What Sup Forums thinks of vaping? Is it worth to start vaping and how bad is it for your health?
What Sup Forums thinks of vaping? Is it worth to start vaping and how bad is it for your health?
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You get the desired intake of whatever your vaping minus the pollutants released from combustion.
I think it's logical and practical, but I think smokers smoke because they know it's bad for them.
Vaping or smoking is bad for your health.
If you live in the USA the Feds are getting ready to put tough regulations on the industry to the point it will be impossible to sell their products. Something goes into effect in 90 days but not sure what it is. Believe they said within the next two years. Heard it is big tobacco pressuring law makers.
For anyone considering this, look up the levels of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde you are inhaling -- both known human carcinogens. Also look up popcorn lung and vaping.
Not only is it just as bad for you as straight tobacco, it has the additive effect of you being a tremendous faggot
Save your money, don't become a drug addict.
i switched to vaping.
I understand it's still not good for me, so everyone can just fuck off with that.
But, i was born with asthma, And my breathing (and the amount of times i use my inhaler) has gotten a TON better since i started vaping.
Mouth fedoras are for people coming off ciggies, taking up smoking to look cool is outright retarded for anyone with a mental age over 14.
This is the right reason for vaping, not fashion.