are some Argentinians that claim that he was there hiding in a gay boathouse.

>Illegal to talk about Hitler with an opposing view to the status quoe
gee that doesn't sound like a dyslexic retard, using words he does not understand, at all.

Hitler did nothing wrong he was a good boy and he'd be turning in his grave if he could see Europe today.

I don't give a fuck about Germans nor Jews but this douche bag sounded and looked like a queer.

Doch darf er. Wenn der Hirnie-OP von seiner Job-Mailadresse Holocaustleugnung betreibt, dann darf ihn sein Chef dafür feuern. Sogar fristlos, ohne vorherige Abmahnung.

des stimmt... hab nich richtig nachgedacht, sry :V

>hiding in a gay boathouse.
No, that was Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, hiding in a gay boat.

Tripps can't be wrong.



OP's a retard.