That moment you realize that America could fairly easily win a war against the entire world

That moment you realize that America could fairly easily win a war against the entire world.

that moment when nope

Unfortunately its very true

Win? Yeah. Easily? I don't think so

Yeah because we're getting all of our military upgrades from Israel

First we take the Americas and then take over cuck Europe

Good luck mounting any sort of offensive. The navy would easily control all major seaways and ground forces would follow massive srone strikes with next level tanks. Perhaps "easy" is untrue as it would be messy but nonetheless it would get done

Europe would write a strongly worded letter in protest before being pillaged.

how does america defend against nuclear weapons tho

By being stationed all over the planet. Other countries have to travel thousands of miles. We're already on their border.

kek, this is so true

Have you not played supreme commander 2?

I don't see how that could be possible.

Who would win 1 America or 7 trillion Antarcticas

Entire world > america

It would be like the Clone Army versus the Separatists.

American civilians have more guns than most countries militaries.

We spend more on our military than every other country COMBINED.

We're the only country to use nukes in warfare.

They are currently installing lasers and rail guns onto ships.

We have the largest air force on the planet.

The second biggest Air Force is the U.S. navy.

Bring it the fuck on.

The moment you realize that any war between major powers will end in a nuclear conflict where no one wins,but America spends 3 times more then any other country in the world on military while being in debt to China and not having free health care and education.

China needs us more than we need them. What could they do if we just refused to pay them?

>free healthcare
>free education

What are taxes?

Well i am sure you are glad your taxes are going into weapons that will never be used because your government will never go to war with another country that has a nuclear arsenal.Oh well atleast u can play what if like grade schoolers.

This lol China's economy would totally fucking implode without us

only if you use your nukes

>sergeant kek reporting for kek duty