What's the difference tra Mulatto, Mestizo, Pardo, Half et cetera?
What's the difference tra Mulatto, Mestizo, Pardo, Half et cetera?
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mulatto is half european half black
mestizo is half european half amerindian
pardo is the same as 1
half means you're 50% something and 50% something.
So mestizos and mulattoes are pardos
>pardo is the same as 1
No, no. Pardo is the same as Mestizo. A person wich is mixed with asian, black and white is Mestiça/Parda. A Person wich is mixed with white and native is the same, Mestiça/Parda.
Is there still status associated with one's ancestral lineage? Are there people that pride themselves on being of pure Portuguese descent?
they're all bydlo trash
What about me?
My mother is mulatto
My father have 5/7 European descendant and 2/7 indian
I have a german name but my nipple is brown so my skin
that means someone from Suriname/Antilles with a afro type hair and then we have a hindustaan who is a black with straight hair from Suriname/Antilles
Creole (Crioulo/Criolo) means black people here too.
Las castas, courtesy of conquistador autism
muhh ancestor
you're basically boateng.
Jesus Christ how sad.
Not here at least
Do you mean very old families? Yes.
I've amerindian, black and euro blood.What am I?
Brazilian racemixing's level wins again
mulato is half black half white
mestizo half white half native
pardo I think is triracial, a "brown" person with european, black and native ancestry, like Hugo Chavez for example.
the word used in Spanish in Criollo, not Creole.
i'm not that black. It's just my colour i have some aryan traits
I'm sure they're nice people
It should be noted the casta system is historic and hasn't been observed in a couple of centuries. In Mexico, the terms castizo (3 European grandparents, a single Amerindian one) and coyote (3 Amerindian grandparents, a single European one) arenow simply considered mestizo, a term which itself is no longer commonly used and has been simply replaced with Mexican, which broadly aplies to full blooded Europeans and Amerindians as well.
Mestizo today generally only means some unspecified degree of Amerindian and European admixture, and outside certyain specific contexts (eg discussing history or culture) the term would generally be considered offensive, you wouldn't use it in casual conversation.
It might be different i other Lat Am countries
God fucking dammit, spen was always autistic as fuck.I mean look at this shit. Just look at it
post a mestizo and compare to me, I consider myself ethnic colonial spanish.
t. white person
>I consider myself ethnic colonial spanish
>I mean look at this shit. Just look at it
You have to go back
>ecatepec city is mexico city meme
I see no reason why I should leave as tgihis is a nulti racialist state and I immigrated legally
Actually, that main square today looks like pictured, as in you can literally look at the remains of the largest pyramid in your pic, the other image is not even a part of Mexico City proper.
So Jorge is the pinnacle of Latin American society???
still pretty shit Tbh
>el italiANO
Nah, Jorge is a dumb fuck whose ancestors didn't brave the perils of the new world
Portuguese are stupid, and are the reason Brazil is a shot hole - even worse than Colombia or Venezuela . The only proud people in Brazil are not even really Brazilian, they are the Germans of the south.
You are a Latino - not white.
Usually the more whiter the more successful you are is true in any context as per being a living and shitting/breathing human being my entire life.
I have way more pics than you desu, but I'll save them for another thread.
Nah, the place mostly looks good without cherrypicking, pictured is the main avenue connecting the main square to the Alameda central park, this is Colonial Mexico's main street and was a part of Tenochtitlan, there were once olive groves lining it, planted not long after the fall of the Aztec city. Catedral, the main church in these pictures, was built on top of Quetzalcoatl's temple, the round structure that can be seen in illustrations of the pre-colombine period. Sure, there's some not quite nice areas close by but these are not a part of the original city as is the case with the avenue that runs today over what was once the river of la Merced.
You say that as if it wasn't just as bad in the US as well.
I laugh when people say Americans are racist, they are the least racist I think. When an american see's someone that is able to do a job, and do the job well they will take a shot at the person and hire them doesn't matter what color or race. Mexicans on the other hand will only hire family members or people that are attractive or light skinned, as a matter of fact I prefer working for a white boss than a Mexican boss any day.
You say that as if all Mexicans were the same, and leaving aside that minorities don't get so aggresively targetted by the police here (puin intended) are you nopt aware a guy running on an openly racist and xenophobic platform just got elected to president of the United States?
Hopefully you're legal and we won't have to deal with having you in our society.
Man i remember when cigs were considered edgy
Good times
Now i have to smoke crack to keep up appearances
Nice, and keep your garbage in there