Tell a first time shroomer about your Shroom experiences

Tell a first time shroomer about your Shroom experiences

Okay here's the basics OP: shrooms work because they make parts of your brain that don't usually communicate that much start communicating a whole lot more. Your brain being a tool for pattern recognition, this will increase the rate at which you recognize patterns while dropping the fidelity of your pattern recognition. Walls will appear to move as your brain attempts to get a more vague sense of what they look like, and your mind will come to odd and fantastic-seeming conclusions regardless of the sense they actually make.

Shrooms are a great way to get a grasp of the human condition, as long as you don't go in expecting the deep, spiritual revelations to actually be genuine insight themselves. Shrooms show you the limitations and operation of the human brain, not by removing the bullshit haze, but by amplifying it tenfold. You'll walk deeper into Plato's cave, but when you sober up you'll have a better understanding of which way is out.

Also don't drink too much beforehand, that'll fuck you up.

Rolled around in my bed with my girlfriend and listened to music for awhile

How often did you do them? Sounds like you're knowing what you are talking about

Water becomes the most beautiful thing in the world afterwards. Plants become your friends. The geometrical patterns are a lot more clear

If you want to hallucinate, pay attention.

You just didn't take enough

▲ ▲

Was on 2~2.5 how many do you take to have potent hallucinations?

Depends on body size, and if you're going in on an empty stomach or not, ect. If you were to do that same 2.5g in a tea, it would hit you a lot harder, and faster. Though the high itself would be a shorter time.

Do you guys think the halluzination are more than just that? Do you believe in something spiritual

no, don't watch so much tv

Ho to prevent a bad Trip? Are there some Hacks you could share

trip with a cute girl.

Not that guy but... Once for 2 weeks at least. More time the better.

It is experience of "something" right? And what "that thing" is exackly? It depends - for materialist it will be just chemistry. But we dont know if it is not the other way - consciousness in one state produce phisical reaction.

So... What do You think?

If you can remind yourself that bad tripping is a normal process of being human, then you'll be fine. This is for when the depersonalization is too hard to handle.

If your brain speeds off into scary unanswerable questions, remind yourself that they will always be there tomorrow.

If you think that you're dying, lay on your back, stretch and take a couple of deep breaths.

If you start hating yourself immensely and looking back at everything you've done in a distasteful manner remember that this is also normal as you distance yourself from yourself on psychedelics allowing introspection to reach a higher form. Learn from this instead of going into a fit of self loathing and 'who the fuck am I'

I tend to believe it's really more than just some neurons fiering... maybe a door foe our concusiones into another reality

The first night I took an eighth in my parents basement around age 17.
I smoked a pack of those dumbass Marlboro smooths. The moon was very big and the stars were visible . I felt like I could see infinity when I looked at the sky.
I tried to look at pornography but it was kind of confusing. I felt like I understood how every idea is a duality made of two opposing parts.
I tried to sleep at the end, but I felt like I was in hell. Woke up to a sunny day and on my way there I couldn't be gladdrr I wasn't actually damned to he'll.

McKenna - read something from him. And about him. For start. is great place to start and from thers voice material You have access to so many directions. Download, put it on player and listen during travel, walks, etc. Just that. And see how far You can go.

Very good advice.

Wow nice! Thanks for this great tips.

Thank you! I will do this. Is there something else to dive deep in this matter


Believe me, You will feel overwhelmed when You start with this but just give it a try. Be ok with that that You dont know about something. Thats ok. Listen, make sense out what You understand, leave rest and in time You will be astonished many times.

Some suggestions on the initial dose

This is what i drew after LSD. It was something about 600ug.

Don't fucking call it that you cringey sperg

Go with the podcasts from main page. Listen them in order You prefer, believe me it doesnt matter as You will listen to them at least once. Thats that. Do not force Yourself into listening. Be relaxed.

Astonishing beautiful! Is it something you could reproduce when you are sobber and is it possible to compare the effect of Shrooms and LSD?

Too long to write the whole story of my most epic shroomary. synopsis
>be me, experienced shroomer at 17
>newfags start tripping balls early
>fucking newfags, heading to party.
>friends car goes down steep hill
>hold my shit together or 10 minutes.
>force friend to pull over
>5 mile walk on back roads to safe trip house
>apologize to trees for road build between them
>pray for safe passage
>witness lightposts melt to ground as I approach town
>make it back while peaking
>tripping friends cheer

4.5 grams dried psilocybin

Do you know what these are?

Yeahhhh boy ive done shrooms

Did 5gs, tripped balls, table turned into a snake, cracked open an egg and saw the universe in it, washed my hands and cried about the orcas in captivity at seaworld, closed my eyes and went through a wormhole in my body, opened them and I 100% thought I was 6 years old and camping with my family, smoked weed and tripped more, smoked a cigarette and went out of body, really hard to describe what it's like but do it op, you won't have a bad trip if you're with friends as you'll be too happy to feel anything but happiness, how your body and mind feels is the best feeling ever, 10/10 would recommend

Yes You can. There are many art inspired by psychedelics. LSD and shrooms are related. Shrooms are like older woman, lets say around 40 (milf) who knows what it does and know how it does. Shes not hurry, shes very patient and calm. And it will show You everything that need to be seen. LSD is rather the crazy-optimistic kind of girl that is always fascinated about something and verry cheerfull about it, the crazy ride with her will also be memorable :D

If it's your first time growing, wait a couple of days after all the mixture gets covered with mycelium

Why do they have this bluish touch? Got some jars as well, but mine are completely white

Second also after LSD

Nah man its been a couple times. My guess is another 3 weeks before they pin

Only pftek though never learned anything else

For me, the first time was most promising by far. Even after I've tried Acid, Salvia, some DMT 2cb and stuff, this first shroom experience opened a small experience, but so essential for any further use of any drug, or even regular experiences.

To say it was a cosmic revelation of that the universe has its purpose by flowing on and on, is way too much. It wasn't more than just plants waving in the wind. But somehow it was a perfect configuration of place, movement, time, and picture, that made it a key that life has it's natural rhythms.

So, for trying this interesting medicine for the first time, i'd recommend to stay curious... Found out what it does for you. Like love, things come when you won't expect it.


Its all they had, the glass was already stained that color and i didn't think it would make a difference

Are here some experienced growers as well? What techbique is the one with the highest yield?

and this - not finished yet - after Argyreia nervosa

I closed my eyes and witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations, I realized that we were living on a monstrous scale and that more change occurred in a moment than time would allow me to understand. saw myself holding myself in my hand and zoomed out seeing me holding myself. all of a sudden, there I was, looking at my empty hand. time won't lessen your existence only the direction of your soul.

Realy beautiful! Do you have more

Really really love and this Kind of Art! Keep going you're talented

Nice. Great metaphor


No. But i swithced technique. I bought pyrograph and i started burn in wood. Now i made several shamanic runic seals for some of my closest friends.

Thanks. I think im lousy. The things i have before my eyes and what i can capture are just so different. Pic are so weak... That is the experience is worth to have. Seriously.

I like it very much.

I must say i really like work of Cameron Gray


Where are this mindblowing gifs from? Are there more

I think he captures it very good.

Some deep images

Dunno actually. I have them on my hdd and found them on my walks here on Sup Forums

Have several more and different but also very nice.

Pleas dump all you have

How does one acquire shrooms without growing them yourself? I happen to live in one of the three US states that prohibit buying the spores (Georgia) so that option's out. And I don't really have any connections. What do?

Who took shrooms or any other psychedelic in HIGH dose understand it well.

My highiest dose was 1320ug. It was not deep enough. I plan Journey on 2mg i already have a way to get 10mg in crystal. In future, near.

I got super duper depressed, thought I was dead and wanted it to end. 10/11 times I did them. Friends like them though. Good luck.

Dooing that.

I've ordered them at a Spore Ring. In my country they're illegal as well, but it's just an unsuspicious envelope. Order them inntime with high postal Traffic like Christmas or so.

Just find them.

I did shrooms once.
I thought I was hallucinating snow, but then my friends told me it had actually started snowing and holy shit man.
Snow is some next level shit to look at while tripping let me tell you.

You have some shit to work within but You refuse to face it. It will brake Your life if You will still running.

Do you could learn somthing out of this experiences or do you doesn't take them for this Kind of purpose?

OK im not sure if those counts as well.

Heres what happens:

Time feels slow as fuck
Effect lasts 8 hours +
Really relaxed, potentially you get halucinations if the dose is big enough, don't expect to hallucinate though.
Your attention span decreases, everything is simple, or seems simple anyway.
Booze kills it
If you have a fireplace or fountain, warmth is amazing
Fruit is amazing too

Sometimes your thought process can be reduced to that of a child, which is a welcome feeling because it eleviates all worries.


this is good info

want them?

Love them, too! Thank you very much bro

because captcha and all

Ok then

Everything you guys have related to this Kind of pictures and animations

i like this one




last time i did shrooms i did around 3.7g of penis envys, you really only need like 2g of them to trip

took them in my apt and was hanging out with my roommate and his gf, like 45min in i was sitting on the couch starting to trip balls, roommate brought out his didgeridoo and it was really annoying to me that it was there cuz it is so big and noisy but i couldnt say anything cuz i was tripping

then we went out to a concert, my roommate drove, and i couldnt handle even the opener, i thought i was going to die, that my inevitable death was upon me, i had to leave and just walked out and walked home which is like 25min across a university campus

on the walk home i became completely convinced i was going to die, at every street/intersection i thought the cars were going to kill me, at one point i had to pee and thought, fuckit, im gonna die anyway and just stood on the corner watching cars go by and pissed myself, at one fountain i decided to go in but it was cold af so i just got my feet wet

finally made it to my apt alive at 11:56 and thought i was gonna 'die' and just zone out of the matrix and stop existing at 12, that didnt happen so i figured itd take longer so i changed pants, sat on the couch and watched tv, it was an adam sandler movie and i was like damn, of course adam sandler would be on when i die

then my roommate and his gf got home and everything turned awesome, there was a show on that was tripping me out with references to my own life and my friends and it was fucking hilarious then tosh.0 from like 2008 came on and was responding to my thoughts

prob not gonna do that much again

Love you. This will make a great trip


omg guis im fucking stoned so continue with the warpy images

One of them not from me but thx ;)


stoned also here

i freaked out.
had the worst trip of my life.

there isnt much i remember just fear and voices in the dark.

i ended up jumping through a closed window, cut myself up pretty bad and murdered a sheep with a stone.
i awokein a barn, in the arms of the friend who was supposed to guide my trip and keep me safe.
he had a black eye and there was blood everywhere, part mine, part sheeps.

if i had to choose between meth and shroom i will most likely go for meth


if i see this ill lose my mind

you dumbass and you call yourself a shepard

shit man.... Youve gone to far... and by that i mean Within The Self.
