How does transgenders masturbate?

How does transgenders masturbate?

Thank you kitter

thank you, titters

Thank you Kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter.

thank you kitter

thanks meme that died around the year of our lord 2003 iirc

Thank you kitter.

Thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thanks doge

Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here. What KIND of transgender? Assuming its unhormoned types and unsurgically altered types just as you would with that particular set of genitalia. If its a hormone altered female pretty much the same, hormone altered male much the same though ED can apparently be an issue but rubbing still feels 80 times better apparently.
Assuming surgically altered trans: poorly, very poorly. You lose a good bit of sensation from all the gender reassignment surgeries though amounts vary depending on surgery type and individuals.

Thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thanks doge

'thank you kitter'

With their hands

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

Thank you, kitter

Thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

thank you doge

thank you kitter

thank you kitter

Sleep tight, pupper

rest in peace fluffer

Thank you kitter

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