Dubs decides what i do to him

dubs decides what i do to him

suck him off and let his warm cum splash into your throat.

Push a spoon all the way up his ass

shit on his cock

Take a pic with his dick in your mouth then share the picture on socal media

Timestamp faggot

Let the man sleep.

Shave his pubes and push them into his asshole

Stab him with anything you want


shave him

livestream murder

Suck him off!

Stab with penis

Suck hes cock


blow him

Suck hes pee pee

tie up a knot around his balls intell they allmost explode

Cum on his face

stick a sharpie in his butt



Winrar!!!!!! Gobble that dick bitch!!

No way dude, i wont do this. He washes himself 1 time a month, please dont make me do that


stick a sharpie in his pooper

It's him

Just get a sharpie and write a Sup Forums time stamp over his cock. Leave the sharpie in his hand. Let him imagine what happened. If he asks just tell him you don't want to talk about it. His own mind will torment him worse than you can.


OP faggot!! Put your dick in hes mouth then.

Hey, that's pretty good!

Naked dude laying on the floor wtf you think people are gonna say? Get to suckin faggot

perma marker his dick black


Abandon op is faggot

He was the first winrar, faggots


This!! You should have known it was gonna end in fellatio bro!

yeah roll because op is a faggot

Trips/doubledubs/69 decides what i stab him with!

Stab him..or suck hes cock..two kinds of people right!


trips get

To it, OP

Deliver now op

Stab him with your penis in hes mouth

lol op just do it!

trips aint dubs

Trips!!! It's time for fun OP

re rollin this too

Just suck hes rancid cock faggot!!!

Every no. in this thread starts with "6844", everyone has dubs

I guess double dubs have spoken

Rerollin fir this

fuck him in the ass

Masturbate on hes face

Come back in next week and see how he is coping

will OP ever deliver

is this bait you faggot?

Newfag detected

Are you retarded?

>666 1 off

shave his penis


Do it you fucking pussy faggot


Kill yourself on his body

Op is a faggot, never deliver.

where's spiderman when you need him.

Nose hablar ingles
Puta vida
Pero cortale el pene