New thread for OP the dizzaholic

New thread for OP the dizzaholic

Other urls found in this thread:,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNH8d7DKKYExlrd3twRadFLtzvUOZA&ust=1463443805396536

Ecstasied dude reportin in

i love how Sup Forums is nice to someone for once and giving not shit advice,

also if you have one of these prepare to orgasm OP,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNH8d7DKKYExlrd3twRadFLtzvUOZA&ust=1463443805396536

san francisco former raver cheking in

kek I wish I had one

whole gangs here yo

Gurns and gum fellow reporting in.
I agree, it's pretty nice. Feel like Sup Forums's drug threads are pretty ok usually though

Sup Forumss full of chill people

also fruit and showers are great ! gonna leave you man gonna go catch some sleep, enjoy yourself matey and good vibes!

besides X and weed, what other drugs are you into? or willing to try?

yeah, this is cool. I just came back to Sup Forums after years, never really used it. Good experience if you can avoid the CP and shit, haha.

oh, taking notes.
Bye man!!

Also lol about the head scratcher thing. If you're ever hanging out with someone on ecstasy (as in, they are). Randomly put your hand on their knee and push it like you would with the headscratcher, reactions are always hilarious because it feels both weird but amazing. Of course don't do it to someone you're not close with because that's creepy

getting touchy feely is great on E

kek you sound experienced with this

Probably done mdma (sometimes mixed with other stuff) like 20-30 times in my life? Idk, a lot of people have a lot more experiance but I guess it's more than enough to know some stuff about it

Yeah, but don't go to second base with someone least you want to frustrate yourself. E dick is a real thing

I thought everyone loved to fuck while on it

Just washed my face btw. That feeling of cold water on the skin... hnnng

Oyeah, fucking in theory is great. If the girl/guy you're with knows you'll most likely be a limp fish and you agree to stop after a certain amount of time it can be a great experience. However if you meet with some person who doesn't know you're on E, or the effects of E at least and then they find your peter looks like it's been sat in a freezer the last 5 years and you can't bust a nut that can be awkward

Also hah, never actually tried showering or using cold water when on it. Will remember for next time

Oh.. well too much alcohol makes something similar to me

True it can do. I've stopped drinking for almost a year though so that's cool

Also on that note don't mix alcohol with mdma. A few beers can be ok but loads of it and you'll be going mental and not in a good way

kek that sounds fun

Also this thread sort of lost momentum :c

One thing I find usually to be great on mdma is just watching funny shit
idk what you find funny but give this a try

yeah.. people must be getting out or going to sleep. Its okay, we've had an interesting conversation!
Topkek the video

>Yeah, but don't go to second base with someone least you want to frustrate yourself. E dick is a real thing

Oh I know dude, very experienced with E. Even just getting a limp dick BJ is great tho. 10/10 would recommend.

Hey user, dude that does mdma about 3 times a year in the last thread here. Smoking a blunt/bowl will help tremendously when you start to come down. Also agree with the user who said sec can be fun but yah limp dick is real as fuck. Took every fiber of my being to cum from the best feeling blow job I've ever had.

fuck that sounds intense. Ive never had sex while high, I feel like it would be a bit wierd

OP, old raver here. You can opt to take more but might want to save it. I would share it with a friend, prefferably a female (can't get rapey tho). When you dose next time, you take all you did today but in one shot. If you can get a scale and measure out .12-.15, that is a great roll.

>Weed on comedowns
It's great. I'm not one to become sad on comedowns but for people who do it can save their mood completely. Also I find going for a walk (10-20 minutes) once you're coming down and getting tired will give you more energy. It's sort of akin to... You know that sort of extreme sense of clarity you have after busting a nut? i get that feel after having gone for a walk after coming down on MDMA. It's the most sober feeling, pretty cool. Might just be me but idk

Sex while high is the best, and yes it can get weird. But it's good weird. I had a girl that was into sub/dom stuff and it was so fun on E.

>can't get rapey tho
I'm deffinetly doing this with some friends. It would be real fun. Although my closest friends are not much into drugs..

mdma is a great first drug. Just tell them to take a small bomb (like an eight of a gram) and say it's not trippy or anything, just makes stuff more fun. Idk if it'd work and don't force it on ppl ofc but, most people who are sort of open-minded about trying stuff usually seem fine with trying ecstasy

I'll have to try the walk next time I'm home doing. Thanks for the suggestion.

lolol that sounds fun

everyone loves a good roll, lol. People that don't really do drugs might trip out though. They start crying and shit.

I hope I can get them to try it. Some of them smoke weed so..
Btw, are you all american?

I am

this guy and no, im in England so will probably go to bed pretty soon

Things are pretty convoluted there. Who do you support for presidency?

england user, were you around for all the fun parties in the 90's/2000's?

I lean towards trump mostly for his immigration policies but not sure if he can be trusted. I will probably not vote. I feel Bernie is the most honest but I cannot support somebody that far on the left.

>were you around for all the fun parties in the 90's/2000's
nah hah I'm 20, they seemed pretty mad but things are still great for parties here.

I'm an american. From the south east. Religious redneck heaven.

My candidate dropped out. I feel like hillary trump are just two sides of the same shitty coin

It amazes me how you guys think he's that far on the left. Democrats are like a right-wing party from here.
Its really strange how different things are between our countries

oh you missed out my friend. The real good years for UK were before my time even, though. Late 80's Uk was popping.

I'm in my early 30s so I came into the scene a little late but did get some raves in during my high school years. 2000-2002 time frame

we are roughly the same age. My years were 99-2001 before the cops destroyed the san francisco scene. It came back a few years later but was never the same.

Yeah, acid raves and all that. Although drugs are common still it seems like something people keep more to themselves now, in smaller groups. No raves in my city at least. But I don't mind, all the drugs I do are fun with small groups of people

Yep, Acid house and the start of Trance.

LSD and E are great for small groups. I was DJ, partied often and still got spooked around larger groups.

Wish I could have experienced that. We had some ok raves in Atlanta. Went down to Miami a couple times

Bernie is farther left than any legitimate candidate, ever. In the US, we are used to a certain thing and he is too far removed from it for me to like him.

>LSD and E are great for small groups
Sure are, and even the two combined. Tried candy flipping twice now and it's something different. Lots of fun, pretty mental.

Also the DJing sounds cool, when was this? 2000s?

>places gun to chin
>top of head comes off
Alriiiiiiiiiiight then

where do i find people IRL to do drugs with. all my friends i smoke weed with think if they start doing acid that theyre going to move onto heroic or crack and dont want to do lsd with me.

Yeah that always annoys me too but I like the general appearance of it.
Have another gif.

The SF scene was AMAZING. There is a movie called "Groove" from that time that you should check out. It is a pretty accurate representation of the scene.

There were TONS of parties every weekend. We would go to like 6 parties on friday thru sunday. Cops almost never showed up because we got all our info online and it was foreign to them. The clearnet was essentially the darknet at that time. When you bought your ticket, you met a stranger at a "mappoint" far from the party, and they would make sure you wernt a cop and then send you to another mappoint to get your ticket...then you found out where the party was, lol.

Idk why the stigma around acid is so massive. Try sending them some videos suggesting it's non-addictive, not physically harmful etc maybe?

I totally understand
Mine kind think that way too.. it sucks

Yeah, i was a bedroom DJ from 2003 til 2008, then I started taking it serious and getting gigs. We also threw parties as well. legal ones and illegal ones.

Fuck I wish my dog was here kek

acid isnt for everybody. some people will never touch it and I dont blame them.

you just have to slip it in their drinks.

ive tried passing on what ive learned through independent research. but they're convinced that if they do LSD theyll evolve into drug addicts by the end of the year.

must be OP, haha

pets know you are rolling and they get high off the vibes, haha

if they have that mentality, acid is not for them.

they will freak out on it due to the baggage.

Can confirm, candyflipped and cuddled with my dog for an hour and he was so fucking cool about it

That channel is really interesting and does good for educating people
yea man I feel that way too. My dog wags his tail by me just looking at him.. dogs are the best thing in the world

fuck thats awesome lol

First time I did mdma was with a sober friend and my dog. It WA sprobably just my imagination but he was so cool to roll with.

I swear, pets know. I like petting females instead tho.

side note, i am sort of new to Sup Forums, I forgot how fucked up this site is. weird threads in /b

first time i did LSD my cat was like my chaperone

bah, the majority of those threads is young people acting edgy

Alright lads, UK user here, have to go waking up in 5 hours. Guy on ecstasy for first time, hope your experiance keeps being great and just take it easy on the comedown.

yeah, im sure it' 99% bullshit.

So far I have seen 2 threads with OPs commiting suicide, and several questionable pics of young girls from FB.

Oh, and cucks...lot's of cucks.

later uk user. thanks for hanging out.

that happened to me once sort of

Oh no doubt giving pleasure when you are rolling is even better than getting pleasure

story time.

Bye man! sleep tight dogger

getting and giving is more my bag. Mostly getting, haha. It all depends on the other person though.

pro-tip, take some cialis (not viagra) before you roll with a woman.

damn im getting tired of seeing traps, lol

It actually works? Any reason to take that and not viagra?

cialis will kinda work. ever man is different and if there is too much amphetamine in the E, you will have a tough time anyway.

viagra and E can kill you. They both give you boners but viagra will drop your blood pressure way too much. dangerous.

I've always been more of a pleaser so the E just increases that urge honestly hut getting is still nice too lol