ITT: we post cryptic messages that only people of your secret group, organization, cult, people who "know the truth"...

ITT: we post cryptic messages that only people of your secret group, organization, cult, people who "know the truth", etc. will understand.

Other urls found in this thread:


I once what at a place with symbols written across the 'sky'. A woman, a man, a house and words in a language i didn't understand.




I am a traveler traveling from east heading to the west in search of what was lost.


Code Theta

Sucefrius la pronno sreju mala huisana konets

Drink not from the pool of forgetfulness but from the stream of eternal memory.

>I am a traveler traveling from east heading to the west in search of what was lost.
Isn't that some free mason shit? it's really not that secret if you can google it.

Oh how i wonder
Please tell me now

I have looked all around
So I could find the true meaning

Fight I must!
And I will do so, nevertheless
Go on! Go on! They say
Go! Go now into the darkness
Oh how I envy the man
That is not destined, like me

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Temba, his arms wide
The beast at Tanagra

K here goes, hope some of you understand.. Check 'em.

The shell of the eagle breaks when the red brick hits the window.

>my shitty star trek fan club is a secret group.

Hitler did nothing wrong.

The White Turkey is in the Cupboard. The Red Brick has landed.

I think most people understand that.

My garden nigger's name is Temba. In south africa we dont have mexicans so we use niggers to garden... they even fuck up gardening


What is green and mows the lawn?
[spoiler]You can paint your nigger however you like [/spoiler]

don't drop the soap.

li estic podent al orion

op is a faggot. don't tell anyone. it's a secret.

Assembling stones wont make a mountain, it will roll when the White Turkey picks its base.

I want that pussy

the girls not bad either

The decision is already made, now you have to comprehend it.

The cat sours the basil. Anyone wanna talk politics?

The thrice-peaked instance formed by those who seek to cleanse and preserve our new home will rise again.


The White Turkey will pick its base when the Shell of the Eagle enters the Cupboard. The Stones will assemble when the Red Brick enters the House.


The footprints of the Turkey will be red, the path it took covered with shells of the eagle. It's nest will be made soon, for a silent rest has come to an end.

i'd really like to know what is going on here

The blue moon rises

pic a card

gher da burr, ef kalh es ta en bee eeb eb beb

What would the White Turkey shreak if it were to find the Red Brick?

light the candle; the wax bleeds black.

There will be silence during the wolf period.

It would shreak like an eagle for its flight cannot be noticed, but the color of its feathers will be that of live lost.


OP is a fag.

I don't typically kangaroo

(38.912272, -115.838798) 1300 PDT


whats the milk rice called, by the way?

Shagafa. It's a word we use to describe "hot" women. Who can guess it's meaning?


>What is be, Sup Forums?


sorry, left an extra \w


fugg off fagg


I'll ppal $100 if you decode. Send email to address included.











No clues.

What? It's legit...

something, nothing, becoming


What does itt mean?


Nhiol el shaim faprieje noewig. 8.00 roe sicre. meijini 16 kris Nhiol fajime 05. find rock bury

yeah yeah, I know...

I just did mine as a basic thing for a class to validate using JavaScript.

It DID work, in normal cases, at least

lurk more.


In this thread

Lahu Akbar

Nothing is true, everything is permitted!

The chair is against the wall and Jean has a long mustache

Aleister Crowley ?

what discordian kinda shit is this

should i kill myself tonight?

Hint: It's an alien anime language

It's not too complicated


Jung gur shpx qvq lbh whfg shpxvat fnl nobhg zr, lbh yvggyr ovgpu? V’yy unir lbh xabj V tenqhngrq gbc bs zl pynff va gur Anil Frnyf, naq V’ir orra vaibyirq va ahzrebhf frperg envqf ba Ny-Dhnrqn, naq V unir bire 300 pbasvezrq xvyyf. V nz genvarq va tbevyyn jnesner naq V’z gur gbc favcre va gur ragver HF nezrq sbeprf. Lbh ner abguvat gb zr ohg whfg nabgure gnetrg. V jvyy jvcr lbh gur shpx bhg jvgu cerpvfvba gur yvxrf bs juvpu unf arire orra frra orsber ba guvf Rnegu, znex zl shpxvat jbeqf. Lbh guvax lbh pna trg njnl jvgu fnlvat gung fuvg gb zr bire gur Vagrearg? Guvax ntnva, shpxre. Nf jr fcrnx V nz pbagnpgvat zl frperg argjbex bs fcvrf npebff gur HFN naq lbhe VC vf orvat genprq evtug abj fb lbh orggre cercner sbe gur fgbez, znttbg. Gur fgbez gung jvcrf bhg gur cngurgvp yvggyr guvat lbh pnyy lbhe yvsr. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvq. V pna or naljurer, nalgvzr, naq V pna xvyy lbh va bire frira uhaqerq jnlf, naq gung’f whfg jvgu zl oner unaqf. Abg bayl nz V rkgrafviryl genvarq va hanezrq pbzong, ohg V unir npprff gb gur ragver nefrany bs gur Havgrq Fgngrf Znevar Pbecf naq V jvyy hfr vg gb vgf shyy rkgrag gb jvcr lbhe zvfrenoyr nff bss gur snpr bs gur pbagvarag, lbh yvggyr fuvg. Vs bayl lbh pbhyq unir xabja jung haubyl ergevohgvba lbhe yvggyr “pyrire” pbzzrag jnf nobhg gb oevat qbja hcba lbh, znlor lbh jbhyq unir uryq lbhe shpxvat gbathr. Ohg lbh pbhyqa’g, lbh qvqa’g, naq abj lbh’er cnlvat gur cevpr, lbh tbqqnza vqvbg. V jvyy fuvg shel nyy bire lbh naq lbh jvyy qebja va vg. Lbh’er shpxvat qrnq, xvqqb.

No. It means she's gotta fattie (as in a big butt)

>please stop
Women and me know that means yes.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>My name is John and I hate every single one of you

Are you a traveling man?

Boxxy is queen xD

Url Snttbgf,
Zl anzr vf Wbua, naq V ungr rirel fvatyr bar bs lbh. Nyy bs lbh ner sng, ergneqrq, ab-yvsrf jub fcraq rirel frpbaq bs gurve qnl ybbxvat ng fghcvq nff cvpgherf. Lbh ner rirelguvat onq va gur jbeyq. Ubarfgyl, unir nal bs lbh rire tbggra nal chffl? V zrna, V thrff vg’f sha znxvat sha bs crbcyr orpnhfr bs lbhe bja vafrphevgvrf, ohg lbh nyy gnxr gb n jubyr arj yriry. Guvf vf rira jbefr guna wrexvat bss gb cvpgherf ba snprobbx.
Qba’g or n fgenatre. Whfg uvg zr jvgu lbhe orfg fubg. V’z cerggl zhpu cresrpg. V jnf pncgnva bs gur sbbgonyy grnz, naq fgnegre ba zl onfxrgonyy grnz. Jung fcbegf qb lbh cynl, bgure guna “wnpx bss gb anxrq qenja Wncnarfr crbcyr”? V nyfb trg fgenvtug N’f, naq unir n onatvat ubg tveysevraq (Fur whfg oyrj zr; Fuvg jnf FB pnfu). Lbh ner nyy snttbgf jub fubhyq whfg xvyy lbhefryirf. Gunaxf sbe yvfgravat.
Cvp Eryngrq: Vg’f zr naq zl ovgpu


come on fag, this isn't that difficult

Saatanan tunarit

De geit is gemolken


De poes is gaar

I am. Traveling from the east heading to the west in search of what was lost and one day will be found.

I put a cat in a blender...

"The path to immortality is hard and only few find it.. the rest await the Great Day when the wheels of the universe shall be stopped and the immortal sparks shall escape the sheaths of substance.. Woe unto those who wait for they must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed ground of the stars and await a new beginning"

Sue? Buddha sue. SCIENCE buddha sue.

V frkhnyyl Vqragvsl nf na Nggnpx Uryvpbcgre. Rire fvapr V jnf n obl V qernzrq bs fbnevat bire gur bvysvryqf qebccvat ubg fgvpxl ybnqf ba qvfthfgvat sbervtaref. Crbcyr fnl gb zr gung n crefba orvat n uryvpbcgre vf Vzcbffvoyr naq V’z shpxvat ergneqrq ohg V qba’g pner, V’z ornhgvshy. V’z univat n cynfgvp fhetrba vafgnyy ebgnel oynqrf, 30 zz pnaabaf naq NZT-114 Uryysver zvffvyrf ba zl obql. Sebz abj ba V jnag lbh thlf gb pnyy zr “Ncnpur” naq erfcrpg zl evtug gb xvyy sebz nobir naq xvyy arrqyrffyl. Vs lbh pna’g npprcg zr lbh’er n uryvcubor naq arrq gb purpx lbhe iruvpyr cevivyrtr. Gunax lbh sbe orvat fb haqrefgnaqvat.


peecha chakka no wookie boonowa tweepi solo

Fuck you, my mom's a saint!

Plon't foyor kewilging dimhopshing.
