Obscure YouTube Channel Thread

Obscure YouTube Channel Thread

Post your favorite YouTube channels, feel free to post your own, feel free to rag on other people's channels, feel free to post cancer, but always prepare your anus.

I'm going with Digitalcancer, dude's been a little slow on the start, but he's talking shit and I like that. I was triggered by his videos.

Other urls found in this thread:


kuledud3/Breezy is a good one, fanbase is cancer but then again all fanbases are

hackblastard is fuckin great

this guy is a kek
i like his videos for some reason
idk why

OP again, don't let success limit your posts, friends. Bearing is up to 130k subscribers, but the anti fem is strong with this one.

Also, he is a talking bear with a wife who's called sugartits. Also, Sugartits is a good channel.

shit nigger. qu-qu-quaaaaaaaddddddsssssssss

Alchestbreach, he's got a goofy sense of humor that might not appeal to everyone, but I've been watching his videos for 5 years or so and he's my personal favorite



Vsauce aint that bad. It's a nice way to kill 5 minutes till you die

>"is a kek"

Ride the cringe. Follow the link and enjoy the vaping, DJing, Speaker obsessed, Microwaving faggotry on the other side.

I think literally got cancer from that one.

Chop with chris

guy does awsome woodworking

he makes a pedal powered lathe. The speed up sound is my fav.

>takes shit apart, mostly speaks his one made up variation of English
Baron von Grumble
>rides his motorcycle around moaning about stuff


This is actually impressive. like the build is. I concur with the sped up woodworking giggles.

its oddly satisfying


This guy is good at satire, because in the first fucking seconds when he was holding that tie I was rooting for him to choke himself.

He made me cringe, congrats! kek

"Driving cars is like riding bars; too easy for the lemon squeezy."

Stage 3 cancer, very appreciative for the link.

I love this type of comedy.

In a sense its a hyper aware sort of modernism because they take the pieces of what is popularly considered to be art or at least culture, then make the absolute worst choices within the rules and framework of that form to mock it. Birdemic was always called something like post ironic humor, I imagine this goes in the same category. I see the appeal, but I don't get the same kick that I get out of the direct kind of funny.

I couldn't sit through the whole thing. Tried watching the rest of the videos from that channel. I can't understand the depths of autism it took to create such a disturbing collection of videos. This is officially the most disturbing thing on the b since DD.

Oooh, she who shall not be named. So edgy.

Come get him FBI, he said he watched it.

I'm sorry for everything i said, you were right.

Glad you liked our shitty song, we've been trying pretty hard to get it around, not to blow up or anything, just to see if anyone's into it.



I just checked out this guys other video and i found it way better.

I actually opened the cyberbullying psa and it was almost instantly better. Good catch.


Your rhyme scheme has made my poop hard and nubbly, but the feeling is mutual.

I'mma squanch on out of here with the original justin roiland rick and morty video.


Lick my balls, Mharti.