What's your experience with sti's Sup Forums? ever had one? ever given someone else one? bonus points for green text

what's your experience with sti's Sup Forums? ever had one? ever given someone else one? bonus points for green text

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>be 17
>meet hot slut at party
>we talk it up and exchange numbers
>invite her over
>we chill for a bit, watch a movie
>she says "so do you want to fuck me?"
>"uhh.. yeah?"
>she immediately, slides off her panties and sits on my lamp
>we hang out all weekend and just drink and fuck
>she goes back to her place 2 towns away
>never talk to her again
>get new GF few months later
>after a few weeks, she's in really bad pain
>goes to doctor
>has chlamydia
>i get checked
>have chlamydia too
>0 symptoms, but she's discharging and has burning piss, etc
>i get medication for it
>chlamydia goes away, but feel no different

>Got herpes in college off a slut that was suspiciously hot (pic related)
>like too hot to be fucking me (7/10 at best)
>Never had any symptoms but the next girl i fucked got it off me so it must be in my system.
>Just wear condoms now, lesson learnt.
>Do worry about when I find the mother of my children and tell she'll have to get herpes to do so.

shit you mean I might have something & not know?

The trick is not getting laid. I'm a pro.

>she immediately, slides off her panties and sits on my lamp

Erm what?

Not entirely how herpes works

I thought you could only get the herp when there are open sores that you come in contact with. did you see any on her?

When did it go from STD to STI? I mean, is there anything they won't fuck with to make PC?