YWYL - you want you lose. what ever happened to these threads. get her going

YWYL - you want you lose. what ever happened to these threads. get her going



Just because


the end of racism, for i dont keep getting rejected at job interviews just because im a black male

dat bait

please god


That pic reminds me of captain planet.

Nope, i have a graphic design degree and everything. Im really dark skinned and big so white nerds are scared of me or think im stupid because im black


Just imagine all the blanket fort goodness that can be made with this.





dad detected

>You wish to be cute anime girl

a gf



pic related, I want this bird


Saiga 12ga with M203 40mm grenade launcher undermounted.


Hack the next place you apply for to show them your skillz and their weakness


now i see why these threads stopped getting made. Sup Forums fucking sucks now.



too old

bumping af


Stfu and poast, nigger


bumping af2

bumping af3

When I looked at that pic, I hadn't read what you wrote yet, all I could think was; I would like friends like those.

lost hard

bumping af4

bumping af5

lost :^)

bumping af6



bumping af7



absolutely inconspicuous

Tv is too small...


bumping af8

lost. i need to strangle her unconscius with that cord what i'm inside her feeling her pussy clamping down on my cock.

bumping af9




What the fuck

I want moot to come back

o shit thats awesome

Agreed, I'd get a projector in there

bumping af10

I'm an American and this is disgusting af


bumping af11

>Confirmation bias.

Maybe your portfolio just really isn't up to par.

You can buy rats at your local pet store.

bumping af12

just buy picks, these things suck ass. my friend uses this and the picks feel like shit

do not want


maybe there is chicken grease on your application?


I hope those short on her and she gets third degree burns and the glass gets stuck under her skin when it shatters.

you don't get rejected because you have dark skin. Its your shithead attitude about everything you come in contact with. and how if you don't qualify for a job, its because youre black. someone infront of you in line at burger king? racism
someone had an appointment at the hairdresser, and you were waiting half n hour, n they just came in out of no where and now you have to wait again? racism..
its the fact that you don't understand how appointments work, or credentials, or anything at all
for niggers everything is race based.. that's why we don't like niggers. its the attitude and that will never change and youll never understand it either.

bumping af13


Sup Forums - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

bumping af14


i wanna sleep in a hammock all day on a lonely island and just eat coconut and banana

Wtf this monstrosity takes double the space it should and is incredibly impractical when compared to either bed or couch. Why would anyone want this shit?

Because encryption is just too fucking hard...

I know! A Cypher!

got one in Korea years ago very neat ring

bumping af15

can you fried that one a pan?

I want it to be over.

I lose...

i have a pic made like this, the card is too thick, i cant play with it

What white men consider decency, black men consider weakness.


bumping af16


ive been spelling like a retard lately

Who wouldn't want a couchboat...

bumping af17

is that where people keep their gfs?


Y'know I was thinking the same thing

>lose to OP pic
>look at purpose of couch
>imagine group of friends socializing
>see me among friends
>tfw I have no friends
>tfw I'll never use this
>tfw I'll never fill that setting

bumping af18