Fag hate thread. Guys you know:

Fag hate thread. Guys you know:

Being gay is one thing.
Taking a hard cock up the ass like a man and loving another man is one thing.
Being weird and a rocker and look kinda girly is one thing.
But I can not stand those fucking faggots, that dress as homo as they can just to be faggots. All this genderfluid bullshit. You are disgusting. Like wtf is this "houseofalexzander" shit.

What do you real gay guys think about faggots? Post your worst faggots.

Bumping with more faggotry

I want to punch your disgusting face

i for one cant get into my mind how the american society has come to this state of deterioration. come to russia with your faggotry and we'll see how long you survive in the streets.

What you consider deterioration is, in some ways, what Western civilization has been fighting for for ages. FREEDOM, MOTHERFUCKERS.

Nobody is forcing you to look at these people. Granted, I also fucking hate when I see them parading themselves around like they're something special, but I have a choice to just deal with my own bullshit instead of wasting time and energy hating others and trying to understand why they are what they are.

Just my thoughts.

as if europe was any better. lol


I really dont mind, i mean its not the norm but its out there, ive seen worse and already forgot about it.
The only thing that might trigger me is the fact he wants to act gay in a way that doesnt involve taking fat dicks up his ass.

I bet he even whines when someone attempts to prepare his asshole for insertion but thats just assuming shit at this point. Also if you want to be feminine, why keep the fucking beard?
Really weird.

Freedom from tyranny, not decency.
Get the fuck out.

Kill it with fire, kill them all with fire! We must sterilize those abominations.

It is part of the jewish-muslim coalition anti-christian bullshit. The media is run by jews, these fags are just doing what they think is fashionable, but really it is part of a plot to emasculate the west

That guy looks alright actually.

>we'll see how long you survive in the streets

If anything that just goes to show how degenerate russian society still is.

Decency as seen by tyrants I assume?

Hear, hear.

>trying too hard

where you raped as a kid?

You and your kind are failures. Homosexuality has never been good for a society. It doesn't help that homosexuals are historically leftists.
You're belligerents and should be driven out.

OP, serious question, just to get the full extent of your mentality/hatred.

What if those men you posted didn't have beard? What if they didn't have manly faces? What if they had boobs?

What if they actually looked like girls, but they ha something in-between the legs that you wouldn't realize in a day-to-day basis? Like on the streets and stuff.

pls respond

russia was blessed with beautiful women from rich to poor society

i can really understand why its a crime to be gay there, i hope it stays that way


They're not reproducing, idiot.

What about lesbians who want some of those beautiful blessings?


I will tell you guys something.

For about 12 years I thought I was trans. Legitimately, and to my bones. I've argued with people on Sup Forums, on facebook, on youtube.
I was "one of those" people.
I got the pills too. More on that later.

I lived my life that way, honestly believing I was a tranny.
I don't even remember when I "knew"

but the thing is.
I was wrong.
All these memories I thought I had, they were just self-delusions. I knew I was supposed to have that ah-ha moment so I thought and I thought and I made artificial memories, I fixated so hard on being a good trans person I made myself into one.

I honestly believe no one is born trans, I honestly believe that people dupe themselves the way I duped myself, it all comes down to what you're susceptible to.

I believe it's a Jewish conspiracy, I honestly do. I was on an anti-psychotic drug for 4 years before I 'knew' I was trans. Respridol.
(There was nothing wrong with me)

I developed gynocomastia
My personality changed. My manhood and masculinity destroyed.

I took the hormones for 3 days before I realized that it was a HUGE mistake.

pic related

them spreading their agenda and finding more and more people to join them might as well be considered "reproducing"

Not OP - cis gay dude here.

I could totally deal with that. But when you start with that gender mixing non-binary bullshit it just looks retarded. I mean, I don't care - you do you. Just don't expect love, admiration, and applause from everybody for your "stunning and brave" choices.

I just had this argument with a younger gay friend last night. He was showing me a pic of this guy (dressed as a guy - beard, all that) and when I said "he" I was corrected, because "his" preferred pronouns were "they" because "they" are non-binary. This individual didn't even look androgynous in the least.

Seriously, fuck off with that attention-seeking horseshit.

It's unattractive, they're ruining the appeal, they begin to be too much like women and it's just really unattractive. Not sure why they do it. The worst part is when I see a guy who looks masc and then he opens his mouth and the queeny voice comes out.
Straight people are having gay children. Sterilize yourself

I wonder if they do it specifically to attract the kind of guy who would hatefuck them in a public washroom so they can complain on tumblr about how every man is a rapist.

Failures in the eyes of your Daddy?

There have been many homosexual scientists throughout history too you know, contributing to society?

What do women (beautiful or not) have to do with imprisoning gays for their sexual orientation?

Danke schoen.

I fucking hate this tumblr garbage. Being trans-sexual is a fucking mental illness, and it's being glorified like a Purple Heart or some shit. 99% of the trans cunts I've ever encountered have been entitled, SJW faggots that want shit handed to them on a silver platter.
I get that being gay is a struggle; I am gay, and I went through a fuckload of shit from relatives/friends about it. People - especially zealous religious fuckheads - make life miserable for anyone they happen to disagree with. Hearing these trans faggots screaming their fucking asses off about fuck-all makes my blood boil in a way that nothing else can.
The culture of "I'm a person, so I get shit for drawing breath" is disgusting, and this "trans" horseshit is the epitome of it. If you think you can act like you deserve a medal or something just because you pulled your pussy inside out and called it a prick, then do the rest of the world a favor and hang yourself with your fucking intestines.

Yeah it was a jewish conspiracy. Totally not influenced by what you see on Sup Forums.
Pop another pill

>them spreading their agenda and finding more and more people to join them might as well be considered "reproducing"

And how would sterilizing them stop them from doing that?

I get that civil rights are thing, but screaming "oppression!" because somebody disagrees with whatever gender you happen to be putting on is absolutely disgusting.
Besides, when has the West ever fought for "freedom?" Literally any action by anyone can be boiled down to two possible motivations; religion or cold hard cash (and religion is motivated by gain anyways, even if it's not monetary).
Nobody deserves anything. If you start screaming that you're entitled to things, then fuck yourself with a power drill.

There's no conspiracy, you're just dumb to the point of self-harming.

This is a message to all newfags and cancer currently killing Sup Forums: What the fuck do you think this is, some place where you can just waltz in unannounced and be received with arms wide open? WELL FUCK THAT! This is motherfucking Sup Forums, bitch. WE call the shots. WE ALWAYS get shotgun. WE don't give a fuck who you are, because WE are infinitely more important than you. WE are always first in line. WE rob banks, charities, and ANYONE else who fucking pisses us off. This place is more than just a place, faggot, it is an IDEOLOGY. And this ideology says you need to GET THE FUCK OUT. No one here will ever like you. WE have already established cliques, slop-worthy-hoes, and prop-worthy-bros, GOT IT? WE are the ideology of elitism, exploitation, and lulz. This isn't a fucking game, kid, so don't try to tag along. You're talking to people who have been around the block AND THEN SOME. WE pioneered class. WE made 'cool' cool. And you? What have you done? Jerked off in the shower? WE INVENTED JERKING OFF IN THE SHOWER, you stupid bitch. There is a clear-cut, defined, infinitely thick WALL between you and us. WE built the wall that keeps you fags OUT. So don't try to act like you know what the fuck is going on, because you don't. You just do NOT. But you really think you can compete with Sup Forums? LOL WOW Don't make me start flaming you. Are you forgetting who we are? WE are the ones who film people like you getting fucking destroyed by us. WE will rip your ASSHOLE out of your fucking rectum, STITCH IT on top of your pitiful dick hole, and then fuck you in the VAGINA we just made for you. SO WE MAKE YOU INTO A BITCH. Do you get it now? This site isn't a game, it isn't a place to 'chill' with your fags, and it isn't some fucking haven where people like you can get acceptance from people like US. IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. JUST GTFO

That's pretty specific

He is confusing "sterilizing" with "final solution".

>Fag hate thread.

More like faggot fashion hate thread, most "gay" attention seekers turn back to straight pretty fast once they had to take a dick into either their mouths or ass. The ones who actually enjoyed it or had experience with it are fullblown gays and will never dress like that or just go full trans at this point because they like playing "female", hell most of the time i feel this whole gay confusion consists of people never trying dick but acting like they want to.

He's trying to sound edgy by saying sterilize instead of kill

There's no conspiracy? LOL Then how do you explain the normalization of deviance, the same normalization that follows the Jews where ever they go in the form of their cultural marxism?
Explain that, fag lover. I was put on medication I did not need, for behavioral issues in school that I did not have, and it made me thing I was a way that I was not.
Who pushes those dumb pills for boys in school to force them to "behave" (See, not act like boys)
Who is it who preaches "toxic masculinity"

The Jews.

They're behind feminism and the SJW movement.

Ergo the Jews almost turned me into a trap

Says the belligerent. Neither side - conservative or liberal - can be chosen as the ultimate champions of any given society, because both have massive flaws. Gays haven't always been contributions to society, but they aren't the spawn of the devil, either.
This trans shit, though... that's come about somewhat recently. And it's entitled bullshit that makes me want to garrote every tranny fucker I see. They all scream "We're alive, so we get shit for free!" And I hate it.

Actually she looks like a hot girl

rather look like that then being ugly and fat

You're self loathing.

>I was on an anti-psychotic drug for 4 years before I 'knew' I was trans. Respridol.
>(There was nothing wrong with me)

Found the problem right there. And I assume you're off your meds, hence believing in Jewish conspiracies now? You are aware that part of your psychosis (anything on the schizophrenic spectrum or borderline personality disorder - which I'd bet money you've been diagnosed with one or both) is the belief that notching is wrong with you, right?

>caring this much about other people's fashion choices

That's pretty faggy m8

actually a decent point on Sup Forums... wow

Why is OP samefagging and so fucking mad? Do you know what freedom is? Go suck a cock and enjoy life

I know - that's the conclusion I'm attempting to elicit from him via my questioning.

There's that tyranny


Basically, you have two valuable options
1) get back to your meds and to being a transfagwhatever
2) kill yourself
...cause this conspiracy shit is pathetic and cancerous.

Proceed sir. Perhaps he will answer our inquiries in the affirmative? We shall discover this soon.

Taylor swift?
Always knew he was a man.

>I was on an anti-psychotic drug for 4 years before I 'knew' I was trans. Respridol.
The fuck this happened to me too. What dose? 0.5mg here, but I'm super sensitive to it.

On hormones for a little over a month before I went wtf.

it's not a crime to be gay here kek. also one thing is good looking traps and femboys, and another thing is attention-seeking bearded "women" aka massive fucking faggots. know the difference.

of course you survive, no one will beat you.

No, after 8 years of seeing psychologists and going through programs, my diagnoses was reversed. There's nothing actually wrong with me.

Explain the connection between feminism and the Jews.

It all comes down to who maintains the society best. That is the basic law of nature, survival of the fittest. Even in a civilization, which is meant to be a truce with nature, the law prevails.
Heterosexual, white, Christian (Really, most religions will do), conservative ideas are what has held the Western civilization together for so long.
It was the 1900's that replaced what was good and worked with what sounded good and can never last.
Faggots will last only as long as our society has enough resources left to support their privileged lives.
It is by our society they are able to have these thoughts, this fat acceptance shit(It is by the bounty of our plates they are so well filled), this I can be whatever I want shit, this gimme gimme gimme nonsense.
It will not last, it cannot last.

I did feel much better when I was transitioning though, best I've ever felt.

of course you survive, no one will beat you.

it's not a crime to be gay here kek. also one thing is good looking traps and femboys, and another thing is attention-seeking bearded "women" aka massive fucking faggots. know the difference.

Indeed we shall, if he has the gumption and foresight to respond (or not respond, in knowing he has been intellectually bested).

Yep. I agree. Therefore I tried to specify that as long as they keep from distorting the truth, or unnecessarily victimizing themselves, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

But yes, I also am aggravated at the whole 'ACCEPT ME!' bullshit, even though they ARE being accepted, so get the fuck out of my way.

Tolerance goes both ways.


>There's nothing actually wrong with me.

Maybe not now - but there clearly was. Psychiatric disorders can go into remission with treatment.

>i get civil rights are a thing
>blaa blaa blaa blaa
nice post


hi there, degenerate. you dont know what freedom is. because you want tyranny of degenerates.

These threads are so damn cringeworthy.

Faggots as in... LGB, or just trans? Gay people have been around for centuries, just like straight people. Trans shitheads are new, and I hope they die out in my lifetime.

See? I believe I was on 1.5mg once a day. Thank you for backing me up here.

>calls people autistic
>defends autistic tranny/tumblr logic


I am a gay guy and I think these people are retarded..they make us look bad

Oh, well good for you. I thought long and hard before stopping estro, I realized that I would be giving up too much.
Also, the traits in me they tried to kill, such as aggression I realized they should have taught me when to apply those feelings instead of trying to stamp them out.
If someone breaks into your house, you should be aggressive. Not a simp

General knowledge. Literally any textbook on mental disorders. The DSM 5 has specifiers to classify mental disorders which are in full remission.

I'm educated - halfway through my masters. You can't fuck with my knowledge. Nothing personnell, kid.

Gender is a social construct bro. You got a problem?

No, you don't understand. I FEEL like a woman though!
Therefore, am woman.
QED faggot
git gud

mind your own business, you fucking... faggots.

I suppose. I guess I'm biased; I went through hell as a kid for being gay, and seeing these trans fuckers spout their entitled garbage infuriates me to no end. The greater portion of them are riding the "ooh, I'm a damaged victim" wave that maybe 15% of them actually endured. But that's just me. As long as you aren't a whiny asshat, then do whatever you like.

I mean the tumblr/trans typed, yes.
I realize that most faggots cannot help that they are that way. I do not hate them, I hate what they are.
If I walked in and saw my son doing some gay shit, I wouldn't probe it. I wouldn't even mention it. As long as he kept it under wraps, and I kept it under wraps, I'm perfectly fine with it. On the surface.

im retarded and i think sometimes too

There was nothing wrong with me. I just got into a lot of fights and my official diagnosis was "Opposition defiance disorder"
Which is a fancy way of saying "A kid who doesn't listen"
Because from a young age I learned that adults were full of shit and I'd rather make up my own mind about things.
I never did anything dangerous, beyond climbing trees and shit, normal kid stuff.

I was guilty of asking "why" then rejecting what I was told if the answer wasn't good enough, especially if the answer was "Because I'm an adult and I'm telling you what to do"
I was like "Yeah go fuck yourself, nope"

>not reading the entire post
>criticizing that post
nice post

who is this person, they are cute


Then okay. As long as nobody's shoving shit down each other's throats, then fine, do what you like. The instant people start screaming "oppression!" or "abomination!" is when it turns into annoying bullshit.

>No one is normifying transexuals
>its a conspiracy
>the nose couldnt possibly be behind another case of degenerate shit

alrighty then.jpg

>Be me
>Gay as hell
>But masculine af
>Put on dress for lulz and shave legs to piss people off
>People think im trans or some gender bs

>give a shit about what other people do that has no effect on you whatsoever

get over it. you're the real faggot for letting what kind of clothes somebody wears have any effect on you.

youre as bad as the fucking feminazis

Dude, us right wing bigots might as well pack up and go home. We just got destroyed. Who could disagree with this! it's fucking bulletproof

I don't like it either, but gay culture had been criminalized for decades, it's understandable that they've got strong and weird ways of group identification.


>perception of self doesn't align with reality
>somehow not mental illness
>somehow everyone else's duty to play pretend for them

I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothing, but I'd hatefuck fag2.jpg in a public washroom.


Nice rebuttal tumblrina and or sissy, keep pursuing your art degree and please dont quit your day job.


>on Sup Forums
>doesn't know bailey jay

Actually is not new, it's in many cultures and history, you just don't hear about it because western culture says is wrong and not natural

Daily reminder that anyone that identifies as gender fluid, non binary or queer or whatever, is basically so fucking ugly that no one normal wants to have sex with them, so they've invented a "gender" so that they can claim they're being oppressed and attacked when someone doesn't find them attractive.

>freedom from tyranny
>freedom from tranny

I dunno, his hair is pretty cool


>be me
>Identify as a guy
>looks normal

I dont get ultra faggots at all.