The fuck does this say Sup Forums?

the fuck does this say Sup Forums?

The future is here

"deez nuts"

OP is a faggot desu


>try to bomb the harbor

unrelated roll


Watashidachi wa koko ni aru.

I can't read kanji for shit.

unrelated reroll


>this is true


It says "the future is here" but the wording is wrong, in this context "future" would be an object


its upside-down...........

O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-
JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-
E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-
JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA

Mirai wa koko ni aru.

Inhale deeply when the nerve gas is released.

It says "Go home all weeaboos"

"Try as you might, you'll never be accepted as a Nihon-jin, round eyes"

It says "mirai" meaning "future" you super massive faggot


You the guy that posted another article of clothing with a mix of kana/kanji last week? Just go to It has a dictionary and you can build kanji by clicking on radicals until it works.

Quads have spoken

I'd like to see where you're getting this idea of objects

Now OP can copypaste it into google translate instead of relying on Sup Forums giving an accurate, non-trollish answer

this is true actually, but i'm an actual japfag and i can't really think off an accurate translation

how bout this one now

more like "koko ni aru" implies a location. Like, "the future is here, in my closet"
You would probably say something like "未来は今" the future is now

>(You) related
[smug slightly embarrassed smiley] [thumb, index and middle finger were only that didn't get smashed]

Okay now this is just getting dumb. Are we being tricked into doing someone's homework? Is he trying to impress a Japanese girl with his cultural knowledge?

I see. I'm still still a novice who mixes up similar kana, much less understands that kind of subtlety. Thanks.

急げ - hurry up or similar

"I eat ass"

nawe, i just have a weeb sweaterthat has shit on it i dont knowhow to read lol. just got curious and im too lazy to look elsewhere.

Just go to in the future. Use the kanji radicals to make the right shape, and use one of a billion kana charts to copy+paste the rest. Put them into Google translate and you'll get a halfway reliable answer most of the time. Enough to get the idea. If it seems weird, run it through the dictionary or a more general search.

yeah there are some words, and even figures of speech that will translate literally and others that will just sound retarded

I like those ones that sound weird; gives a good insight into how people think.


lols. i knew i married a japanese woman for a reason.

wtf are you my dad