Ylyl thread?

Ylyl thread?

Other urls found in this thread:


GTFO cancer

Yeah I know I'm cancer, sorry

Found the banana fag

You're cancer. YLYL threads were funny before you shitters started shitting them up.

Wtf is this facebook? Get out fucking newfag and don't ever post again. Lurk moar faggot.


>i want the other repost cancer, you know? The ones that are old Sup Forums images with an obvious joke added.

Are you enjoying your first year on Sup Forums?

I'm not enjoying your first year on Sup Forums.





Why did you delete that?

oh shit waddup

>is cripple-Stark dat boi?


link to the article?

Women are so fucking stupid.

It would have taken the same amount of time to Google and find the article as it did making that post.

>Being this lazy
>Or retarded
>You will contribute almost nothing to the progression of the human race


That's a pretty long way to go for that conclusion fam.

You keep showing just how retarded you are. You're the only funny posts in this thread.


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I thought that was the lead singer to Korn for a second



start desu you faglord


It hasn't even started and I'm already dying of boredom.
fuck this banana-like shit trying take spiderman's place.

Shit posting
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>implying spiderman is the original desu
such faggotry


Spiderman akbar, bitch.

Aye, fuk u mang








do not reply


>guaranteed replies
here's a (You)




lololololol lost

I don't know why there aren't gif like that no' mor'


God damn chill out edge master

You want a trap thread, bro?
my bro?


Lost at least three times while reading this.



if you actually think this is funny, then you are a dumb nigger
if you only posted this cause your white guilt makes you think black people should be funny, please kill yourself in a car crash
if you posted this cause u know its cancerous and unfunny, and you wanted to troll this shitty ylyl thread, then good on you, +1 internet for today

kill yourself please
remove yourself from the gene pool

fuckin got me


Lol you mad?

"The old gods" kek

>automatic brainless nigger response
oh Sup Forums, where art thou,


Haha! Ya, you mad.



Jesus this bitch is ugly.On top of that she's a jew

if your idea of comedy is "WHITE FOLKS CRAZY SO DEY" and "WHEN BLACK PEOPLE LISTEN A WHITE LADy'S ADVICE, ITS DA REAL DEAL" then you are a brainless nignog who will only contribute to society's incarceration statistics.






clearly zangief grab input also lost

Couldn't even match the fonts


This is why we cripple him


smooth, im so proud



Lost at that filename


Hahaha! This white boy so mad. Now take the stick out your butt, and realize you're being trolled. Hahaha! Silly as white boy.


Is he deaded?

race comedy is the lowest form of slapstick, proceeded only by fart jokes and ACTUAL slapstick. if you laughed at that post you are 100% a high school drop-out and should be neutered before you spread the stupidity gene

Duck is kill :(


>I have to write in caps lock so you know it's funny




I lost and died multiple times reading this.
THIS is one reason why I fucking hate roller coasters. Never again.


as i said earlier, if you were the one to post the original image just to troll unfunny idiots, then gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8. but if you think that image is funny in any way, you have no concept of humor

Cute pupper