Roll dubs and I will post my IP, I'm moving in a week, so do what you want with it until then

Roll dubs and I will post my IP, I'm moving in a week, so do what you want with it until then.

Other urls found in this thread:




What is an ip

I don't know but I think people will hack you with it





check em


If you have an ip you can hack the fbi but only if you have l33t skillz


1337 5|

OP, here nice job getting dubs my ip address 127.0.01 do with it what you wish


Hey bro use this to get him

U srs?

What is it?

It's loic u newfag

Fuckers don't use LOIC
that's a gateway program to get you listed on the FBI watchlist so don't be stupid.

What's wrong with loic?
Are you scared?

Read what he said you autist

"Warning! Malware Detected"

thanck, but no

No, i'm just not a retard like you pal.
LOIC was good in 2007-2009

1 of 5 2 of 5 3 of 5 4 of 5 5 of 5
It's not a virus, nor Trojan. Virus scans are positive because it contains utility to forge TCP/UDP packets in huge quantities (aka LOIC or MAIN FUNCTION OF THIS UTILITY?), which are also used in legit viruses creating Bot Nets.

Oh ok then

>Being this inept with computers

This makes me want to do a 360 and walk away

Why ain't it now, Why not use hoic

Well go on ahead buddy, use it no one is stopping you, well the FBI might but that's ok, right ?

U do realize you will walk into your computer if you do a 360....


It's a meme you dip

So many script kiddies, why not just code you're own ddos style program


Falling for b8...

Is that a hacker program?


You can say that,


What does that do who did u buy it from

lol it's not a bought program it's self made :)

Prepare for the storm kiddo

How new?
Nice looking program friendo which programming language did you use? I made denial of service program in Java not too long ago to test how well prepared my site is from ddosers.

Sorry for not downloading software linked on Sup Forums that even the download website says is fucking malware

>local host
you're not even trying newfag

Not me

Microsoft batch file language

Keep the thread alive I'm op I'll post my ip when I get back in an hour you guys win

No, you're not worth it anymore