You see a girl being hit by a man in public, you don't know why you just see the aggression

You see a girl being hit by a man in public, you don't know why you just see the aggression.

Choose a reaction:

1 - Intermediately attack the man.
2 - Call the police or scream to try to stop the fight.
3 - You keep walking and mind your own business.
4 - You pull out your cellphone and start recording the beating.
5 - You cheer for the man.
6 - You offer your help to the man to beat the girl properly.

Other urls found in this thread:

1 for me
when i see a girl being hurt i jump to whatever faggot is beating her and i keep hitting him until is barely dead

Yell world star hip hop

1 ofc anything else is not a men

if she is not defending herself it would not be considered "attacking"

6 and then 4

>barely dead
>very much alive


for me if I see a girl being hurt I would literally kill whatever excuse for a human being is hurting her
so yes, 1!

3 obviously, only a white knight faggot would jump in.

However, if the man was nonwhite and the woman was white, then I would go for 1


That's fucking retarded, you have no clue whats going on.


Try to separate them but attack if the guy makes a move at me

I stop the fight, that's it, after I try to understand the shit

whiteknight bait thread

dubs tell the truth
jokes aside I jump to whatever faggot that tries to hurt a women, even if he is just screaming at her, I can stand violence toward women

7. Runaway like a bitch

1 I defended so many girls already, in bars, discos even in restaurants
sometimes they boyfriends piece of shit just scream at her, not acceptable for me, I can't stand women abuse

If u help the girl u are a sexist scum she can fight for herself that's called equal rights. What if you find out she gave him AIDS or she is a he. Mind you're own business

everyone that sais they would do 1 would acctualy do 3
only normal respons is 2 unless you're a nigger

1 always 1
anything else you are NOT a men!

1 is the only correct answer here

If I am in the first world 2
If I'm in the Third World 1
If I'm in the second world 3

The sensible thing to do. Regardless of gender.

Break the fight up.
Tell both to go away.

If you don't know the reason for the fight, don't judge. I hate it when people say there's no reason to hit a women, there is PLENTY of reason you would want to hit someone. That you want to doesn't mean you should, that goes for everything.

Women are not victims, however no one deserves to be fucking beat up.


Normal response in your world, little bitch. Have some balls for once in your miserable life and put your fucking fists up for someone else you gigantic fag. It's sopping wet pussies like you that give men a bad name.

exactly this
any women thats being attacked deserves our protection and any guy who is attacking deserves to die or end up severely injured with permanent damages lol

stupid thread

First option, I will destroy the "man", hell I would even shot him

How the fuck, why?

So if a women slaps a man, then the man slaps the women, the man deserves to die?

Fuck no, if you attack someone you know you cannot take you should be beat. Ofcourse I do agree if she is assaulted but if she initiated the fight then fuck the bitch.

Equal rights, equal fights

grab my baseball bat and hit the shit out of the fag who is hurting her
so yeah 1

>You see a girl being hit by a man in public
learn to read user


Here's the thing - You break up the fight and start hitting the guy, the girl freaks out and turns on you. You get distracted by her and now they are both beating YOUR ass. I've seen this happen twice. Let them deal with their own problems, chances are the guy has been violent in the past and she stays with him.

No. 2.


Here, let me help you bro.

Do you know if she hit him first? Nope, she might have.

Regardless of gender. Break up the fight.

If she attacks the man and the man retaliates, then fuck no, it's her own fucking fault.

As a man you don't attack a stronger man because you know you will get beat most likely. Fuck those women who think they can do whatever they like without taking responsibility for their actions simply because they are female.

You forgot:

7 - Remember it's all rehearsed.

Yeah, but in reverse order ofc

of course
you never touch a women NEVER, no matter what!

See this, is how a men react when a women slaps him

hope it's trolling

This you Sup Forumstards can't even protect yours fat asses for bullies, will be able to protect a girl.

Your a pussy of a man if you can't take a hit from a woman. Physically your stronger than her, yet your going to fight her like a bitch. I bet you wouldn't even go toe-to-toe with another man.

grow balls
no girl will be hurt ever under my sight
I go ape crazy when I see violence toward a girl

Coward. Bitch ass. Put your panties on and go to sleep.

generally if i see a fight that's one sided, meaning one person is clearly and aggressively beating someone who is not fighting back because they don't want to or they're physically incapable (man or woman) i'd probably do what i could to pull the attacker off. i think it's cowardly to harm people simply because you are able to physically overpower them. if i get attacked in the process i'll fight back, but i'm not just gonna leave someone mercilessly beating someone else, regardless of age, location, or gender

exactly bro, this is how to deal with that, if he would even try to push her I would literally kill him

stop samefagging op, no one cares how much of an alpha you think you are

thats how a men handles it, respect for that


I intermediately rape the man, then I make a sandwich for the woman, then I beat the woman for not making me a sandwich, then I rape the bystanders, then I intermediate a 360 and crawl away.

perfect example and I agree with you completely



Just skimmed through that vid, but seems like the guy is consenting to being slapped.

I know you're just trolling but, posting this for relevance

Hah, faggot
The sanctity of women is long gone, if someone physically assaults me you bet your ass I'mm gonna defend myself.

Based on your logic women are holy beings instead of humans. Fuck no, treat me like this women did in that video and you will get knocked the fuck out, I'm not gonna let anyone hit me and neither should you just because it's a male or a female.


so in your opinion if the woman slap the guy and the guy start to beat the hell out of her both are equally wrong? and both behaviors are equivalent?
review your concepts user

Haha, having this level of autism.

If you want to alpha, then you think like alpha. Beta max bitch.

I bet you live in your parent's basement thinking all women are sacred you fucking fag. If someone hits you you you defend yourself. Male or female doesn't matter

Also when she cheated on him? Or destroyed his life ? Or has been harrassing him ? Or beat up his sister ? Or took away his child ? Or beat up his car ? Or..?

typical comment of an abuser
I would like to see you even pushing a girl
you will end in the floor chocking with your own blood

1 is a retarded choice because for all you know this woman will immediately stab you in the neck for attacking "her love" While women are great to snuggle up to they by and large are emotion driven and not terribly rational.

2. Shine a light on a cockroach and it scurries underneath a fridge. Yelling and drawing attention to the fight is retarded because you will have a million thirsty white knights show up and turn a simple assault into a messy brawl.

3. Even if I legitimately hated the woman I would do something because a beating in broad day light is nigger tier behavior and should not be tolerated.

4. The only sane option after you have contacted the police on the down low...this provides the legal system with an unblinking non partial record of the crime taking place.

5. hur durr edgelord

6. Not even bismuth has this many edges.

Fag with a lot of mouth that can't take a hit. I bet you're the type that stays away from anything remotely dangerous.

it doesn't matter
like other user said
you never ever EVER hit a girl
also you should never even rise your voice toward her
thats how it is

Obviously there is a difference. No one deserves to be beaten to a pulp and obviously the retaliation should be measured to the ammount of agression received. If she hits the man and the man physically restrains the women or hits the women in equal measure that's perfectly acceptable.

Note my first comment, the best course of action is to break up the fight, and not judge who the agressor is, however women are not holy and both men and women should treat each other with respect, but if someone attacks me im definitely defending myself regardless of gender


2 - jump in and get them away from each other and find out what's going on

Please make an attempt to explain autism.

Lol that is absurd. I treat everyone equally and with respect and i expect the same treatment from others. I don't like fighting and am well trained in Aikido and Karate so I know how to control myself.

If someone attacks me, I will defend myself in equal measure, regardless of gender. It has nothing to do with abuse

2, but not screaming. just try to de-escalate it depending, tell the man there is a time and place to do such things, no one wants to see you or your womans shit problems out in public

>I can stand violence toward women

Learn to mind your own business you beta cuck faggot. I know you center your whole life on how you can devote yourself to women, but please fuck off.

Also, in todays day and age, if you start beating the guy, you will be in jail right next to him.

Any woman that ain't my family, ain't one of my friends, or ain't my gf,
isn't worth expending my energy on and wasting my time and effort on.
That is, all women except the women i choose in my life and my family, can fuck off.
Fuck off altruism, fuck off to shit hell.


The honest response

Have a little chuckle but yea

Im a leicester fan ama


Since this is an image board, I cannot prove anything but I'll say this.

Preventing a fight is the best course of action, defending yourself from any physical harm is a human right. The gender of the agressor is not important and defending yourself in equal measure is different from beating someone to a pulp. I'm not advocating violence but you have to be able to defend yourself against attackers regardless of gender, I'm sure you agree

3.Why would i enterfiere with others people life? also women want to be treated "equally" so fck it she can defend herself,but if i see the shit is out of control i would probably call the police

if elder
1 then call the cops
Explaination why?
There is a lot of young and middle aged sluts, and beating usually happens in relationship. She gets beaten on her own will as she stays with the dude, if its random situation on the street i obviously do the 2nd option (niggers always option 1)

i dont really care cause i know nobody would help me as well, thats why i mind my own business only sluts always get what they deserve, innocent will never be hit.

Yeah it fucking does, if a girl just shot my daughter and is holding me at gunpoint, I won't let myself get shot just because the person holding the gun has a pussy

Aikido is a fucking joke I hope You know tja You get scammed by bullshido

lol yeah, i'm pretty sure if you were in a third world country you would start a fight with a stranger, you're not very smart are you?



Pick one

44 years old, 3 sister 3 brothers, 6 niece's, 5 nephews. I have more experience in my left nut than you do in your entire life. The rule I was raised with is you don't hit a female. Anybody touches the ones in my family and one of the males are going to do jail time. Been there done that.

Intense negotiations.

Nicely done, focussing on a martial art instead of answering my rebuttal. It proves my point and makes you look like a massive faggot

I stand there and watch. Think about doing something depending on whether or not he relents. If he doesn't probably just shout something to the effect of "what the fuck are you doing?" Maybe if the dude looks like a pussy i'll go over and throw my weight around, but probably not. I'm pretty selfish and lazy

devils quads ruining white knight bullshit

Thats stupid, are you implying that you cannot think for yourself? Your rule aldo implies that a women can hit a man without consequence, that is ridiculous.

Your rule should be you don't hit anyone, and if you do expect the consequences.

But by all means go on protecting those princessess, i detest people who don't accept consequences for their own actions. It'll make society better I'm sure

Checked, devils quads confirm that the hammer of justice is unisex

How about...
7: film myself beating the crap outta the dude for Anons laughs here later that day

>barely dead
Hahahahhahahaha faggot.

I agree with you user, the problem with that rule is that it gives women the impression they can do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it. I've seen it so many times that these women drive a man insane with verbal abuse, and then expect them to forget. I think hitting anyone is wrong but man do i understand the urge to just smack em about a bit

for god sakes, THE GIRL IS BEING HIT again BEING HIT BY A MAN IN PUBLIC, so is this case you have (if you are a true man) stand up for the girl( or call the police or whatever) since in this case SHE IS THE VULNERABLE.

I keep walking and don't get involved
none of my concern
not my problem
im kind of a pacifist

>be me and my cousin 3 years ago
>walking near my house
>see guy (about 25) hitting a girl (probably 22)
>full blown out punches in the face
>she falls to the ground
>start kicking her in the head
>my cousin screams
>I was totally nope.pdf
>he runs to help her
>I just keep walking
>he grabs the guy and pulls him back
>he stops
>my cousin calls the police
>police and ambulance arrives
>she makes a complain against the guy
>she claims she was beaten by the both of them
>my cousin gets arrested
>gets a criminal record
>got to pay $7000

top fucking kek


2. I wouldn't know what the fuck is going on, but I couldn't stand there while someone gets beat up. I'd try to break up a fight between two men, too. Cops can figure that shit out. I'd stick around and watch the cops, but not long enough for any of that shit to be my problem.

3. Used to be 1, but these whores deserve a beating once in a while. Who am i to judge?