Sex addiction

sex addiction
personality disorders

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Don't cut yourself on that edge


lulz. OP is a transgender with a borderline personality disorder, ADHD and is addicted to sucking cocks.

Must be butthurt.

Social anxiety
Depression (bipolar does tho)

all truth

Adaptation trouble

Autism, with the exception of op

oppositional defiant disorder

heavy legs
fan death



Well, certainly looks like OP's histrionic personality disorder is real.

that fish with bait thing.jpg

Absolutely all psychological "disorders" are complete bullshit.

The ONLY exception being schizophrenia, because that shit is medically treatable.


In a wprld full of retards this man is based.

literally got removed from the DSM

>What's ICD

>social anxiety

Stfu fam

Fibromyalgia and all of the other shit women say they suffer from.

This. The most bullshit "disease" ever invented.

As edgy as this post sounds it may very well be true.

Basically the entire field of psychology is a crap-shoot with extremely lax methodological standards, most of it isn't even reproducible under controlled circumstances.

This. I was almost put on ODD because i refuse to take part in counselling. Its just not right for my health AND they couldnt find a darn thing wrong with me.

I'd have to say depression or anxiety.
It's the ultimate "I don't want to dedicate my life to fake an illness but I REALLY don't wanna work either" disease.

Most cases of depression anyway.
Most of the tine ur just a lil bitch.


Yeah, psychology is just bullshit. Rates of recovery from things like depression and drug addiction are pretty much identical from "the talking cure" and just doing nothing.


Aspergers. No excuses.

There are such things as neurological disorders. Those I recognize.

However, having a bad day, being sad, or being a pussy bitch... these are not medical conditions. That is why psychology is utter bullshit.

should have said psychology/psychiatry

>Still there, in cluster B

I wouldnt call anxiety and depression diseases per se. But they can be cured. Anxiety is just what shy people are. You can cure shyness with medication and just forcing yourself yo be around people all the time. You can't change someone who prefers to be alone and will always be anxious around other people though. I blame how people were brought up on whether or not someone is anxious/shy. Did their parents bring them out of the house ever? Only child? Etc.

Depression isn't a disease but people can be unhappy. Can also be cured with medication and just happy shit happening in one's life. It's natural to feel depressed over things. I blame depression on people bot trying anything new and continuing to feel sorry for themselves. They're more ailments than diseases because you can prevent both diseases and anxiety and depression. You can also cure both. What should they be called if not diseases though? It's a relative term nowadays.

Even psychologists say aspergers is bullshit.

It's the inception of the DSM-IV. Bullshit "doctors" calling out other bullshit "doctors" on their bullshit.

Your a fucking arse hole. I suffer from a personality disorder. And it fucking sucks. Imagine not knowing who you are.
Your an insensitive twat.

None of us know who we are when we're 15 user. That doesn't make it a medical condition.

Cowboy up faggot. Go have your identity crisis somewhere else.

>Anxiety is just what shy people are.

Well there's a difference between general anxiety and social anxiety.

And yeah I agree, both depression and anxiety is very treatable via poppin pills, but also through excercise, meditation, change of attitude etc.

Wtf does that even mean? You lost your ID and can't remember what it fucking said?