'Why do you hate Muslims so much user? That's really racist.'

'Why do you hate Muslims so much user? That's really racist.'

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Not a race blah blah, but let's say it was. Still fuck em

Well. Allowing muslims in your society means you invite terrorism. Thats the unfortunate truth. It has been said that 99% of muslims are peaceful. That may be true but even if only 1% of muslims are bloodthirsty fanatics it still means a lot of innocents will get hurt or die.

They also tend to be poorly educated and are more likely to live on welfare than whites, creating a drain on the economy.

cause they hide a political agenda consisting of opressing women and basically being shitheads behind a religious shield.
Also theres the rape, violence and welfare shit that western countries succumb too in fear of the leftist rascist calling

To be fair, isnt islam (and therefore muslims) fairly nasty?

It encourages rape, violence, theft, slavery, child prostitution, homophobia and all kinds of nastiness.

Muslims are evil because islam is evil.

Implying that whites aren't the number 1 recipients of welfare programs like SNAP.

Muslims caused the holocaust.

It's because they smell and look like ass

the same reason i hate blacks, asians, hispanics, and everybody else who isn't White. They are subhuman. Animals.

Better question: why shouldn't I hate them?

Nig do you even know how statistics work? Ofcourse there are more white people with welfare in lets say the usa but thats because there are more white people than blacks.

lol love how you insecure whiteys have to constantly remind yourselves(and every one of else) that you are "superior" and everyone else is subhuman. It's like a whiny little bitch that doesn't get what they want and nobody give a shit what they say.... Stay "superior" buddy kek

I'd like to know as well.

What exactly is the upside to having muslims in your country?

stay shitskin, pal

Greater diversity and a vibrant culture!

lower age of consent

Hey whitey, love how you apply that logic to yourselves but are missing that logic when it comes to minority on white violence. Stupid. I know how statistics work. The fact that someone can say that a minority can be more of a drain on society than whites is ridiculous then. By using your logic, there are more of you to fuck things up in this country. Go get an edumacation

Okay, better get back to raping children and beheading your neighbors though, wouldn't want Allah to get angry with you for wasting your time on 4-Chan talking to the infidels.

Hey look I found a picture of you

Bet you look nothing like that drawn picture. You're probably one of the slack jawed, In bred, good for nothin white boys. Don't let me get in the way of you and your imagined superiority.

Muslims are not a race. Instafail for ignorance of what words mean.

You are just jealous of us, the white perfect race.

Would you say the same about allowing other things that are potentially extremely dangerous in the extreme minority into society, like, say, guns?


Christianity encourages much of the same.

Freedom of religion.

Diversity of us being raped, robbed and killed and having weird women running around like black ghosts? Great!

The problem with guns is that if when they are outlawed, only criminals will have guns.

But yeah, i guess that a world entirely free of guns (and muslims) would be preferable to one overrun with said dangers.


Yes. But did you know that some muslims are actually jews in disguise?

Think about it.


So maybe "outlawing" Islam isn't enough then....
maybe it has to be exterminated???


The fact that you have this saved is just proving my point about how insecure you are

Come to Sweden, they receive more welfare than whites.

nuns get to choose to be nuns or not and they won't be killed or leaving


You are completely fucking delusional if thats what you think. The two arent even CLOSE in comparison. I can see that and Im not even religious, youre just fucking stupid.

>Implying muslims are a race
>implying muslim = arab
You da racist.

It kind of was, once. Christianity has caused a lot of damage through history.

Maybe islam will eventually become decent too.

Need help finding the male cumskin...
I just know he's in this thread somewhere!

>Believes every shortcoming in his life is do to conspiracy against his race
>Refuses to improve self, believes world owes him something.

No, thats the niggers.

Absolutely fucking not

>muh diversity
And why should I want that?

>lower age of consent
caveat: must be married
no thanks

>Freedom of religion.
And why should I want that?

Yes. The women who become nuns have alternatives. If she had decided to become a porn actress, she could have done so easily. The ability to do so is called freedom.

Islam is not a race you dumb bitch. And I hate Islam because it's a backwards animistic faith that demands death, slavery, pedophilia, and depriving of human rights

Right, 800 years ago isnt relevant anymore. Stop trying to be edgy. The real enemy isnt Christians or anyone else, its Islam. No other religion is blowing up, raping, murdering, beheading, ect other people. You may complain because christians dont like fags, but at least they arent slaughtering them in the streets. Get off your "hurr durr Christians are evil" shit. Weve got to unite against the real issues.

They have been a declared enemy of the west for 1400 years since they conquered much of its territory and are to this day incompatible with western society.

Yeah, let's have another 800 years of muslim terror attacks. Sound plan.

Islam has temporary marriages for the purpose of screwing prostitutes though.

You marry them for an agreed length of time in exchange for a "dowry", fuck them as much as you want to, then you are automatically divorced.

Its called Nikah mut‘ah.

What? You dont think 800 years of terrorism is a fair exchange for greater diversity and a vibrant culture?

AfD member here. Obviously not and we're doing something about it.

AfD is love. Finally some acceptable party

Happy to hear it.

I actually did a whole bunch of research on this. The biggest reason why Islam didn't splinter into a billion factions like Christianity is language.
In Europe, especially Germany, you have at least three different language families. In the Middle East, you get this straight up Muslim->Quaran->Classical Arabic relationship.

It also is worth mentioning that the ME didn't really get the printing press until very late.

i dont hate muslims and its really rude of you to assume i do out of no place i hope you learn to be less rude in the future

Aktually, vee don't have to do anyssing at all. Ze less we do, ze better. As viss Trump, our politikal rivals are dekonstrukting zemselves already. Fucking morons.

>What is an English?

he is trying and failing to do an german accent in type

I do English, ssank you very much. Don't you like my bootiful German akzent, hmm?

Looks like Dutch feat. Down-Syndrome if anything.

Islam is not a race, it is a religion

i thought it was really bad afrikaans at first but then i realized it was shitty English with a poor attempt at an accent

We're you born with the full package of whatever strain of autism you have, or did it come naturally?

I said and didn't reply. Fucking cancer Samsung.

Well, the girls love it.

1.) It's not racist to hate a religious group. There are black muslims, white muslims, brown muslims, yellow muslims .... And yes there ARE racist muslims.

2.) I don't "hate" muslims personaly any more than other religious groups (cristians, jews, hindus ....) I hate only fanatics. Yes there ARE cristian terrorists in Africa (hate'em), hindu terrorists in India (hate'em aswell), but these groups are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN! And dangerous to maybe neighbouring villages, or local populace. Muslim terrorists on the other hand ... they are the biggest goup BY FAR, the most dangerous group (among fanatical groups) BY FAR, the best armed group BY FAR and the most threatening to western countries ... thus most relevant to my daily life BY FAR.

Add to that that muslims are fastest growing religion. And religion is by DEAFULT irrational way of observing the world and conducting daily life. So when you see other religions declide, and their folowers accepting scientific and progressive world view (striving for peace, human rights, education, scientific pursiuts, energy independence, global warming reduction ...) the muslim religious group are HEADING BACKWARDS towards sheep fucking, witch hunting (Saudi Arabia has witch hunting police for eg.), beheading, praying 5 times a day, shuning education, enslaving, child molesting etc. etc.

So YES! you can see why I would have SOME reservations when dealing with muslims. It's not about their religion ... it's about their PRACTICE of their religion so to clarify:
Not anymore than Cristianity and Judeism. Ever read the Bible? It encourages rape, violence, slavery, child prostitution, homophobia and all kind of nastiness.

The diference between Cristians and Muslims?

Cristians DON'T folow Bibile to the letter (or have you ever stoned someone, sell your daughter, buy daughter of another you raped etc.? I guess not)

But Muslims ... THEY DO! And that's why the hate!!!!!

No they don't

any place on earth that Muslims live peacefully with other religions ?
>when they're minority, they ask more
>when they're majority, they give none.

Because it takes much energy to keep them from raping you. But if you prefer it, I could get another hobby.

Muslims in my country are a threat to our national identity and culture.

no we dont , i think iran have those but i'm not sure, but that would be a hell lot of pain to fuck a prostitute , i would rather jerk off to traps though

you are a threat to their national identity and cultuer too though. Since when does a nation want to relate with a virgin weeb faggot on Sup Forums?

and before this whole shit started, muslims / ottomons were alpha as fuck. Hell, pants were an ottomon invention, albinos use to wear pajamas before then.

>muslims / ottomons were alpha as fuck

utter faggot

Sup Forums is a minority. Retarded one at that. It lives in fear and can't get laid. Since when is their opinion valid. Sup Forums and most internet males in general are beta cucks who have been defeated at life, so they try to blame muslims for them not getting any pussy. ANyways, i am sure the related pic is what your national identity is about.

Yeah, that's wrong.


Also, fuck off, Jew.

Trousers in History. In Asia both women and men have long worn pants for warmth, comfort, and convenience. In Rome and Greece women and men wore tunics. In the fourth century, women in the Western world wore pants, which they adapted from the Persians.

"Persians" are not albinos. Your clothing is actually persian kek and now you call it "White culture". gg

steal shit from every culture that is cool. Mix it up - call it white culture. Let me make it clear, no culture in the world wants the type of ppl Sup Forums are. Me included. We are god's unwanted children. Quit being fgts and blaming ppl for your shit. Accept your a fuckin loser and move on.

>claim to fame: clothing
You know your culture is shit when...
