Please remove these videos of Ivy

Please remove these videos of Ivy
This is sad and humiliating for her and this is enabling cyberbullying
This is flat out badgering a person on the internet
Why take it this far? What do you have to gain? This isn't b8or spam. This is concern for her wellbeing
And whoever keeps posting her nudes is in big trouble

I never understand how people can pick on and try to not understand

Oh lol forgot about her, not like its going to change anything
And was there nudes? Post pls

Fuck you

Bitch has to be retarded if she fell for it

Fuck off faggot

Wtf happened in the past 10 years that made everyone so fucking soft, if you didn't want the internet to know about your incontinence don't post it on the fucking internet.

fuck off op go back to the plush box dream world you live in with the other feminists and mlp faggots.

No no no


Its because of idiots like you plastering the videos all over YouTube for EVERYONE to see. People are only going to know of her because of this. And that is not how you want to be remembered
Not only that but making fun of a physically disableded person because they have bladder issues is foul play and needs to stop


Less PC shit more nudes.

We hadn't any idea she was a disableded person.


She has severe kidney problems idiot


What the fuck?

op here

>sucks dicks and swallows

She had kidney problems?...
Damn... That just makes it more hilarious
stupid cunt had it coming

FUCK that shits pretty funny right there

this is a great YLYL

for fucks sake its just a fetish video, not piss for equality

Id bang her, even if shes forced to wear that

Jesus titty fucking christ, when did humans become this weak filth?


Sup Forums is getting soft in its old age...