What is the attraction to this moron, America?

What is the attraction to this moron, America?
Is it just because Hillary's an obnoxious, corrupt, cunt and you will always vote for a Democrat even if they both suck?
What do you think Sanders will do besides rant for 4 years?

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being a foreigner you may not be aware of this, but Hillary is actually a woman.

I know, right? shocking.

>Hillary is actually a woman


I dig him because he's the only major candidate still running who believes in government for the people and by the people. Hillary is an oligarchist, Trump is an oligarch. Sanders is the only lower-case republican or democrat running right now.

The main idea is that Sanders has the ideas that people can back.
>Relocation of tax dollars into stuff that ACTUALLY matters
>Protection of environment for generations to come
>Restrictions on super wealthy so that they don't constantly gain more benefits over and over.
>Increase spending on homeless, impoverished, and overall well-being of Americans
>Reformation of prison system, immigration, government spending, tax rates, welfare, college education rates, and healthcare.

IMO and anyone else that truly follows what Sanders does, it's not free stuff. It's looking at a reallocation and fixation of money that is already being spent, but spending on stuff that actually helps rather than deters.


>What is the attraction to this moron, America?
He actually believes what he says, because he's been saying it for decades and decades, and isn't bought by the wealthy - unlike Trump and Shillary.

And because his policies are economically sound, contrary to what ignorant cuckservatives will tell you.

a president may not be able to accomplish everything they want, but I'd rather have someone there who has shown through their entire life and career to actually care about what happens to regular people - rather than someone who's just there for their own glory and ego and power trip (i.e. Hillary OR Trump - both who only want to be president to be president, not to actually do anything to help normal people.)


I'm glad you think the rich Americans that have the money to do these things will just willingly give up their wealth instead of leaving the country like the rich French and Germans did respectively.

>Relocation of tax dollars into stuff that ACTUALLY matters
>Protection of environment for generations to come
>Restrictions on super wealthy so that they don't constantly gain more benefits over and over.
>Increase spending on homeless, impoverished, and overall well-being of Americans
>Reformation of prison system, immigration, government spending, tax rates, welfare, college education rates, and healthcare.

He ain't running for Dictator. Nobody really wants this shit.

>IMO and anyone else that truly follows what Sanders does, it's not free stuff.

Sanders is literally the only sane choice. Shillary is a robot who was programmed to achieve power. Trump has no real plans, and is basically winging it from interview to interview. Nothing he says he believes in right now matters, because he can just flip flop and call it "negotiating".

Just like he won't build a wall. He will, at best, build a mesh-wire fence and hire a few extra border patrol cops. That's it.

Think about it like this... America is THE top market in the world. They leave now, they lose the market. One of Sanders' focus is to look into how to stop loopholes like outsourcing/cheap labor. "Rich Americans" have the money for it. If they didn't, they shouldn't have their condos, their mansions, their golf parks, their own limousines, maids/butlers, etc.

And go where? This infinite race to the bottom of taxation will never, ever be won. There will always be some tiny country that can just lower it another percentage point.

It's perfectly possible to raise taxes and keep the wealthy, if it's financially beneficial to stay - and it most certainly can be.

>IMO and anyone else that truly follows what Sanders does, it's not free stuff.
Bullshit. Every single fucking sanders supporter you ever talk to will always say "free college" or "free healthcare" as their main reason for voting for him. 100% of the fucking time. The only time people don't say this is when they're called out on it.

>And because his policies are economically sound

>And because his policies are economically sound, contrary to what ignorant cuckservatives will tell you.


You seem very intelligent and your opinion is worth paying attention to.

Yes they do. As a matter of fact the majority does.

Yeah that's one of my favorite things about Sanders. He's been in congress just kind of hanging out and chilling for 20 years, making his way as an independent but backing a lot of other bills and not trying to force much through on his own. He saw that bitch was on track to become president and thought "hm...maybe I can stop that."

We don't need power hungry semi-fascists like Trump or Hillary, we need someone who will restore the presidency to being the executor of congress' wishes.

>because I say so


The fuck are you talking about? Maybe the stupid people, sure. But it's just like the stupid people voting for Trump because "THE WALL NEEDS TO GO UP" or "THEY TAKING MAI JOBS!" It's the same fucking idea.

Everyone knows it costs taxpayer money, but you don't pay for the service upfront

what's so fucking hard for you Teatards to understand about that?

>I don't understand economics but I was told that Sander's plans make no sense by the rich and their crones so I believe that! xD

Yeah, no conservative would ever use that word, eh? You're all ever so rational and would never resort to petty insults. Give me a fucking break.

Fun Fact:

this is an unsourced graphic

Surprisingly, yes people DO want this "shit."

College debt ranges from 30-40k per student average.
Environments are being destroyed daily due to fracking, abuse of land, constantly bombardments of weapons that cause irreparable damage.
Immigration in general needs to be reformed as it takes 7-10 years for someone to legally enter the U.S. and become a citizen, where others are less time ranges. The rich get richer, and the poor get or stay poor. That's an unbalanced system.

Actual conservatives don't use the word cuck or any variation of it.

It's not relocation you fucking retard. His tax plan starts at 9% MORE payroll taxes for the lowest earners and goes up. He is a complete idiot that never got ANYTHING passed in 25 years in congress other than renaming a couple of post offices. Google "what did Bernie Sanders do in Congress" and read whatever liberal nutshit website you want. Nothing he co-sponsored ever passed in 25 fucking years. TERM LIMITS are designed to keep these fucking losers OUT because they aren't doing ANYTHING but wasting our tax money. Jesus you fucking Bernie supporters are as fucking dumb as they get.

>i'm so ignorant of economics I'm supporting the guy who doesn't know what comparative advantage, supply and demand, or collateral are.

>Maybe the stupid people, sure.
There are a lot of stupid Sanders supporters. In fact, I'd argue that anyone who wants to vote for a man who thinks Sweden is a model for our country is a moron.

>Sanders wants the US to be more like Sweden economically and culturally

>Sweden is predicted by the UN to be a 3rd world country by 2030 due to it's economic and cultural policies

>Give me a fucking break.

Pick a bone, Skippy.
I'd be happy to honor your request.

They're so far up their own asses they think they're telling us something we don't know. I think in their heads they play the farmer who tells the city boy what's what in the stories and jokes.

And no true scotsman likes sugar on his porridge.

>magic trees that all the free shit will grow on


>an unbalanced system.
inb4 it's human nature and unchangeable

Also, let's say you wanted to allocate just 80 billion dollars over 10 years to JUST college education. There are around 320 million people. So 8 billion per year, over 10 years, per person is 25 dollars PER person to pay for 80 billion dollars into JUST college education. There is no excuse when 80 billion gets spent almost monthly on military/"defense".

It Bernie by some miracle won the primary, it would be a free win for Trump because "NeverTrump" republicans sure as hell won't vote for Sanders. Hillary has a chance only because she's objectively better than Trump.

And wasted 25 years in Congress doing absolutely nothing. Name one bill he co-sponsored that passed, in 25 fucking years. That's why we need term limits. For these fucking nutjobs who might believe what he says. He was just praising economic successes of Venezuela only 3-4 years ago. Imagine what this fucking asshole idiot could do if he actually could pass laws? We'd be jumping the borders to Mexico and Canada. My god you people are fucking stupid.

Uh user it is a third world country. US didn't want it and neither did Russia.

>Has no research, yet makes claims
>"Liberal nutshit"
Sounds like you're off to a great start! Read his actual plans, then come back. Thanks.

>I make up flaws in people because I can't actually disagree with them
When I say Trump has few to no plans, I'm not making that up. When I say Shillary is bought and paid for by the wealthy, I'm not making it up. When you people come at Bernie with "herp derp socialist = bad xD" you're just making shit up. You're playing to the old Red Scare. "Socialism" as most people understand it clearly works, and is just a matter of how much we want the state to handle. The state can build roads and fight wars just fine. Not perfectly, but more than competently. It's not destined to fail if the government was to take over healthcare, for instance.

Cuck us out of existence

No, you fucking moron. I understand that these things people claim to be "free" are not free. I'm the one saying that "free" college won't be free because it comes from taxpayers. In fact, it even comes from tax increases for the poor and poverty stricken.

It's the Sandersfags who don't understand the difference and fucking claim they won't have to pay a penny because it's the rich people who will do it for them.

>but you don't pay for the service upfront
And paying monthly for cable is free because you're not paying upfront, right?

It starts at 9% more payroll taxes for people who earn minimum wage and goes up from there. It's not fucking relocation you idiots.

I love this argument

Senate experience doesn't count for shit unless you co-sponsor a bunch of bills


Why's he then even getting votes? Why are there countries in Europe with that system? Your logic is bullshit.
>I don't agree, so noone can agree!

oh look
a chart which reflects your total cluelessness about marginal tax rates

>College debt ranges from 30-40k per student average.

Yeah, because your colleges are absolutely fucked. How about you fix that shit instead of having others pay it for you?
Not to mention college means jackshit now.

And Trump supporters will talk about keeping the Mexicans out. Bernie is a fucking idiot who was just praising Venezuela's economic policies a few years ago, how'd that work out?

I'd rather have a man who believes what he says accomplish nothing, than a paid stooge "accomplish" giving more to the wealthy - which is all the other politicians are concerned with at that level. Almost fucking blatantly so. They don't hide the fact that they take millions and billions of dollars from the wealthy. You think those money come with no strings attached? You think Trump and Shillary won't give favours for the countless millions they're raising? Please.

I agree that there are a lot that cannot back up their stuff, but it's the same with Trump and Hillary, and almost any candidate. However, models are there to be models. You don't go for EXACTLY what they have, but you use and adapt to it. With your sites, there are just as many saying the exact opposites :\

the dude could literally idiotocracy off hemps back and still pay off all the debt

His policies are aligned with Venezuela. How's that working out?

actually the middle class would pay more taxes if the rich didn't hoard its money and resources so no

have fun blaming the less fortunate for wanting to change things


Shitty meme. 1stly, it's not true at all, basic logic will tell you as much, and he's not only planning to do taxes on millionaires, also Wall St. And the Uppermiddle class.

Oh look
a faggot who got btfo and is trying to shift goal posts


Nobody in Congress pays any attention to Bernie.

No, entitled fucks like you who want to bankrupt the country so they can get degrees in art history do.

weather itss 2+3 or 6-1 your still gonna get to the same result, Obama being unable to create free health care just shows that weather you vote left or right, your still gonna end up in the middle.


How is trump bought by the wealthy when he doesnt accept donations and is already filthy rich? He makes plenty of money and already had any politician he wanted in his pocket before deciding to run. You may not like what he says (I dont like half of it) but hes as sincere is bernie.

>Environments are being destroyed daily due to fracking, abuse of land, constantly bombardments of weapons that cause irreparable damage.

As a conservative, I really don't like fracking. I hate how so many republicans have a positive opinion of it. :/
Damage due to war is gonna happen anyways. Us pulling out of the ME isn't going to stop the people living there from bombing shit and blowing up oil wells.

he's perfected the model of "convince everyone they'll be on the receiving end of my help, not the giving end"
It's the same bait-and-switch they did with Obamacare.
"Free public college for everyone! But, of course, this means anyone making more than 15k a year will be paying an additional 2% in income taxes, and their wages will be lower because of an additional 2% payroll tax on their company. Oh, and they can't go get jobs easily because the 15 dollar minimum wage has caused automation to erase the low-skilled job market.
But trust me, everyone loves it"

Because he's not talking the language of giving ever more power to the rich. Sanders cares about the people. Not JUST the richest.


He's passed a shitton of amendments. He got an amendment in the bailout which restricted US companies' ability to hire H1-B's. He also worked with McCain to get veteran administration reform. So yeah, there's 2 for ya

>scared of "the rich and their crones"
get off the internet till when you've outgrown your teenaged marxist phase.

Rothbard for Supreme Ruler, Emperor, God King, President & Head of State

>He speaks of magic and free shit.
All these candidates are worthless morons, especially Trump, and this faggot. Hilary knows what to...
And she will flush this country down. She will be the female George W. Bush.


Why the fuck would you ever want some things in your country to be like that of a country that is declining into country wide poverty?
What the hell are you talking about?
>it's not true because I say so


Chilling in Congress for 25 years and cosponsored a couple of bills to rename post offices. What a fucking brilliant career. What a fucking socialist idiot no one takes seriously. Start mention free shit and you entitled fucks start flooding the streets until the Trump supporters kick your fucking pansy ass.

>Your colleges
>inb4 almost every state school in America + private institutions

Fixing it, by what means? The administration in colleges has skyrocketed, professor get laid down and decreased constantly, the entire fucking thing is a mess. By really looking at the system, making more scholarships/grants/etc available, people have a chance to actually gain an education. I'm for a system that doesn't completely cripple you with debt for 10-15 years after that. Cars/Houses are different, as the rates are adjustable (except some houses...), but the loans from student debt aren't as much.


Bernout cucked to BLM and is running against the 2nd amendment. He's literal trash

you're engaged in rhetorical evasion.

>because he's been saying it for decades and decades

Really nigga, because for someone who cries about war a lot he sure signed the country up for a bunch.

He does accept donations retard. He said so himself.

>How is trump bought by the wealthy when he doesnt accept donations
Wrong. He always accepted donations, and now he's raising money like everyone else.

>You may not like what he says (I dont like half of it) but hes as sincere is bernie.
Absolutely fucking absurd. He flip flops from interview to interview. He fucking makes it up on the fly - or says nothing, except "it's gonna be great. Just great. Let me tell you, great. Someone asked me "will it be great?" and I told him, yes, it'll be great. You know, it's not great right now. We can make it great again, like it was. Great.". Over and over and over and over.

No, I agree that the bombings will continue, unfortunately. But us being there, does not help it either. I think that many people only like fracking due to its economic value, nothing more.

Mexicans take minimum wage jobs and actually show up and don't whine like the majority of lazy entitled fucks in the US. I'll take a dozen Mexicans jumping out of a van to put a new roof on my house anyday and it costs less. It's basic fucking common sense.

Great! It as the pinnacle of liberalism. Can't wait for Bernie to Make America Worse Again!

he cares a lot
unfortunately he's economically illiterate, and bad at math and spelling to boot.

>And no true scotsman likes sugar on his porridge.
no seriously, Trump and his fans are pretty explicit about not being conservative. Just a few weeks ago he literally said "This is the republican party not the conservative party."
These neo-nazis who use the term cuck have far more in common with the left than conservatives.

>"Socialism" as most people understand it clearly works
Right. That's why all those poverty and crime ridden South American countries are so successful. Because socialism works.

What a joke.

Ask yourself for one fucking second where all that money from the debt is going, and see what needs fixing.

How come in America you get a debt of 60k while here in the Netherlands I can go to an university and only pay 2k a year?

FDR, motherfucker. Our greatest president. Ended WWII and the Great Depression. Your greatest president? Co-starred with a fucking chimp you bitch.

>the rich has your best interest at heart
Please fucking tell me you're just trolling. They want to cut every single thing that benefits you as much as they possibly can, and cut the taxes they have to pay in the meantime, so they can buy another island or fleet or golden yachts.

Seriously, you can't be fucking real.

you guys should vote for a new congress instead of a new president... is there a fail safe on congress incase it becomes corupt, or would it just be another civil war?
Like the Queen can abolish goverment, but the people must still vote to re-elecct. same as a commanader genreal in say austrila. they hold the powerr to disband goverment, control would fall to them untill a new one was voted in.

China is declining in poverty, yet our businesses try to go there. Japan is declining in birth rates, yet technology comes mainly from there, India is declining in economic value, yet produces some of the smartest doctors (M.D. and STEM) in the entire world. It's not the idea of fully basing it off of the country, but realizing that our system is failing and only helping those who are at the top, rather than helping the majority of people.

He has to say he's against war now because he wants college liberals to vote for him.

The American middle is full of idiots. They notice their wealth is going down but do nothing about it. Every middle class American thinks they're soon to be million who are going through a rough patch.

is that the only word in your vocabulary Teatard?

the problem is the average american thinks "socialism" is just a welfare state, and that "capitalism" is corporatism.
Someone did a poll where they asked millennials if they supported socialism, and a huge amount said yes. but when asked if they supported increased government control over the economy, they said no by a huge margin.

RIght. Bernie is so consistent.
Especially all those times he voted for war.

While somewhat true, it's not fully. Some immigrants will take even lower paying jobs, or jobs that aren't taxed at all and thus only screws over the local economy. Sanders admin would look into this and try to reform it!

I'm a Sanders supporter and his proposal for "free stuff" would not benefit me at all.
I already have very good insurance, and for the line of work I want to go into I don't need to go to college.
The bottom line is he's the only one who acts like a decent human being. He's a good guy who has the intention of making the lives of the average person better.
Can he actually do it? I don't know. But I'd much rather support somebody who's goal is to better the lives of the average person than someone who wants to build a wall.

says that faggot who doesn't know what a marginal tax rate is

>nobody pays attention to me
