itt we pretend to be in the year 1995
Itt we pretend to be in the year 1995
Other urls found in this thread:
I can't wait for my fist day of the 10th grade.
I'm gonna get so much pussy.
>never gets pussy in the 10th grade
most of the faggots on Sup Forums were probably not even born in 1995
I'm using the internet get off the damn phone
in a few months im done with first class, which went good so far!
> not knowing how i will fuck everything up
check out this sick demo that came with my computer
Exactly. Should have said in the year 2000's.
Be hold. The future phone
Because not everyone is underage b& like you
I'm sorry, I can't play any of the file types that website provides. I guess it's a video file.
PlayStation will never be better than the Ultra 64
90s kid here! December 31 1999 , 11:59pm
Alright, that's easy for me, I just have to sit here and do nothing for three years until I am born in 1998
fuck off newfag
Elder Scrolls Arena sucks. This game series is dead in the water.
took me 25 mins to watch half of it then sister picked up the phone FML gonna ICQ chat after this
AOL chat + Fate = 1337
mfw when I still remember my icq number but not the password
Doesn't matter. In Carmack we trust. Quake is gonna be so rad. I have to buy a Pentium to run it tho.
>admits to being underage b&
goddamn is it summer in here or what!
may = summer in full swing m8
>Taking the obvious bait
Was windows 95 a type of ubuntu?
Hi room
Bill Clinton is such a pig. No way in hell the next President could be any worse.
"You got mail."
1995, I was probably playing Myst or Riven
candyass detected
Dude I just can't get enough Doom. Man I love me some doom. It's all I can think about.
>Didn't have a computer nor game system until 1997.
But I played doom like crazy over at a friends place.
are you a type of retard?
Don't quote me on this--but I heard on AOL chat that George Lucas is thinking about making a prequel trilogy. If he does it--they will be the greatest films of all time.
I wonder when they are going to charge Bill, Janet, and Hillary for Waco?
Whose running Fufu tonight??
anyone else remember this shit?
this is going to kick soo much ass.. Fuck off Nintendo!
summer already
Steel beams cant melt fuel
Have you guys heard of this new band, No Doubt? I hear they make some rad stuff, man.
man, can remember playing Sega Rally for the first time...
Guys has anyone played diablo?
Dudes. Have you heard the new Radiohead?Called the Bends. So fucking rad.
I heard theyre making a 3rd one
I know man! They're new album is fucking sick. Just like that new REM track.
fuck off Michael Jordan
Oh my god user, are you serious? Also, have you ever upgraded dos 3.1
Cheapo at midnight for the new pumpkins album
listen here, summerfags. diablo was released in 1996. so was the realm online. same year.
Radiohead is really coming into their own.
I also heard that one of my local bands are going to get serialized. Tons of Hype for then Third Eye Blind finally drops an album.
Someone knows about those japanese imageboards?
I think an english version would be a great idea
My BBS is still running on 2.11
gotta disconnect from the internet. need to make a phone call on my landline.
I played diablo early access in 1995
Also check
>taking obvious b8 m8 don't h8
I'm 5 so I don't really do much.
This new Playstation thing looks so amazing but shit it is expensive. I wonder how it is like to play games at such amazing graphics and sound with all that CD quality.
My newsgroup is really good for conversation
What is... "You Tube"
Guy's my Gameboy pocket isn't working, I even tried blowing the cartridges
I tried to replay it recently. I was much more patient back then.
Have you picked up that new Pocket Monster for it?
Put it in the oven on 250 for 5 minutes
Why would you buy a playstation when atari jaguar 64 bit masterrace is an option?
>buying a 32bit console when 64bit consoles are out
>do the math peasant
This is gonna be shit
How are you going to turn that side scrolled into 3d. Looks Fake and Gay
I heard they're going to make it illegal to beat up queers. Country is going to hell.
Can't wait for sonic 4, it's gonna be dope!
>caring about Nintendo games
u took da b8 m8
Well considering memories start forming around 5, if you said 2000, then the people who actually remembered it would've been born at least in like 1996
So I just finished playing this, I gotta say, new favorite game.
Tiem to play heroes of might and magic III
Oh god 2000 people dead in Rwanda Massacre
>googled major 1995 events
the year i was born
I'm for and an each scoobi doo
OMG, that is like 8 times more powerful than my current NES (too poor to afford an SNES) thanks for the tip, I will start saving for the Jaguar.
Fuck yeah. Never beat it, was a dumb 6 yr old
What Game was this Brah!
eh... it's pretty boring and long
you could cheat by looking up the code in the fireplace from the beginning but i did legit beat Myst when I was 9 or 10 ( once a week I went to "gifted" class where we played Myst and Sim Tower all day)
Gifted class was always fun
Starcraft is coming up soon(tm), that shit is gonna be big
Bought it off Amazon for 10 bucks. So fucking worth it.
giuz I'm atheist don't tell my mom
I found this VHS hentai in the woods the other day.
blast processing is just a buzzword that the jewish japs at sega came up with to try and compete with the american domination of atari's clearly superior platform
I was in a small school in florida, I was home schooled until 5th grade then started 2 grades ahead. I had to take the stanford binet IQ test and murdered it, honestly mostly because I liked wishbone and knew literary stuff and could do puzzles. So every Monday I got put in gifted where we played with star wars action figures and computer games and basically dicked around. It was a complete waste of time but class was boring so ehh
Holy shit guys, they've released the new player options for D&D, gonna custom class the shit out of my new character!
Like retard gifted or smart gifted? I was in both :^)
fuck, man
they caught timothy mcveigh
you might call that a matter of interpretation