You guys want to troll someone?

You guys want to troll someone?

I'm German-blooded, I am DEFINITELY not a Nazi, and she offends the crap out of my.

I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a lesbian.

I don't normally come here, but I feel that you guys are my only hope to get this... Cancer off the internet, forever.

Her YouTube name is Evalion. She's a homophobic, racist neo-Nazi. In one of her videos, on 4/20, she celebrated HITLER'S. BIRTHDAY.

I'm not gonna go on. Sup Forums, you wanna troll her? Do it. Please. Pic related, it's her. Here's what info I have on her.

She's 18, I have no idea where she lives or what her number[s] are, I know you guys are great at that.

I mentioned her YouTube, but here's a link, aswell as to other shit:

Her YouTube:

Her Twitter:

Her Reddit name:

On Reddit, she moderates these:


tl;dr witchhunt this cunt you beautiful bastards.

Other urls found in this thread:

No one gives a shit about your problems, OP.


I'd love to troll the fuck outta this bitch but I gotta sleep rn

There's always tomorrow.

Evalion is Queen.

>I'm one of her worst nightmares, too, being a lesbian.
What a snowflake you are.

Said no one with the brain capacity of anything more than a dead monkey ever.

Wow thanks for telling me about this bitch, dyke. Entertaining af

Is she really a nazi girl, homophobic, xenophobic and so on, or is she just an attention whore and stupid white trash?

No problemo, you dirty faggot.

If she's the latter, she personifies this line from Saints Row The Third:

"People can go a long way to be assholes."

Hey OP, how does it feel to know that you're the cancer of society?

We are not your personal army

your choice, don't do it if you don't want to

She is legit. Leave her alone, pathetic race traitors.

I wouldn't know, faggot. I'm not Evalion.



Refer to my post about mentalities of dead monkies, cockbreath.

thanks for turning me on to her, she is right!


Enjoy your cancer, fucknut.

Meanwhile, in nigger Africa...

Depending on "EVIL WHITEY" to survive. We WHITES are keeping these nigger baboons alive, with all the contributions, food donations, and peace keeping.

Stupid niggers. Brought it on themselves. Thank goodness they are dying from aids, poverty, famine and genocide. If a nation (or continent in this case) can't look after itself, then let it go. Its NOT our responsibility or obligation. We should pull out of Africa, cut off all relief and peace keeping efforts and let natural selection play its part.

As for niggers in America...

We still don't owe these stupid niggers anything. We give them so much, and they return the favor with crime and degeneracy. Murder, robbery, rape, and drug dealing are the only significant and noticeable things they've done to impact society. They don't contribute anything. American niggers need to shut the fuck up and be fucking thankful that whitey dragged his great-great-great-grandpa's ass here all the way from monkey nigger Africa. Here in the USA, the stupidest, laziest, most worthless niggers don't even have to work! They receive free first-world education (which they gladly throw away), healthcare, clean running water, electricity, food stamps, welfare, child support, nigger scholarships, the list goes on and on, but combine all that with booze, KFC, guns, dope and hoes, Its fucking nigger heaven! We've poured BILLIONS of dollars in supporting these ungrateful niggers. And yet they STILL have the audacity to demand for more, and fucking complain about unfairness and discrimination. Open your fucking eyes, people. Niggers are leeches, a parasite attached to white society. Taking in so much, but giving absolutely nothing positive in return.

We don't owe you filthy fucking niggers anything. You owe us.

Stahp postin leafy

Fucking attention whore

Also i really dig her

8/8 for making me reply. Cmon guys how stupid are you, do you believe a human being going to a racist imageboard to have an adorable racist taken down?

Agreed. Tits or GTFO. Pic related.

NYPA faggot, I can't believe people still do this on Sup Forums


>racist imageboard
my sides


boobs or gtfo op

we don't care about helping u why should we

this is not about helping OP, this is about making this racist lil bitch commit suicide from floods of hate

i want to get her pregnant.

>people like you for being a girl because they want to fuck you
that's a completely noncontradictory statement user

This is now a Nazi appreciation thread

if you hate niggers and jews, listen to my new song

Some may say that I'm a "Racist", but defining what or who a "Racist" is [to me] is a very subjective, relative and perceptive "thing" to "quantify", as the "scales" one or another may or may not use to measure and/or define who is or is not a "Racist" is determined by a number of variables:

* Location
* Experiences
* History
* Time/Situation
* Status
* Color [Race]
* Religion
* Political party
* Peers

Am I a "Racist" because:

* I like being "White"
* I believe "Minorities" cause [overall] more trouble than "Whites"?
* I feel the "scales" are becoming more unbalanced in favor of "Minorities"?
* I think "Racism" is becoming much more extreme/present against "Whites"?
* It is time for "Whites" to stand and not be "marginalized" or intimidated?
* I'm tired of being blamed for the "Minorities'" lot in life just because I'm "White"?
* I carry guns and will use them if necessary against "Minorities" who threaten me?
* I don't think it is unreasonable for "like minded Whites" to congregate in self preservation?

I do not:

* Think "English" should be treated as a "2nd language"
* Want to kill any "Minorities" [self defense excluded]
* Have respect for fools, cowards and the ignorant
* Feel I "owe" "Minorities" any more than my own "Kind"
* Want "Illegals" to have any "Rights" [except to leave]
* Feel guilty for being successful
* Want "Gangs" to be allowed to exist [I like "Militias" though]
* Accept Progressive/Liberal views/opinions on "Minorities"
* Believe I should have to pay to support "unsuccessful" "Minorities"
* Accept that I should "lay down" while "Minorities" "take over" America
* Believe "Whites" would be treated fairly by "Minorities" in "Majority" power

I do not believe that all of the above makes me a "Racist", but [rather] a sane, logical, fair and intelligent man. Now if all "this" makes me a "Racist", then this country is in much worse trouble than I fear it is now.

I don't know why you fucking retarded faggots admire a looser as adolf hitler
He couldn't do a single thing right
You are just a fucking looser as he was


Spain reporting

I mean, he did knock off 6 million of those dirty kikes, ridding us of a small part of the problem

Sup Forums is not your army
also half the people will now try to bread with this gal who believes in the Fuhrer's truth

Shill pls leave.

Meanwhile, in Russia...

OP is right

OP is a /literal/ faggot

>being a lesbian.
tits or gtfo






weirdest synchronized swimming i've ever seen.

Like a lot of people in Sup Forums


she's 5000% a plant or a troll.


OP, while I aggree with you, you have sadly awoken the trolls of Sup Forums

and I AM german and i dont give a damn about her stupid opinion...get triggered somewhere else...

Subscribed and followed, this cunt is hilarious. We should send her fan letters from like black girls and lesbians and stuff, really piss her off xD

Jews will get the whites to genocide themselves.



Listen OP, we aren't gonna do it. Nobody on Sup Forums will ever attack anyone, especially a grill, who likes Hitler.


she may actually be a plant, since she follows and is followed back by KKK's on social media, isn't it just a great time to be alive



Fine. You fuckers want tits? Here. No face, you're lucky you're getting tits.

But he didn't finish the job
We have to deal with
The problem now days
Also he got his ass kicked
For a true great leader as Stalin was
Like a said you neo nazi are just a butch of disaffected frustrated and lame faggots

>being a lesbian
tits or gtfo

German blooded

lol what so you think does that mean? right nothing

prob amerifag on identity raid

Estupido gachupin
Para esos racistas
Come mierda ustedes
Los ibericos son solo
Eropeos de tercera clase


well, you don't have to leave, but we're still not gonna do it

>fat porker
>no timestamp


ehhh i'm not crazy about the glossy finish

id give her a 5 out of 7

Nobody is going to help you here you fat fuck

Stop trying to falseflag yourself bitch. No one here is interested in making you look like the victim that you so wish were.

imagine russia would have like :,, so we are superior race lets start some wars instead of ending them...,, would be great time for europe i guess ...


and this

You disgusting pig bitch.

You desecrate the Fuhrer's good name and you're a disgusting narwhal? God damn the day you were born. Peasant dyke.

you single? i'm also a lesbian who browses b

Race war?


obligatory; tits or gtfo

wew lad

saddest thing i read so far

Fuck you left winged faggot, you're whats wronf with this world!

not your personal army, tits or gtfo,blah blah

This is some gay fucking shit. You're a faggot.

Stfu she's hòoooooooot

jeah something like this...

give us some tits without a timestamp? stupid pork you are. and by the way, welcome to Sup Forums, just once when you leave, never fucking come back.

fuck off homoniggerjew

lol im subscribbed to her

you realized that everyone on this site is just as bad as her you fucking newfag

Fuck you fucking facha

>no time stamp
time for you to get the fuck out


She's a nazi, she runs on hate like its diesel.
Anyway, 8/8 would suck on her unnaturally enlarged, swollen nazi clit.